“This is the language of science, commerce, global politics, aviation, popular music, and above all, the internet,” (Source B). English has been around for many years and well-known worldwide. English speakers need not concern themselves with learning other languages, as speaking in foreign tongues is overly cumbersome, the time can be spent learning more useful skills, and English is spoken worldwide already.
Learning a foreign language to be able to communicate with others is quite useless compared to all the different languages. For example, just learning one extra language doesn’t help when there is so much to take in that the only way an actual difference is made is if you learn all the languages. “There are roughly 6,900 living languages in the world,” (Source B). Overall, demonstrating that what is the point of learning another language when you still cannot communicate with over half the world. Thus, showing how it is not necessary to learn more, but actually a waste of time. Feeling so well when you learned another language, but then realizing it will not help if you like to travel a lot. As well as a waste of time, learning a new language is just so confusing; especially when one word has multiple meanings. “The amount I had to do to be sure I didn’t miss a nuance or cultural cues and didn’t draw conclusions based on erroneous translation, was significant [...]” (Source D). Although every culture is different many are similar and can be really hard to tell which
If someone is a college student in a different country and is interested in learning a new language English would help this person greatly. English is the most spoken language in the whole world. Worldwide one in every five can either speak or understand English. This would help someone who learned English be able to communicate with more people when they travel to other countries. English is also the most spoken language around the entire world, it is the official language of 53 countries and is the first language to around 400 million people around the world. In the article “’Conquer English to Make China Strong’: The Globalization of English” and in this article, the first line of the article says “No language has spread as widely as English, and it continues to spread”. This just shows how successful the English
Along with the 375 million people who regularly speak English as their first language, “another 375 million speak it regularly as a second language, and about 750 million more people speak English as a foreign language. English currently is the language most often taught as a second language around the world. ”(Boyanova). English is also known as the universal language for business, tourism, technology, entertainment trade, and international communications because nearly 1.2 billion people speak English fluently. Even though the change from Old English to Modern English has been drastic, it is not over.
English is spoken throughout many countries and it is the main language we know of today
The English Language has been in existence for many years. This is thanks to many early conquers who spoke the language. As a result, today English is used by “at least one out of every seven human beings around on the globe” (Lederer 216). With that many speakers, the reality in Lederer’s words that “half of the world’s
People say learning a foreign language is a waste of time and resources. Many Americans believe the English language is the most dominant in the world so what’s the point of learning another language? It is a common believe that the English language is the most spoken language in the world, however it is actually not. Furthermore, learning a foreign language does more than just being another way to talk, write, or read, learning another language brings benefits. A foreign language is useful in many ways such as Mandarin which is the most spoken language in the world, or being able to connect to foreign cultures, and it also useful in national security.
There are more than 6500 language around the world. We cannot control or decide where we are going to be born or we cannot decide our mother language. But we can choose which language we are going to use as our second language. The existence of large numbers of people who speak more than one language but who do not exhibit native-like control in both languages raises the question of how proficient a person must be to be classed as bilingual. Bilingualism may be defined as having some ability to use two or even more languages. Being of bilingual has practical benefits in globalize world and it is not limited to having conversations with more people around. In 1922 the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said, “The limits of my language mean
Studying a foreign language also gives students insight to another culture. As John Christie said, "Learning to speak a foreign language helps you to understand the people who speak the language." Foreign language study helps students to understand why people think other ways and why some of their traditions came to be.
English is now what linguists call a “Lingua Franca” because of the tendency for people to use English as an international language (Danesi, 2016, p.122), as well as the fact that over 40 countries use English as their official
Montopoli quotes Congressman Steve King when writing, “A common language is the most unifying force known throughout history.” English, the fourth most spoken language in the world (Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 15th ed.), is a language spoken from Rwanda in Africa, to Singapore in Asia and many other countries. With 340 million native English speakers, and 510 million total (Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 15th ed.), English becoming the official language would not hinder the rights of non-native speakers and be beneficial.
English as we know it is indeed the dominant language, but does that mean everyone should learn it? Should English be the global language? Should you have to know English to communicate if you are someone that lives in a place where the native language is something different? The answer is no. However, first you must consider the statement “It is a fact that English is the dominant language in the world today. Everyone, in every country, in order to participate in the modern world, should learn English. After all, a language is just a random collection of words, so how hard can it be”. Personally, I believe it is tremendously difficult to learn a new language as an adult, but in order to make the world go round, we all should know more than one language; no one language should rule. Barbara Wallraff, David Crystal, and John Tagliabue share a few words that connect to the statement to show their personal mindset behind English being a global language. In this essay, I will extract statements from each of the authors that explain their views on a global language to support my overall perception.
English is a Western Germanic language and was first spoken in England and now known as the global lingua franca. If there were one language that could have a chance of being considered as universal, it would be definitely English. This is because it has become the world’s language for technology, commerce, and also empowerment. The internet is also a proof of it because most parts of the internet were written in English. Internet is also used in communicating with people overseas and some countries are forced to learn the said language. Anyone will be quite speechless if they discovered a land without anyone who knows English. However, making English as a mandatory language can affect many people. It could break up culture and will cause in the lack of variety.
“In the world were over seven thousand languages have exisisted, one language had become dominate. This dominant language is English.” “In the majority of countries throughout the world speak English as their second or first language, no longer just America or England.” English has taken many forms, American English, the Queen’s English, Australian, Canadian English, and several others. Even American English has taken several types of English, Jersey English, East Coast English, West Coast English, Southern English, slang English, and Ebonics. All of these languages have major variants between them, but are all of them are still understood aboard. Without English the world couldn’t operate,
that children need to learn foreign languages. To start off, learning foreign languages is an advantage to the children’s future
sheer of speakers, it is most spoken official language in the world. Today, English is becoming
necessary for everything, choosing to learn a second language it is important for different ways, most of them can be introduce from some people, it is a long process and it takes dedication, in this essay there is an analysis of all the problems and steps of a student who is learning English, it is made for searching the origins of the decision, at the end it is going to be a teaching plan to reduce those problems and strength the language.