Chapter 1
Discourse Organization of Asian Fashion Blogs
Background of the study
Blogging has emerged as one of the most popular forms of online discourse. The ease and lack of expense in setting blogs has raised intriguing possibilities for language learning in social media. The unique nature of its architecture and its low cost have not only affected how different bloggers can publish and distribute their work to a wider audience but also how they see themselves as writers. According to Blood (2002), blogs have been used in various ways: as online journals, a means of designing hypertexts, and more radically, to create what calls the first native form of discourse on the internet. She argues that blogging best reflects
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To enrich further the structure of each blog, genre analysis will also be considered. This may identify if fashion blogging belongs in a specific genre by studying how the ESL and EFL bloggers use the language when writing.
The focus of this study is on the discourse organization of Asian fashion blogs. Considering their writing style, comparing the blogs of these particular Asian countries that are categorized into two groups will be done throughout the study.
Statement of the problem
This study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the structures of a fashion blog? 2. What are the similarities and the differences between the fashion blogs of ESL and EFL writers?
Significance of the study
College students of English Language Related Programs
Knowing that blog can also be studied as it is a part of our social world, this study can still be given more attention by giving further enrichment by the future researchers. They can provide new findings supported by different related literatures. As the traditional way of analysing language data from academic institutions, this paper will thoroughly investigate the language used in fashion blogs. This will further explore the online discourse by plunging into the grounds of computer-mediated-communication (CMC).
Researchers in the Field of Linguistics
This research paper will be able to support
In “Materiality and Genre in the Study of Discourse Communities,” authors Amy Devitt, Anis Bawarshi, and Mary Reiff discuss genre in discourse communities. The article is pretty much broken into three different parts with each author writing about another genre. Amy Devitt discusses jury instruction which basically just means that she wrote about how jurors are not able to grasp the genre of jury instruction like lawyers are able to which means they are not able to make a good verdict for defendants. Anis Bawarshi discusses the medical field and the language there. He said that only people familiar with medicine relate and honestly understand what is going on when people talk about medicine. Then lastly, Mary Reiff talked about ethnography
Charles Bazerman in his work Speech Acts, Genres, and Activity System: How Text Organize and People, explains that genre systems are, “text is embedded within structured social activities and depends on previous texts that influence the social activity and organization” (Bazerman
Have you ever wondered why you were forced to take an English course in college, where you had to learn about genre and different forms of writing? Ever also wondered, when am I going to ever use this in everyday life? Well, I am here to tell you there is an explanation to both of those questions and it should make one think about what they are learning on a whole different level. Starting with genre, you should know that pretty much everything has a genre within.
Throughout this assignment I will be carrying out an in-depth case study of Stylist magazine. This will encompass a detailed analysis of the key aspects of the fashion publication; covering its history, target audience and ownership to ABC figures and competitors.
A final convention of social media writing and blog posts, Cole writes in first-person— “I deeply respect”. This allows him to use a more informal tone and to connect with his ‘followers’ on the social media platform with ease. In addition, it solidifies that the seven typed posts are a reflection of his idea. They are his opinion in brief
In today's society there's a new update on how journalism is delivered and written. Through the power of the cyber world new context is being uploaded and videos are being uploaded to video websites such as YouTube. Three authors express their thoughts about this modern-day problem in a traditional way, via textbook. They discuss how social media websites deliver messages that are not very accurate and informative. These messages usually target certain groups to create a community of its own.
We come across many different cultures and fashion in our society. Some may indicate that the culture influences one’s fashion while others may oppose and state that each aspect stands alone. Fashion and culture fall into the following identity categories: chosen and assigned. Culture affects many parts of an individual, in some cases you can determine an individual 's culture by their speech and clothing; in addition to traditions and the environment in which they were raised. Whereas fashion may be impacted by culture and tradition, but it may also not interact with culture at all.
Communication on the Internet is often quite informal. It can appear to be in an entirely different language at times. This is because writing on the Internet is often done by amateurs with little to no revision and no requirements to get published. Getting an idea out as fast as possible is frequently the goal of these Web writers, which can result in failure to correctly apply the basics of writing, such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The essay “Literacy Debate: Online R U Really Reading?” by Motoko Rich is about whether or not reading on the Internet is as effective for today’s youth as reading books. Rich employs specific word choice as well as misleading statistics and quotations to show her opinion on Internet literacy without directly stating her thoughts.
I will be linking this task with my project of a creating a website about the Fashion and its evolution. Firstly, I would like to show you how the fashion has evolved through the time including the clothes and accessories. Secondly, I would Describe which clothes are fashionable and what people want to wear nowadays and Finally , I Would give you a list of the top10 brand of Clothes fashion. In addition I will give you examples about some celebrities and their relation to the brand and the fashion.
Since its introduction to the world in December of 1892 Vogue has gone about as the central form counselor for the socialites of tomorrow, setting up the garments drifts in the interminably developing universe of design. Vogue is presently distributed in eighteen nations, universally extending the legacy and impact of the design wonder. In spite of Vogue's concentrate on the brief form vibes existing apart from everything else, the magazine has kept up its status as the managing voice in first class design styles for almost 120 years.
To me a discourse community is a close-knit group that shares the same interests and use writing as a main concept for communication. writing as a main concept for communication. Swales, linguist and author of “The Concept of Discourse Community”, further explained discourse by attributing specific characteristics to them. For the purposes of this essay, these are the relevant descriptions. “A discourse community has a broadly agreed upon set of goals” (Swales, 471), “A discourse community has acquired a specific lexis” (473), and “a discourse community has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise” (473). The discourse communityI have chosen to discuss in this essay is the Army ROTC at University of Memphis..
Discourse communities are all around us, which can include a sports team, academics, and many others. However today I am focusing on a discourse community that relates to my major, criminal justice. In order for me to understand swales six characteristics I interviewed a homicide detective relating to criminal justice. A discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field. A discourse community is defined by six characteristics. The six defining characteristics of a discourse community require a set of common goals, there must also be mechanisms of communications within the community as well as feedback among members. Genre, the fourth characteristic, describing the various methods of output. The last two are terminology, and expertise. In order to really understand that criminal justice is a discourse community, I had to do research, and interview an expert in the field. To be a part of a discourse community, one must be credible, possess factual knowledge and draw on the values of its members to be accepted into the community. At the same time a person must learn typical ways people in that community communicate and argue. They share a certain genre which is a type of writing. Members of discourse communities provide information and feedback that are imperative in order for that discourse community to grow. My interviewee, Carol Mims, is a child homicide detective. She is an alumni here at
Genre is known to change discourse by the format the information is presented to the audience (Varela, 2008). It is also a category of composition that is characterized by a particular style, form or content as dictate by Webster Third Dictionary. However Trosborg (n.d) stated that for the past decade, genre identification, classification and description have been scholarly concern. Certain scholars dictate that genre is defined primarily around its basic external criteria such as journals and newspaper discourse while other scholars stand on the opinion that genre can be classify by its communicative purpose, linguistic content and form of role its play in the discourse made (Trosborg, n.d).
To grasp the identity performance of a fashion blogger one has to understand the meaning of identity for a fashion blogger herself. Chiara Ferragni of ‘The Blonde
A real audience forces most students to reconsider how they word their ideas. To avoid looking illiterate, most students will consult their teacher or a grammar and usage book to make sure they are adhering to good grammar guidelines. By writing online students feel motivated to do their best. For example, George Mayo, a Maryland middle school 8th grade teacher, found this to be the case. According to Morgan,“Mayo remarked that the level of motivation in his class soared when his students found out that pupils as far away as China were participating.” Therefore, social media can writing by motivating students to do their best.