SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is one of the most versatile instruments available for the examination and analysis of the microstructure morphology and chemical composition characterizations. It is necessary to know the basic principles of light optics in order to understand the fundamentals of electron microscopy. Light microscopy has been, and continues to be, of great importance to scientific research. Since the discovery that electrons can be deflected by the magnetic field in numerous experiments in the 1890s [1], electron microscopy has been developed by replacing the light source with high energy electron beam. The radius of Airy disk is defined as the distance between the first-order peak
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In addition to those signals that are utilized to form an image, a number of other signals are produced when an electron beam strikes a sample, including the emission of characteristic x-rays, Auger electrons, and cathodoluminescence
3.3 Advantages and disadvantages of SEM
In part, it is true that Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) present a many advantages, the more important are: (i) higher resolution of visualization microbial biofilms (Walker et al.,
2001) than other imaging techniques, typically 3.5 nm, (ii) able to measure and quantify data in three dimensions. However, this technique utilizes graded solvents (alcohol, acetone, and xylene) to gradually dehydrate the specimen prior to examination, since water of hydration is not compatible with the vacuum used with the electron beam. While any pretreatment can alter specimen morphology, drying appears to significantly alter biofilms due to EPS polymers collapsing (Fassel & Edmiston, 1999; Little et al., 1991). The dehydration process results in significant sample distortion and artifacts; the extracellular polymeric substances, which are approximately 95% water and the liquid loss led them to appear more like
The illuminating parts of a microscope enable us to see the detail of the subject placed under the microscope. The three main parts that enable us to do this are: the condenser which illuminates the object that is placed under the microscope, the objectives which forms the magnified image, and the eyepiece which enables us to see the magnified
2) Electron Microscope (EM) uses a beam of electrons to resolve electrons, better resolving powers than light microscope M:100,000x RP 0,2 nanometer
To make the specimen compatible with both forms of advanced microscopy, they sufficiently prepared samples by coupling the specimen with a fluorescence that was also conductive. This technique was accomplished with the FlouroNanogold label, which contains gold nanoparticles covalently bonded to a fluorescence label. That way, the LM worked as well as the EM for the same set of kinetochores that were being studied. The Hec1 protein was stained in this case because this protein naturally delineates the structures to be studied.
BSP, S. (2010). How is EM different from light microscopy? Retrieved April 25, 2015, from
The digital microscope Keyence VHX-5000 is a method, which is easy to handle and supports research with high-resolution images and the calculation of 3D-surface-models. Several functions make it easy and quick to work with: The 3D-function also allows clear 2D images of a rough surface, because all levels are focused automatically and a sharp image of all levels will be created. This function makes it easy to analyse deep cuts, which can be only partially focused in light microscopy or electron microscopy. To calculate a 3D- surface-model the lower and upper border of the depth of interest has to be determined, by focusing on these levels. Between these borders a level difference of five microns were chosen. In other words, after every scan the lens moves five microns from the sample away.
First, we discovered that we should start with low power objective to observe. To focus the image, use the coarse adjustment knob to adjust it. When looking at high power objectives, the fine adjustment knob can be used. Also we discovered that when you move the slide towards you, it appears to move away. When observing the letter “e”, we discovered that the images observed under the light are inverted and reversed. Although we could not easily tell with the feather, threads, and potato, it became noticeable with the letter “e”. The “e” was placed like “e”, however when looked into the eyepiece, the “e” was upside down. This shows that the microscopes works in an inverted way. We also discovered that to adjust the amount of light entering the microscope, we could use the iris lever to adjust the diaphragm. For example, the white thread required little light to see the cotton fibers, compared to the feather or letter “e”. Therefore, we learned that by altering the diaphragm, we can fix many of the problems associated with the observations. Lastly, we discovered that only one depth can be seen clearly at a time under high power. When working with the crossed strands of thread, we had to turn the fine wheel adjustment back and forth while looking through the microscope to focus one strand. All in all, the lab supported the purpose. We were able to identify,function the parts of a light microscope, and prepare a wet mount(of a feather, letter “e”, black and white thread, and a potato). Furthermore, we located objects using high and low power objectives, adjusted the diaphragm to attain correct lighting, and used stains for an easier and more detailed
Furthermore, X-ray of higher energy than required for imaging is used for radiation therapy. The radiation therapy makes use of ionization radiation (and no images) for the treatment of diseases, such as
Biofilms are formed on almost any surface that is submerged in non sterile water. Even hot springs, and glaciers. Examples of common places where biofilms are found are pipes, hulls of ships, porcelain surface of toilet bowls, wood siding, shower tiles, plastics, wooden cutting boards,
Lastly, the specimen’s phototactic response was observed under the light microscope. Preparing the microscope, visible light utilized to test the phototaxis test on each of the segments. This process was observed for a period of two to three minute, to diagnose the display response of the segments.
• Zacharias Jansen and his father Hans are Dutch spectacle makers who developed the first compound microscope in the late 16th century. • The microscope consisted of three draw tubes with lenses inserted at the ends of the flanking tubes. • The eyepiece lens was bi-convex and the objective lens was Plano-convex. • The handheld microscope was achieved by sliding the draw tube in or out while observing the sample.
Specimens for both types of electron microscope also have to be positioned in a vacuum so that the electrons do not react with any surrounding air molecules. Samples for light microscopes usually just undergo staining to increase their
In any case, all samples are viewed under the lowest magnification level first in order to examine any areas of particular interest across the whole sample (1). At the lowest magnification, the intracellular components are typically indistinguishable from one another, but by increasing the magnification an area of interest can be examined to detect any anomalies within the tissue sample. The four types of tissue that could be examined include epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscle tissue. Each tissue has a unique in shape and composition that can be seen under a light microscope to easily identify the type of tissue that is being dealt with
NOTE: Answer Question A only if you used a compound light microscope for this experiment.
Finally, the beam strikes a fluorescent screen. The magnified image of the object can be seen on the screen of a television-like monitor. The images formed by a transmission electron microscope are black and white like an X-ray picture. Computers can be used to translate the image information into a three-dimensional colored image.
Modern medicine has undergone major advancements over the past years. One of these developments include the capacity to retrieve crucial information about the human body and its health beyond the use of manual diagnostic techniques. This is referred to as Medical or Diagnostic Imaging.