
Clinical Trial Essay

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Clinical trials are often designed to test new biomedical or behavioral interventions such as new treatments/drugs, prevention strategies, screening programs, diagnostic tests, and educational models. The rapid increase in the costs of conducting clinical trials has made the efficient design of clinical trials more important in recent years. For example, a new report published by Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD) expresses that the costs of new drug development which is one of the wide applications of clinical trials have been pegged at $2.558 billion, with a 145% increase over an estimate made in 2003 [9].
2. Clinical trial classification
Clinical trials are divided into two main classes based on how participants are allocated to different interventions: randomized and non-randomized controlled trials [21]. Non-randomized trials (also called quasi-experiment) assign participants to the treatments, procedures, or interventions by methods that are not random. These trials are used when randomization is impractical and/or unethical. They are typically easier to set up than randomized trials which need random assignment of subjects. Lack of random assignment in …show more content…

In the simplest case, a 2x2 factorial trial design generates four sets of data to analyze based on whether subjects receive interventions A only, B only, both A and B, or neither A or B. Thus, the factorial designs can evaluate not only the effects of each intervention but also the interaction that may exist between two interventions (or treatments). For this reason, this trial design can be viewed as an efficient way to conduct two trials in one. However, it is not recommended when comparing the two interventions to each other is considered as a primary purpose

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