It is illegal to harass applicants or employees because he or she has a disability or had a disability. The law put strict limits on employers when it comes to asking applicants about their medical history. A pre-employment inquiry about a disability is only required when required by another Federal law or regulation such as those that cover disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era.
“Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Title I does not allow any private employers, local, and state governments, labor unions and employment agencies from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in job application procedures, firing, hiring, job training, advancement and other terms, privileges, and conditions of employment” (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Paralyzed Veterans of America is a nonprofit organization serving for veterans founded in 1946. This foundation, unlike other ones, has developed a unique and deep research on the diverse and several issues that veterans have been going through when suffering spinal cord injuries or dysfunctions produced at war times. Paralyzed Veterans of America was born when a group of soldiers injured at World War II reunited to service their disable fellows. Paralyzed Veterans of America recruits members with energy, experience, dedication and passion to enhance the aims of the organization.
A general unpopular opinion swept through America and intensified through the twenty years of the Vietnam War. In past wars, a soldier’s friends and family looked forwards to seeing their loved one return home. Up until the Vietnam War, veterans were treated with an immense amount of respect for the sacrifices they made for their country. However, the Vietnam veterans were received with resentment, and were often left to readjust to society alone. The veterans were isolated from the rest of society, leaving them without a community to provide support economically and emotionally as they transitioned back to civilian life
This report aims to find and discuss about the problems that the Vietnamese war veterans face and at the end there will be ways that can help, how they were treated and viewed by their fellow countrymen when they returned back home. How did it impact Countries/governments and who protested against the Vietnam War. All these question will be answered on the main paragraphs bellow.
There are over 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that are seeking compensation for injuries they claim are related to their military service. That is over double the 21 percent of veterans that filed service-connected claims after the Gulf War in the early 1990s. Additionally, these new veterans are claiming on average eight to nine issues and the most recent ones received by the VA are claiming 11 to 14 ailments. In comparison, the Vietnam veterans are averaging compensation for fewer than four ailments and those from World War II and Korea average only two.
Once reviewing the following policy, I have conducted that this policy wishes to give disabled veterans or their spouses, if they have passed away while on duty, a property tax relief. For a disable veteran to be qualified, the veteran must have been honorably discharged at the end of their military career, while also being determined having become permanently disabled. The Property Tax relief from what I have seen also has no age cap for the veterans or spouses who try to receive the Exclusion, which is good for the people applying so they are unable to be phased out by age. For the spouse to receive the benefit they must either be the spouse of a disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a veteran who has unfortunately died as a condition of service while in the line of duty. However this is one of my biggest problems with the Property Tax relief, it states that only spouses of deceased emergency personal officer are allowed to qualify for the Exclusion if they have not remarried. I understand this could seem that it is fair, however I do not consider it right to forbid someone to remarry especially after they have lived through the traumatic experience of losing their spouse. In this it appears as if they remarry, they are no longer truly connected to their former spouse, which for some could be farther from the truth. If someone had lost a person who they had loved and marry, I believe it is their right to claim this Exclusion even if they have become remarried. Yes, some
Home is not always a good place to be greeted from after coming back from a long, gory, and devastating war. The Veterans of the Vietnam War fought without a choice on the battlefield on Vietnam land. They were forced to hold back their opinions and do what they were told to do, which is to serve the country of America, home to them and many other Americans, in any way possible. Throughout their time in this war, they felt overwhelmed as horrifying events played out in front of them, such as the deaths of fellow soldiers. However, even as they were serving their country to the best of their ability, Vietnam soldiers were treated unfairly when they returned home from war.
How did a Vietnam soldier's life change during and after the war. Society had a lot of different views regarding the soldiers and the war. When coming home veterans faced many distinct challenges. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial helped to heal the nation. The Vietnam War had a major impact on the United States and the soldiers who fought in it.
Wars are fought for freedom and independence and usually when soldiers come home we receive them with open arms ready to praise them and thank them for putting their lives on the line. If you were asked to describe a soldier, you’d probably say heroic, brave, courageous, or honorable. After the Vietnam War, parades weren’t the welcoming soldiers got; instead, they were shunned and booed at.
According to Gary Dessler, “employers with 15 or more workers are prohibited from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities with regard to applications, hiring, discharge, compensation, advancement, training, or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. It also says that employers must make ‘reasonable accommodations’ for physical or mental limitations unless doing so imposes an ‘undue hardship’ on the business.” It not only prohibits discrimination in employment but also outlaws most physical barriers in public accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and government services.
America's veterans, they have laid their life on the line in ways only they will ever know. They have survived living nightmares and are left with permanent scars. Some of these scars are easy to see, others are too deep, all are painful. They have come home to emptiness and desolation. Many come home to no home at all. They are left living on the streets and struggling to find work, or simply deal with life after war. America's veteran's deserve better than this. America's veterans deserve better care and aid through more housing programs, higher health care standards and greater counseling opportunities.
“The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is home to the United States’ largest integrated health care system” (Mason e.t. al 2016). Because of technological and medical advancement, surviving injuries from war has lead to a greater need for post deployment and discharge care. I often hear the phrase “Freedom is not free”; the mental health of our active duty soldiers and veterans is one area that ends up costing America. Some lose time with their families, some are injured physically and mentally, and some lose their lives.
People with disabilities have become an integral part of the workforce. The ADA forbids discrimination against people with disabilities when recruiting, hiring, training, and compensating employees (Sotoa & Kleiner, 2013). The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental and establishes requirements for telecommunications relay services (activities (Stryker, R. (2013). Employers are not allowed to ask employees if they have a disability. The employers are not allowed to ask employees with disabilities to undergo a medical exam before an offer of employment unless all applicants are required to take the same exam (Kaye, Jans, & Jones,
United States veterans have risked their lives in order to give us all the freedom we have today, yet they are struggling in the society we have today and are forced to live on the streets. One major issue in our world today is the increasing number of how many veterans are homeless. After researching I have found the five most commonly discussed topics in this subject are; the number of homeless veterans in the whole United States, the different causes of veterans homelessness, the statistics of different races, ages, and sexes affected, if these people are being helped by the government or community-based support groups, and finally the homeless veteran populations around the United States. Veteran homelessness is an important issue in the world we live in today because of the amount of people who are affected, the causes for it have to do with our society today, there is a broad variation of people who are affected, citizens should be aware of which groups/programs are helping and how, and lastly, the populations of homeless veterans in states of the United States.
Pornography has been around for ages and has always been a controversial subject. Pornography is the depiction of sexual objects that are designed to give pleasure to those who read, see, hear or handle these objects. This ethics report will focus on individuals that are at least 18 years old which is the legal voting age and whether watching pornography is wrong. Heterosexual pornography will be the focus. Pornography has been around for hundreds or possibly thousands of years. The depictions initially were in the forms of sculptures, paintings and even in cave drawings. The issue is important a person of the legal age should be allowed legally to have their personal enjoyment in the privacy of their home and not feel as if they are doing anything wrong. Critics say that it is immoral, sinful, nasty and not ethical to view pornography. This report will discuss my views the Cultural Relativist views, how a Divine Command Theorist might view, the Aristotelian view and the Hobbesian Contractarian. Mutual sex from consenting adults should not be viewed as lewd and obscene. We have a choice on what we do as law abiding citizens.