
Discovery Of Pulque Essay

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The Discovery of Pulque,” 1869, by Jose Maria Obregón, this painting is an oil on canvas piece. It was commissioned by what some may call a renaissance man. He was a play writer, art critique and a poet. He wanted Obregon to paint this “historic” scene because he believed that King Tecpancaltzin was one of his ancestors. King Tecpancaltzin is one of the main subjects in this painting. The main story being told in this painting is the story of King Tecpancaltzin receiving the first cup of pulque. Looking at the left side of the painting the viewer can see servants coming into the throne room. One of the woman servants is holding a cactus which is where the pulque comes from. Below this woman sits another woman who is carrying the bad that carried the pulque. Continuing right along the painting you see Xochitl mother holding the jug to pour the pulque. Alongside her mother is Xochitl who is also standing beside her father. She is also presenting the bowl of pulque to King Tecpancaltzin. Obregon strategically placed highlights on the more important subjects in the painting. …show more content…

1865, by Jose Augustin Arrieta. This painting is an oil on canvas painting. La Pulqueria is a Costumbrista painting. Costumbrista painting is the depiction of everyday local life. The scene being depicted in this painting is of a Pulqueria at the end of the day. A Pulqueria is a tavern or bar. In this scene everyone is gathered around a table to discuss their day and to enjoy a drink of pulque. It would seem that one of the men had too much to drink and is struggling to stay up. Another aspect of the local life around that time can be seen by looking towards the floor. There is an elderly woman sitting down heating up tortillas and passing them

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