۩۩ In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful ۩۩
۞ Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup “of wine” whose mixture is of Kafur ۞ (Surat Al-'Insān.. 5)
۞ And they will be given to drink a cup “of wine” whose mixture is of Ginger ۞ (Surat Al-'Insān.. 17)
‘Eat leeks in March and wild garlic in May, and all the year after the physicians may play’ (Traditional Welsh rhyme).
‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ (Traditional American rhyme).
Finding curative powers in plants is an ancient idea. People on all regions have long applied poultices of indigenous plants, dating back to prehistory (Cowan, 1999). Herbal medicines are in great demand in both developed and developing countries as a source of primary health care that has been used by mankind all over the world in the form of traditional medicines (Kumari et al., 2011). Herbal molecules are safe and would overcome the resistance produced by the pathogens as they exist in a combined form or in a collective form of more
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It is estimated that 35,000 to 70,000 species have, at one time or another, been used in some cultures for medicinal purposes. Herbal medicines have long earned reputation as the people's medicines because of their easy accessibility, low cost and the ease with which they can be prepared (Ghani, 2013). These medicines are cheaper, exhibit a remarkable efficacy in the treatment of various ailments and are much safer with least side effects as compared to allopathic medicines (Idu et al., 2007; Mann et al., 2008; Ammara et al., 2009). Herbal medicine is now gradually scorning a more mainstream method of treatment in many countries of the world because of improvements in the methods of analysis and quality control of herbs and herbal drugs along with advances in clinical research. Their efficacy and safety are continuously bringing light and value to herbal medicines in the prevention and treatment of
German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein once said, “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” In Laura Hillenbrand’s nonfiction book Unbroken, the bravery of Louis Zamperini proved Einstein's words when louie offered to go out and guard the beach even when he knew how risky and dangerous it was. To wrap it up it was louie's great bravery that made him offer to do this job. When Louie was a child, he was a stealing delinquent until he was introduced into running which changed his life. In Hillenbrand's story it was stated that, “All of the effort that he’d once put into thieving he threw into track”(17).
In modern medicine, alternative therapies are poorly understood and studied. The preference for alternative therapies, and herbal medicine were indicated, and the fear of relinquishing information regarding these practices were almost paralyzing. It seemed as though they were ashamed to admit to cultural healing practices, and did not divulge information to practitioners regarding their usage. The cultural disconnect was present as alternative/complimentary medicines are valued as a culture, and “modern” practitioners cast judgment on their usage. This perceived stigma additionally limited the information shared by the cultural participants with modern medical treatments, potentially causing additional harm, as some herbals are potentially toxic.
“Use of herbs as medicines dates back to the beginning of civilized man. The earliest known written records of herbal medicines were inscribed on a six thousand year old clay tablet written by the Sumerians, who lived on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now known as Iraq”(History).
As I get out of the car, I hear a girl screaming in the distance. Hearing such a noise instantly made me feel a chill go down my spine. As I walk against my own fear, I approach an overwhelming sign that says “Welcome to Six Flags over Texas”. My mother looks at me with a huge smile, reassuring me that there is nothing to be afraid of. Being only 8 years old at the time, I was a very hyper and ecstatic kid. Going against my own fears, I timidly rushed to the entrance. As I stood there before this monstrosity of amusement, my jaw was on the floor with astonishment. Leaving me in a state of shock,I could only slowly walk in with aw, and marvel at what was before me.
I specifically chose this topic because I believe that for us Americans this is the next big frontier. Not only could this plant helps save some people’s lives, but it could also help alleviate the pressure on our national debt. As long as we continue to do research and try to understand the complexity of this issue, then we should be able to grow in our mind frames of how this could be beneficial to a lot of people. There will always be the other side of this issue that it could do more harm than help, but if we continue to monitor and maintain control of these herbal medicines we can begin the steps towards a safer path.
The use of natural products as medicine has initiated the isolation of active compounds. The first commercial pure natural product introduced for therapeutic use is generally considered to be
An increasing number of medical schools are now offering courses in alternative medicine for their students, and some hospitals already have alternative medicine departments. The availability of healers and doctors practicing holistic medicine has also increased in recent years, and more and more people are educating themselves in these new fields. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that between 65 and 80 percent of the world’s population (about 3 billion people) rely on traditional medicine as their primary form of health care.
One of the best examples of herbal remedy use in Western Medicine would be the use of Opium in pain treatment. Opium is made by drying the “tears,” or latex from a opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) bulb before becoming mature. By cutting the bulb, the latex seeps out, therefore producing a solution containing various substances, most notoriously, the 12% by volume of alkaloid morphine, which is used as a method of chronic pain treatment, as well as the production of heroine. It was originally used in the 16th century to induce sleep and relieve pain, and was introduced to western medicine by a man of the name Paracelsus. It was only after reading the Pseudo-Apuleius Herbarius book, a collection of herbs names and diseases, that he managed to
Grain and wine appear together throughout the text in 1:9, 1:10, 1:13, 2:14, 2:19, 2:24, and 3:13.
Prohibition has been initiated many times throughout history in attempt to control and deter civilians from the use of substances or from different types of behaviors that are believed to be destructive. More recently, several types have been discussed in terms of the social problem of substance abuse and ways that can be implemented in the methods of attempting to prevent the continued global spread of this problem. According to MacCoun, Reuter, Pacula, et al, “The appropriate legal response to marijuana possession has been a matter of public debate in the U.S. and Western Europe since the 1970s…” (Do Citizens Know Whether Their State Has Decriminalized Marijuana?..., 2009, pg. 348). The growing problem of illicit substance use has
Herbalism or phytotherapy has many definitions but in essence is the interaction between humans and the plant kingdom (Hoffmann, 2003). Herbalism is based on three principles: 1. The correlation of the herb to the disease or disease picture, 2. The harmony the herb has to an organ system, and 3. The ability of the herb to assist healing in the body (Wood, 2018). Herbalism contains many different branches of which there is Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic branches, and is used to treat a wide variety of symptoms. Herbalists make their medication from plants and are dispensed in many
It is astonishing to me how plants from the ground can help with certain illnesses and viruses. I plan on becoming a medical doctor, and when I reach my goal of becoming one, I want to incorporate the study of Herbalism in my practices. The idea of Herbalism is what makes becoming a medical doctor more interesting for me. I am seeking a profession in medicine because I want to provide great health care service to individuals around the world, but I want to do so by implementing natural remedies. This way there are minimal side effects that would harm sick
Herbal medicine has been used for many, many years and is a great natural alternative to modern medicine.
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medication that has been increasing in popularity in today’s society. It is often substituted for conventional medication14. Homeopathy was created in the seventeen hundreds when German doctor Samuel Hahnemann concluded that if a substance can induce the symptoms of an illness in a healthy person, then it can treat those symptoms in an ill person. He first tested Cinchona bark, a treatment for malaria, on himself and said to have experienced the symptoms of malaria. He also concluded that the medicine was more effective in a lower concentration therefore he invented the process of succession to reduce the side effects of the medicine and to increase its ability to heal13.
Herbal medicines are great alternative for commercially manufactured medicines available in the market. The major reason why herbal medicine differ from modern medicine is because they are produced with 100% natural content. Therefore the plant extract has all the medicinal values that are as effective as modern medicine. Commercially prepared drugs show results quickly but have numerous side effects. However herbal medicines don’t show any side