
Diploma leve 6 Part D assignment Essay

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NEBOSH National Diploma in
Occupational Health and Safety

Unit D Assignment

Submission Date: 10 September 2012



1 Executive Summary

2 Introduction 2.1 Aims and objectives 2.2 Methodology 2.3 Description of the organisation 2.4 Legal environment

3 Description of the health and safety management system 3.1 Pencro SEL health and safety management system 3.2 Other documentation 3.3 Meetings 3.4 Attitude Survey 3.5 Work placement 3.6 Gap analysis

4 Hazard identification 4.1 Physical hazards 4.2 Health and welfare hazards

5 Risk assessment (Working at height) 5.1 Risk …show more content…

If PSEL carry on with current practices they can expect direct costs such as sick pay, fines, legal costs and repair costs. Indirect costs, which are costlier in the long term, include the loss of orders, disruption to production, low morale and loss of reputation. Not all loss can be indemnified, after injury or ill health, uninsurable expenses may include legal costs, temporary labour and down time. If the cost of an accident and/or ill health is added up it is certain that it will be less expensive to implement the recommendations put forward in this report. It is strongly advised that this report is considered, acted upon, and used as the impetus for change.

Section 2 Introduction

2.1 Aims and objectives

The aim of this report is to carry out a detailed review of the Health and Safety performance within PSEL and to produce a justified action plan in order to improve performance standards.

To achieve this aim the following objectives will have to be met;

Gain an in-depth understanding of PSEL

Understand fully the legal environment within which PSEL operates

Study the current health and safety management system (HSMS)

Critically review the HSMS, identifying weaknesses and strengths in all areas

Identify and prioritise significant physical hazards and hazards appropriate to health and welfare

Conduct a full risk assessment of the highest priority physical hazard and health and welfare hazard,

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