
Disadvantages Of Colonialism

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Throughout history there are many accounts of civilizations being taken over or colonized. Colonialism is defined by as, “the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people.” Another source says that colonialism is the maintenance and establishment of rule over an outside group of people seperate from the original ruling people. Basically, when one government takes over and sets up their own ruling government in an area previously inhabited by another group, colonies are formed. There have been many historical instances where a culture’s identity has been stripped by another group of people. There are also instances where a culture as benefited from colonization.
In one area of the world, during the 1800’s one such situation generated a lot of attention because of colonization in Nigeria. The Kingdom of Benin was in power when a tragedy struck their culture. According to Khan Academy, Great Britain caused an uproar among the Nigerian people:
So in 1897 the British sent an armed expedition which captured the king of Benin, destroyed his palace and took away large quantities of sculpture and regalia, including works in wood, ivory and especially brass. Some of these things came from royal altars for the king’s ancestors, but among them were a large number of cast brass plaques made to decorate the wooden pillars of the palace. (1)
The British, in response to an envoy being slaughtered, came in and killed the king of Benin. Because they destroyed the precious artifacts, some of the Benin Kingdoms’ culture was lost to memory. The novel, written by Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, follows the tragedy of a hero from the Ibo culture of Nigeria. “Obierka, who had been gazing sadly at his friend’s dangling body, turned suddenly to the District Commissioner and said ferociously: “That man was one of the greatest men in Umuofia. You drove him to kill himself; and now he will be burned like a dog…” (Achebe 208) At this point in the novel the main character, Okonkwo, has hung himself because he feels that there is nothing he can do in regards to the Europeans settling in their village. This supports the notion that colonialism strips a people of their culture.

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