
Discovery Short Story

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Discovery: Creative Writing

5a.m. is the time for thinking; the time for the brain to make sense of memories that refuse to be rationalised.

Twisted wisps of thought whirled around in his head, an endless helix of memories threatening to strangle his sanity and haunt the recesses of his consciousness. Consciousness which was losing the mental crusade against the ebb of drowsiness. Opening his eyes was a futile effort. The darkness would consume him and offer no refuge from the inferno inside his mind. The world no longer made sense, if it ever did. Though obfuscated by darkness, the relentless tick-tock of the clock changing its evidence resonated in his ears. Time would drain his sanity like sand from a hourglass until nothing but mirages …show more content…

Only the most determined rays pierced the curtains of darkness that enveloped the earth. There was still time for Andrew to collect his thoughts in preparation for the day to come. Outside lay the world he had always known. In the early hours of the morning, tranquility occupied the outside world, a reminder of a once elegant and less complicated mental landscape. Remnants of his childhood were scattered and fragmented: the local school, park and playground – simple constructions that offered the framework for memories of his younger self. Reminders of a person that is and isn’t him. All the segments of time he wished he could relive, even if just for a moment. Symbols of stability in a rapidly evolving and chronologically gyrating …show more content…

If he failed to take the opportunity he would remain under the shadow of insecurity, destined to follow the same routine for the many suns and moons he still had left on the planet. He would remain forgotten and in a perpetual state of nescience, trying to decipher a future he could still not comprehend. Parting with his mother felt as if his heart was being stretched in two directions, each with a pulling force equally as powerful was the other.

A myriad of people filled the terminal: some eager to board, others acting as if following a routine. It fascinated Andrew that although they would all share a flight, their destination would be far from the same. Each had their own story and future, intersecting at this one point in time. Each had their own decisions to make, hurdles to overcome and mistakes to learn from. For Andrew, this would be the first of many leaps to come.

As the plane took off, Andrew was left with one last glance of his hometown. His eyes absorbed every hill, every valley, every house that had nourished his childhood for one final time, ensuring that every detail remained with him, embedded into his mind. For it might not be the same when he returned, if he ever

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