b. How does gender shape the diagnosis and the diagnostic features/symptoms? (2 points) c. How does our social environment shape the diagnosis diagnostic features/symptoms? (1 point) 3. Paradigm/Treatment Methods A paradigm “is a set of shared assumptions that includes both the substance of a theory and beliefs about how scientists should collect data and test the theory” (ch. 3 slides) The 20th century paradigm that best examines the nature of Disco Di’s behaviour is the diathesis-stress paradigm. The diathesis-stress paradigm links biological, psychological and environmental factors to the cause of the disorder. It attempts to explain how both biological, psychological, or sociocultural factors have an affect on ones mental state, and …show more content…
Diana suffered from a traumatic childhood due the sudden death of her younger sister as well as an unsteady home life, as her father re-entered her life after leaving the home for 10 years. I believe that it was due to these stressful life events that Disco Di developed a diathesis for depression, suicidal thoughts, and personality disorders. She developed a diathesis that can be looked upon as a “cry for help” and she experienced emotions that can be defined as hopelessness, grief, a feeling of no escape as well as self-defeat. (Williams and Pollock 2011) “Genetic effects, childhood abuse, and epigenetic mechanisms may be involved in the etiologic of the diathesis to suicidal behaviour. (Mann and Haghgighi, 2010)” The stresses carried with both psychological and environmental factors lead to her inevitable diagnosis of both MDP and …show more content…
The goal of therapy is to reduce and control deviant behaviours that cause suicidal thoughts and self-destruction, as well as to focus on the unconscious and underlying meaning behind the disorder. The symptoms that she is experiencing, including, extreme emotions, continuous suicidal thoughts, negative eating habits, and depression can be lessened by professional counselling as it will teach her how to focus on managing emotions by controlling feelings of extreme anger or happiness. The types of therapy that I feel would benefit Diana Miller the most are cognitive-behavioural therapy and dialectical
Further, Disco Di displayed an identity disturbance by counting calories and by binge eating and crash diets (Gunderson, 2011). Lastly, Disco Di displays affective instability through her every changing moods when she doesn’t get her way or when she is left at home.
overview of their lives and feelings, the therapist will get an insight into what the client is going through and a little of what brought them to their presenting issue. It is important at an early stage to make the client feel that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel – without making unrealistic promises that cannot be reached. The therapist needs to make the client feel they are in safe hands and that they are being listened to and really heard. A potentially suicidal client should not leave a therapy session feeling worse than when they arrived, yet at the same time, the client needs to know that they may have to go through some difficult times in order to start to heal
The diagnosis of Major depressive disorder and Borderline personality disorder (BPD) are entirely accurate, as Diana’s behaviour epitomizes the characteristics and diagnostic features of both disorders. As outlined in the DSM-5, Diana exemplifies symptoms warranting a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, as she displays the presence of five or more specified symptoms while having no prior history of mania. Diana exhibits the diagnostically required symptoms of frequent depressed mood, diminished interest in normal activities, and recurring suicidal thoughts/attempts, resulting in considerable distress and impairment. (APA, 2013, p. 160-161). In addition to fitting the diagnostic criteria, Diana demonstrates marked deficits in areas of functioning. Most strikingly Diana typifies emotional symptoms common in unipolar depression including prolonged and severe unhappiness, crying spells, and a general sense of hopelessness. Diana also displays
Her recent episode of fleetingly thinking of throwing herself in front of a car is also an increase in previously somewhat benign self-harm behavior in the past. She has a history of sexual abuse as a child which may be of significance to her current mood status at this time in her life.
The disproportion of power within this community is best expressed through two examples of reification, or stereotyping, in this film: Deebo and Big Worm. Both Deebo and Big Worm represent the alazon, or braggart male, in this film and hold the most power in the community. Deebo is the stereotypical neighborhood bully who is large and intimidating. Throughout the film, characters are seen hiding their valuables (usually watches and gold chains) when around Deebo because he will most likely steal it. Furthermore, he often resorts to violence when challenged.
The gangs have formed part of Central America. For a long time, but in the early 1980s they began to work. There are numerous reasons for the gangs to grow because of the lack of education, culture of violence, poverty, and dysfunctional families. The two largest gangs are the Mara Salvatrucha known as MS-13 or Maras and The Eighteen Street gang also known as Barrio 18. The Barrio 18 despises MS 13. The rise of the Maras happened with the migration and the blend of different street cultures. The gang known as Barrio 18 was originally formed by Mexicans immigrants. Over the years, each gang has grown and taken up 60 percent of the population. These gangs have taken over the territories and have also controlled over some prisons
Inspired by a true story, October Baby is a coming-of-age Christian anti-abortion based movie of the trials and travels of an abortion survivor 19-year-old Hannah.
Introduction There are many counselling theories a counsellor needs to learn and consider as a professional. This case study will focus on a young female named Sandra and how cognitive behavioural therapy can help her to move on from the issues she is currently facing in her life. A discussion will be presented on the current issues Sandra is facing and also any personal or professional challenges a counsellor or therapist may face when working with this client. Main Issues
When learning our last assignment was a film analysis, I immediately knew which film I was going to watch and write about. That film is called Restrepo, and it is one of my favorite documentaries not only on Netflix, but may just be the best documentary I have ever seen. The film released in 2010 by two men, photographer Tim Hetherington and journalist Sebastian Junger. These men created an un narrated documentary about the men of the 2nd platoon, 173rd Infantry Airborne Brigade combat team as they entered the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan, or it is also known as “Hell on Earth.” The Korengal Valley is responsible for the most loss of life, more so than any other region in Afghanistan.
She also has a family history of depression. Her marriege is unhealthy and she reported that she thought of asking for a divorce. Furthermore, she was frightened of her father who had abusive tendencies towards
According to Durkheim, Social fact or social phenomenon are the main subject matter of sociology. He said in one of his pieces that social fact must be studied distinct from the biological and psychological phenomenon. Social order is the trend of behavior being used to exercise power over another person. It has become rules and regulations that have been set up by some authorities to be obeyed by another group of people who are being undermined in a society, it is a situation that oppressed people and limits them from their liberties. When people go through these situations they cannot function the way they are supposed to function because they are limited by their freedom. These social orders are not only laws but rather certain norms created by the authority to put a whole race into a situation where they are very far from freedom of speech, movement, and knowledge. African Americans are an example of a race that has been through discrimination at workplaces, schools, community etc. They are one race which has been a label or put in a class where the situation will never permit you to climb the ladder of success. Although you might have all the certification, qualification, the best schools, etc. but the fact that you came from the poor class or the lower class, it becomes very difficult for the Caucasian people to give you the opportunity you deserve, because of this, the citizens of American have been grouped into different classes which are upper, middle, working,
I chose Leisure and Media topic because it requires analyzing hangout locations and observing them and this is something I do not mind doing because it is something I can relate to. I can relate because during my times of leisure as the book defines as “a period of time that can be spent relaxing, engaging in recreation, or otherwise indulging in freely chosen activity”(Stein 2016) I enjoy going to different kinds places to hang out but the thing is not everywhere is a place I’d enjoy hanging out at. The place has to be a comfy and welcoming environment that also gives off good vibes. The hangout venue that I observed was the local Caribou in my hometown. When doing this assignment observing different interactions, therefore, I will analyze it with the Symbolic Interactionism theory which the book defines as an”approach that sees interaction and meaning as central to society and assumes that meanings are not inherent but are created through interaction.”(Stein 2016).
This essay will be discussing the extent to which social class and poverty affects health and illness. Firstly, what is social class? Each person’s perception of social class can be different; is social class defined by a person’s accent, the area they live in, or something as simple as their income? Project Britain describes social class as “The grouping of people by occupations and lifestyle”. (Cress, 2014). To find social class Sociologists group people according to common factors, they compare people and various criteria can be conveniently used to place people in social groups or classes. Next we ask the question what determines a person’s health, the NHS defines health as “Physical and mental, it is the absence of disease”. (NHS 2017).
As it appears on Disco Di’s document she’s currently diagnosed with two distinct types of psychological disorder, first being major depressive disorder, and second being borderline personality disorder. However, the term major depression is only one part of the disorder Disco Di is facing. The type of the disorder in which Disco Di is suffering from, is called mood disorder, and to further narrow it down she’s specifically experiencing what is known as “Bipolar I” that according to DSM-5, is defined as a disorder in which individuals experience cycling episodes of mania and major depression (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Furthermore major depression also in accordance to DSM-5 is marked by chronically low mood which has certain symptoms such as being fatigue, feelings of guilt, and impaired concentration appearing almost every day. In the case of Disco Di, Even though she goes through some of these symptoms, but they are not all the symptoms that she experiences. As it is stated on her document, Disco Di being a cheerful, outgoing 12 year
Bellbottoms, afros, music, sex and drugs can best describe the Disco Era. The Disco Era was a care-free time in which there were no rules. People danced the nights away. Most of the people of the Disco Era lived normal lives, working nine to five jobs during the week, but when the weekend rolled around they put on their bellbottoms and dancing shoes and hit up the Disco Clubs. This is an era that will never be forgotten but will probably never be relived.