Crumple Zones Crumple zones are a safety feature in many cars that can greatly reduce the impact of crashes. They are a feature that saves lives, and as humans advance in technology, crumple zones are improving to reduce the impact of crashes by even more. "Car Safety Pictures" 10 September 2008. 27 July 2017 Crumple zones reduce the force in a crash when they deform and crumple. This is a very effective way of reducing force because it redistributes the force of the crash around the car, as well as increasing the time taken for the car to come to a stop. When the car stops, the people inside continue travelling in the same direction as before the car stopped. People are injured when this happens when they come into contact with …show more content…
As well as other features, car crumple zones greatly improve the the safety of a vehicle. There are very few disadvantages to having a new and working car crumple zone. The disadvantages are: After a collision, the cost of repairs to the vehicle is greatly increased. Because crumple zones are so effective, often even minor crashes must be repaired. Crumple zones also have to be kept up to date because of road safety regulations. This is an extra expense, and also makes selling cars with old safety systems difficult. In conclusion, it is very advantageous to have a new and working crumple zone. Car crumple zones greatly reduce the force that reaches the occupant of the car by redistributing the force of the collision around the car, and increasing the time taken for the car to stop. Redistributed force means that less of the force of the impact makes it to the occupant of the vehicle, and increased time taken for the car to stop means that the force of the collision is actually lowered. All of this makes it less likely for people to be injured in crashes, so crumple zones make vehicles
Finally, the third reason is a breach of warranty claim. The law implies a warranty by a manufacturer which places its product on the market that the product is reasonably fit for the ordinary purpose for which it was intended. If it is, in fact, defective and not reasonably fit to be used for its intended purpose, the warranty is breached. Ultimately, Nancy Denny won because the court found that defendant had, “breached its implied warranty of merchantability and that the breach was the proximate cause of Nancy Denny's injuries”. Ford may have avoided these liabilities had they marketed the vehicles manual towards off road only, or had they proved product safety was “reasonable” to drive in ordinary circumstances.
The crumple zone works by increasing time taken for the car lets say moving 70mph hitting a wall.. to 0mph. the deceleration is in a very short amount of time in a matter of seconds.. what the crumple zone does is that
Before entering a sharp curve, the kinetic energy of the moving car is very high, to prepare for this curve, the driver can slow down the vehicle to reduce its kinetic energy to stay safe.
Auto collisions once in a while end well. Somebody is harmed, costly vehicles are demolished, and more regrettable case situation somebody bites the dust. In a current crash, one individual unfortunately kicked the bucket and two other individuals must be hospitalized after a pile up in the Westwood region on a Tuesday morning.
In doing so, transportation safety will increase. Current cars are already semi-automated with various technologies. The editor’s claim that in coming years the current limited technologies will be just the tip of the iceberg, since radar and laser sensors, and car-to-car computer communications will be available.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration branch of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s released its Commercial Motor Vehicle Facts report in March 2013; that in 2012, there were 5,700,000 Commercial drivers operating in the United States and a total of 504,093 interstate freight carriers operating. There was also a total of 15,465 intrastate hazardous material carriers on the highway. In 2012 alone, there were 75,542 carriers permitted to drive on the highway and roughly an equal amount in 2011, with 75,519. The importance of all of these statistics is that with the ever-growing number of commercial vehicles on the road, the amount of accidents increase as well. In 2011, 3,757 traffic crash victims were killed in a crash with a large truck and nearly 88,000 were injured. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled is .136 for large trucks and busses and the injury rate is 3.8. The estimated costs of commercial motor vehicle crashes totaled $87 billion; with $39 billion from fatal crashes, $32 billion from injury crashes and $16 billion from property damage only crashes. Not all of these accidents and fatalities are commercial carriers fault, because there are other drivers on the road that are distracted or under the influence for instance, but there can be extra precautions taken to decrease the amount of crashes and damage. Decreasing the wait time, also known as detention time, at shipping and receiving facilities, allows the drivers to be driving
Crumple zones are designed to deform and crumple during a collision to keep the drivers and passengers of
“When an expert evaluates safety, a car's size and weight go into the testing criteria in addition to the structural strength and material. These are important parts to what's known as a vehicle's crashing strength no matter how technologically advanced a vehicle is.” In a front end collision, the front end is the part of the car that takes in the most impact. A longer and bigger
frequency or cost of accidents. This is the case despite the obvious benefits of antilock brakes in
All too often, motorists throughout Southern California, and elsewhere, are involved in collisions with large commercial vehicles. The effects of such crashes are often devastating for the occupants of passenger automobiles. This is due, in large part, to the size differential between their vehicles and tractor trailers. The California Highway Patrol reports that 278 people were killed in truck accidents in 2013 alone, and more than 7,500 people were injured. While some truck-car wrecks are not avoidable, there are things that drivers can do to help share the roads safely.
In addition, the stopping distance is longer considering the weight factor of the vehicle. Both these issues make this automobile very dangerous to the driver, passengers, other motorist, pedestrians, and small furry animals. On the other hand, the lower center of gravity that the car has to offer makes this vehicle less likely to roll over. There is also a shorter stopping distance for the car considering the weight of the car is much lighter.
cceleration)). This law is in relation to crumple zones as the crumple zone decelerates and the force in which the person in the car would feel. Crumple zones and Newton’s Laws do relate to each other. As the car contents an object, it will cause the car to come to a stop or slow down gradually (1st Law). The car has a certain amount of force, which can be calculated by Newton’s 2nd Law. The result of the car’s mass and its acceleration. Because the force can be lowered by making the impact over a longer time, by making the crumple zone collapse slowly instead of an instant collision that barely decelerates, which means that the people in the car aren’t as badly affected as they would’ve been if there was no crumple zone the force is lessened
Basically the higher the speed of a vehicle, the more difficult collision avoidance becomes and the greater the damage if a collision does occur.
Along with accidents not only comes a little headache or a broken bone, but injuries that stay with you forever such as whiplash and brain damage. Most brain damage incidents occur when you are involved in a side impact collision and the side of your head hits the glass (brain injury). Side impact airbags are just one of the many ways in which this type of life threatening injury can be avoided (whiplash). There is also whiplash, which hurls your head violently, and usually results in long term disability. Since whiplash is so hard to avoid, it can only be avoided by reducing the number of accidents on the streets. Also one of the most painful and most traumatizing injuries that we encounter in accidents are bone fractures, which occur in 65% of all accidents (Bush 11). So in turn by making these cars safer we can all avoid these painful, traumatizing, life-threatening injuries.
Car accidents can happen to drivers anytime, anywhere. "According to the National Safety Council, which stated that more than 2.5 million collisions back every year, making it the most common type of car accidents, it is also known that the accident rear end as incidents of injury, because the nature of the collision leads often in whiplash injury the driver in the car in front and about 20% of people who participated in a rear collision injury symptoms of this kind. ", (NHTSA, Among the car accidents, the teenage group is the only age group who is number of deaths is increasing instead of decreasing. Also, all the people are exposed to risk and actually every one of them has got car