
Disco Di Sociology

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b. How does gender shape the diagnosis and the diagnostic features/symptoms? (2 points) c. How does our social environment shape the diagnosis diagnostic features/symptoms? (1 point) 3. Paradigm/Treatment Methods A paradigm “is a set of shared assumptions that includes both the substance of a theory and beliefs about how scientists should collect data and test the theory” (ch. 3 slides) The 20th century paradigm that best examines the nature of Disco Di’s behaviour is the diathesis-stress paradigm. The diathesis-stress paradigm links biological, psychological and environmental factors to the cause of the disorder. It attempts to explain how both biological, psychological, or sociocultural factors have an affect on ones mental state, and …show more content…

Diana suffered from a traumatic childhood due the sudden death of her younger sister as well as an unsteady home life, as her father re-entered her life after leaving the home for 10 years. I believe that it was due to these stressful life events that Disco Di developed a diathesis for depression, suicidal thoughts, and personality disorders. She developed a diathesis that can be looked upon as a “cry for help” and she experienced emotions that can be defined as hopelessness, grief, a feeling of no escape as well as self-defeat. (Williams and Pollock 2011) “Genetic effects, childhood abuse, and epigenetic mechanisms may be involved in the etiologic of the diathesis to suicidal behaviour. (Mann and Haghgighi, 2010)” The stresses carried with both psychological and environmental factors lead to her inevitable diagnosis of both MDP and …show more content…

The goal of therapy is to reduce and control deviant behaviours that cause suicidal thoughts and self-destruction, as well as to focus on the unconscious and underlying meaning behind the disorder. The symptoms that she is experiencing, including, extreme emotions, continuous suicidal thoughts, negative eating habits, and depression can be lessened by professional counselling as it will teach her how to focus on managing emotions by controlling feelings of extreme anger or happiness. The types of therapy that I feel would benefit Diana Miller the most are cognitive-behavioural therapy and dialectical

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