This article is an in-depth discussion and look at the development of disco in its distinct forms throughout the 1970s. The decade where, as David Brackett the author describes an underground phenomenon, that grew and morphed into the most popular music throughout the decade. There were three very distinct occurrences during the 1970s, as described in the piece. One, a musical style, two, a performance site and three, a musical fandom or participation all made up disco during the height of the 1970s. This was very different from rock music and its followers, also, seemingly were very increasingly opposite of the styles popularized by the disco “dance-happy” culture. The disco scene was popularized by mostly three categories. First, a Motown, soul-blend style that consisted of your funk blend and vocalists, with styles like Barry White’s Love …show more content…
The DJ was responsible for “ selecting and sequencing songs, it was their taste that dictated disco’s sense of style, rather than the singers and instrumentalists of soul and rock music's and successful DJs could acquire their own following in much the same way as a recording artist.” Disco focused on 3 main components during 1975-76. These three main components are R&B disco, Eurodisco and a transformation of disco associated with gays, blacks and latinos to being embraced by straight, white Americans. R&B incorporated soul and funk and was heavily influenced by gospel-oriented vocals and syncopated guitar and bass parts. Eurodisco featured simple, chanted vocals, less-syncopated bass parts and thicker arrangements with orchestral instruments and synthesizers. Saturday Night Fever was a major factor in changing the public opinion about disco . The Saturday Night Fever soundtrack featured four number one singles and became the best selling album of its time. The soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever included music by the Bee Gees and the Kool
Mental health is not the mere absence of illness but it is the sense of harmony and balance for the individual. Aspects associated with the individual include self-worth, sense of accomplishment, and a positive identity (Fontaine, 2009), where as mental illness is the disharmony someone is experiencing. This disharmony affects not only the individual but their friends and family as well as the surrounding community. This disharmony causes the person to be unable to function properly in many aspects of their life (Fontaine, 2009). Disco Di started to display signs of mental illness from the young age of 12. Her behaviours may have been triggered by a traumatic event and have been interfering with her life ever since. I agree with the
A blend of soul music and funk, set to 4/4 time syncopated rhythm, making it easily danceable. Most disco songs have a steady four-on-the-floor beat, a quaver or semi-quaver hi-hat pattern with an open hi-hat on the off-beat, and a heavy, syncopated bass line.
During the 1960s Music was heavily influenced by the political and social events happening at the time. At this time civil rights movements were common as many people were trying to spread the emancipation of racism and segregation. As a result the music of the time tended to reflect this counterculture of peace. This “culture” encompassed civil rights, anti-establishment and, inciting revolution. This was a vital time in history for civil rights activists as well as anti-war revolutionaries and the music industry. From folk music to rock music, everyone was affected by the war and chose to express it through the most international form of art, music. Anti-war activists and counterculture enthusiast craved the music that truly expressed
Ravers are a unique crowd. While rave culture espouses individualism, a come-as-you-are mentality, there are definitely many similarities among ravers in general. A unique aspect of rave culture is the fashion. There is a definite sense of individualism within the rave fashion scene. You are likely to see someone in jeans, someone in black vinyl pants, or someone in costume at a rave. However,
Rock n Roll was everything the suburban 1950’s were not. While parents of the decade were listening to Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, and the Big Bands. Their children were moving on to a new beat.” (U.S. History) Teenagers started to like this new type of music called rock and roll. It became very popular and artists started to experiment with it which influenced the development of rock n roll throughout the 50’s and 60’s. The experimentation with rock n roll changed music forever and greatly influenced our music today. Rock n roll was mixed with country, rhythm, and blues when this combination happened rock n roll kept developing through the fifties and sixties.
Teenage Rebellion is a major influence on the popularity of rock and roll in the 60’s. Society as a whole was well reserved and private about their personal and sexual lives. A struggling economy left most families spending the majority of income on basic living needs. Few households had disposable income.
Bagalman defines TBI as “an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force.” (Bagalman, 2011). Clinical diagnoses of TBI could be from mild to severe and it is often “associated with decreased levels of consciousness, amnesia, and other neurological abnormalities; skull fracture; and intracranial lesions” (Ender, 2010) which can significantly affect the normal daily function of the patient. Exposure to blast from Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and other explosives has been identified as the major cause of TBI among veterans (Ender, 2010).
Day of the Dead Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday to honor and remember the loved ones who have passed away. Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on October 31 through November 2 and is Mexico’s most important holiday. They spend a lot of money and time in celebrating this than any other holiday. Day of the Dead can be celebrated in either public or private places. Some celebrations in the public happen on the streets or parades.
Music is an outlet to all aspects of life and culture is a significant way of forming people and the way they live. Although not always seen directly culture has an overbearing influence on the music that is produced and made popular. The political Climate of the early seventies was full of fire with issues such as Vietnam and constant protest throughout the county. Later in the 70’s the end of the Vietnamese conflict brought the rise of the Watergate scandal and Iran Contra. These issues swept headlines and ingrained people’s thoughts. Social issues also played a big role in the developing culture of the seventies. Protests and constant outbreaks about gay rights and women’s rights seemed to
Rock ‘n’ roll music has widely influenced music and society and continues to do so today. Rock ‘n’ roll emerged in the 1950’s a time where whites and blacks were heavily segregated. Rock and roll music not only changed the nation’s current musical norms, but indicated the joy of the emerging youth culture of the generation. It influenced artists whether black or white to come into the mainstream music. Famous artists still remembered today also influenced rock and roll. Those pioneers helped change the musical norms and the overall history of music. White rock ‘n’ rollers helped build a ladder for black artists to come into the scene. It was certain that rock ‘n’ roll made it possible for greater acceptance, appreciation and a wider
Throughout history, music have defined or depicted the culture and social events in America. Music has constantly played an important role in constituting American culture, where people have expressed themselves through music during flourishing and turbulent times. In the 1930’s, Swing music created a platform for audiences to vent their emotions in the midst of Great Depression and political unrest. Such strong relationship between music and culture can be seen throughout history, especially in the sixties.
Disco is a genre of dance music that gained its popularity during the middle to late 1970s. It had its roots in clubs that catered to African American, gay, and other communities in New York City and Philadelphia during the early 1970s. Disco was used as a reaction by New York City's blacks as well
In 1987, once again, two boys from Chicago, DJ Pierre and Marshall Jefferson, knew that something had to be done so they have decided to create a new sound by using Roland TB 303 bass synthesizer (the instrument that has appeared in the 1983 in disco via Alexander Robotnick). It was a sound which when emitted from the machine swirl it stabs across House music 4/4 beat and that was completely overpowering the listeners.
Many artists created a new form of music through the influence of the black artists. The first signs of this influence appeared in the music of Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly. It carried on to artists like Bob Dylan, The Beatles, and various other musicians.4 A new form of music emerged, rock and roll. This new style of music was fueled by emotion. One of the first stages in the development of rock and roll was sacrificing musical complexity for the sake of capturing an audience. The jazz and blues songs that were popular before rock and roll emerged, consisted of several chords and elaborate rhythms, while rock and roll songs are comprised of only three or four chords and very simple rhythms.5 More direct expressions of emotions were used, and lyrics of personal and political significance were brought into the mix. The relationship between artists and their audiences changed. Fans related to the musicians’ opinions rather than simply the style of the music. As a result of the bold lyrics, a general respect for musicians
Disco is said to have begun in the gay nightclubs of New York City in the mid 1960's. At these clubs Deejays played records from little known black artists and quickly and accidentally began