The direct cause of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria at Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, so the assassination of him was the thing that pushed the button on the ticking time bomb that detonated and caused the war. The Austrians saw the assassination as a perfect reason to make war against Serbia, as Austrians were still upset and bitter over the Balkan Wars. Along with the assassination many other factors contributed to the tension that began the war. The system of alliances meant that if one country was upset by another, then their allied countries were upset too. The crises before 1914 forged alliances between the main countries in the war. The Moroccan Crisis pushed Britain and France to ally together, and Austria and Germany created a strong alliance during the Bosnian Crisis. Austrian and Russian relations were poor over the rivalry they had over the Balkans, which The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. The Triple Entente consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. Another factor was Militarism, almost all of the countries had increased …show more content…
The battlefield was called ‘No-Man’s-Land’ because no man ever made it out. The trenches were also disgusting. The trenches were full of mud, disease, and death. More than 200, 000 men died during the war and a third of those deaths were caused by disease. The horrible conditions were exemplified in both Indiana Jones and War Horse, both of these movies depict horrible deaths. In the movie War Horse Joey gets tangled in the barb wire and they have to cut him free. Once Joey gets to a doctor they tell the guy taking care of his that he has tetanus, which means any soldier who gets cut by the barb wire was going to get tetanus. It makes me sick thinking about what these soldiers had to go through when they were just trying to help and save other
World War 1 was caused by long term tensions between European nations. This followed the unsuccessful attempt of France trying to achieve dominance in Europe. However on the 28th June 1914 there was an assassination of the Austrian heir- Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s, in his visit in Sara Jevo, Serbia. (Dugan 2000) Figure 2 shows an artist’s illustration of the Heir, his wife and the assassin during the attack. This resulted in Austria declaring war on Serbia. Russia soon pledged an alliance with Serbia, this was not long after Germany declared war on Russia. (Dugan 2000)
It all began with an assassination,by a Serbian nationalist on June 28, 1914 in the Balkans. The Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot and killed in his own vehicle, which sparked war between Russia and Germany and the alliances that went along with it. The Allies consisted of France, Great Britain, Russia, The United States and Italy, while The Central Powers consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The underlying cause of World War I consisted of three reasons, Militarism and Alliances as well as Imperialism being the most important.
World War 1 was the first total war that the world had ever gone through. World war 1 began on July 28, 1914, and lasted till November 11, of 1918, lasting over 4 years producing over 10 million casualties. The main question is “What was the underlying cause of World war 1?” this is asking what were the causes that led to the war. There were a few causes to world war 1, the most underlying cause was militarism. Militarism was the most impactful reason for the war, and what ultimately pulled the last straw.
There were many underlying causes for World War I which was also known as the Great War. This war lasted four years from 1914 to 1918. So, what were some things they did to try to prevent this war and who were the alliances? Also, what were the causes for World War I? Who declared war on who and why?
The assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist is probably the most immediate cause of World War 1. When Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, who had an alliance with Russia. When Russia began to mobilize its troops to protect Serbia from Austria-Hungary, Germany, (who was allied with Austria-Hungary) declared war on Russia. In turn, France, allied with Russia, joined the war against Germany. When Germany attacked France through Belgium, it drew Britain, allied with France and Belgium, into the war against Germany. After a while, other countries
World War I was the first world war and was also called the war to end all wars. This war caused many wives to become widows and left other families sad for their lose. The war lasted about 4 years and involved two alliances, the Triple alliance and the Triple Entente. World War I was harsh but what was the main cause of the war? The main cause for World War I was militarism.
One of the biggest events that had led to World War I is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. A Serbian civilian killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Austria-Hungarians were outraged by the assassination and felt like this was a call for war. However before the war started, the German decided to take the side of the Austria-Hungarians and the Russians, French and British (The Triple Entente) decided to take side of the Serbians. The German’s attacked Belgium to set off the French and infuriate them and this led to the World
On June 28, 1914 Archduke Ferdinad and his wife were assassinated when visiting Sarajevo , Bosina by a Serbian member . Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28th. That was the immediate cause of World War I but there was a bigger reason. World War I began August 1, 1914. There are four main reasons that sparked this war. The four main causes were militarism, alliances , imperialism , and nationalism . Militarism is when a country has to keep a strong military and prepare for war . Soldiers should be ready to defend themselves from enemies at the other trench. Alliances were agreements countries formed to protect one another . In 1914 there were two types of alliances. It was a Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. Germany, Austria-Hungary ,and Italy were part of the Triple Alliance. Great Britain, Russia ,and France were part of the Triple Entente. They've made promises that they will protect one another in their group. Where one country fights the other joins. When world war one starts the group changes. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire became the Central Powers. Great Britain Russia and France became the Allies. Italy left the Central Powers because they accuse their former alliance for unjustifiy of starting the war so Italy joined the Allies. Imperialism is to dominate another country like how Austria did Serbia. Austria provided Serbia with several demands. Serbia listened to most of them but not all. That is what caused the tension between these
In World War 1, the Allies fought against the Central powers. The direct cause of World War 1 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary blamed the Serbian government for the attack. As Russia supported Serbia, an Austro-Hungarian
World War I was a tragic episode in European history. As with most wars, there were some causes that led to this event. A few of these causes were militarism, alliances, and imperialism. The first spark of the war was on June 28, 1914 when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand. The Austrian leaders demanded an apology from Serbia, they got upset and Russia said they would help Serbia. With no apology and the threat of Russia, on June 28 Austria-Hungary declared war on them; Russia in return declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia, France on both Germany and Austria-Hungary. Finally Britain had joined France and Russia, then all of Europe was at war.
Great War, also known as The First World War, lasted for four year (1914 to 1918). It brought a huge development of war technics and weapons. More number of countries had been involved in the Great War than any previous war. It involved the mobilization of the whole nations, not just an enormous army that turned the war into a “total war”. (Clare 6) However, historians are still arguing about the major cause of the World War I. The major cause will be one of the four long-term causes of WWI, which are Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism, and Nationalism. In my opinion, the two major causes would be Alliance and Nationalism. Alliance is an association between two or more countries for mutual benefits that formed with different treaties, while
World War 1 (better known as The Great War), was caused by a great many elements, some long-term, some short-term and the spark. Together these reasons created a brutal war involving many countries across the globe and also killing a vast number of the world’s population. In this essay, I will thoroughly explain what started this war and which reasons made it start sooner.
Europe in the 20th century was a continent full of world powers. Countries such as Britain and Germany had control of countless of colonies. As the power of the nations increased, they quickly became more and more intimidating to other countries. To ensure that they stood a chance against those strong countries in wars, other nations formed alliances with each other and glorified war. This resulted in a strong sense of nationalism in those countries. These actions only increased the tension between countries, eventually leading to the outbreak of the Great War. World War I was caused by the nationalism, militarism, and the alliances between nations.
Alliances between countries that was the first main cause of World War 1. It was the formation that had a significant impact on World War 1. “The problem that the Alliances had was Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was assassinated on June 28, 1914, by Gavrilo Princip, igniting a conflict that led to World War 1 and made a larger problem”. The other problem was between the Triple Alliances and the Triple Entente. The countries that were in the Triple Alliance was Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy and for the Triple Entente was Russia, France, and the United Kingdom. Germany was worried about having to fight a war on two fronts or two different borders, but the fear was not justified because France and Russia are against Germany and Russia was larger than Germany. In document B “The Crime Of The Ages.
World War I, a war that started out locally in Europe between Austria-Hungary and Serbia that later ended up including thirty two different nations. This war has been around for almost a century and yet the causes of it are still being debated. There are many different scenarios that have been considered. Some of the key reasons that were believed to have instigated WWI were nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and an arrangement of treaties. Also the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was believed to be one of the immediate causes.