
Discovery Essay

Decent Essays

Discovery is uncovering what is not known. The core text ‘Away’ written by Michael Gow and related text The Pursuit of Happyness directed by Gabrielle Muccino simply implies that every significant discovery brings change, growth, and strong relationships. The characters that are present in these two texts face conflict, and learn how to overcome their problems through their support of family and friends. Therefore, they are able to evolve as a person and although the texts differ in their contexts, they both illustrate discovery as a product of self-actualisation, and an appreciation for our environment. ‘Away’ and The Pursuit of Happyness gives us an insight into how a character changes and grows as a person once they are faced with an …show more content…

this part right here? This is called ‘happiness.’” after he had gained his stockbroker job. The long shot of his face conveys symbolism and creates an impact on the audience as he realises how far he has come on his journey to the discovery of his job, which ultimately makes him content with his life, revealing how discovery is a product of hard work and diligence. The characters in both texts discover how strong their relationships are with their families. In the phrase, “You worry too much.” The emotive language is emphasising that Meg’s mother needs to give her comfort instead of condemnation. In Tom’s family, there is his mother and father, Harry and Vic. Tom always bonded with his family, but when he is faced with Leukaemia, he does not know how his parents will react. At the end of the play, Tom recites a speech from King Lear and he mentions, “Unburden’d crawl toward death.” This is a descriptive quote which conveys that Tom has finite time, and won’t have the happy ending of others. The audience would convey this as having a relation to ‘Away’ because it explores the dilemma that Tom is faced in; how he will not be living for much longer. In The Pursuit of Happyness Chris maintains a strong relationship with his son and his wife. “You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period.” This is a meaningful quote. It is interpreted in a

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