Employee benefits play a crucial role in the lives of employees as well as their families; therefore, benefits offered by employers can often times be the deciding factor for potential employee’s decision to work. Most organizations offer a variety of benefits ranging from those mandates by law, such as Social Security, to those that are just optional, such as health insurance. This essay will discuss the mandated types of benefit, specifically focusing on how the benefits are paid for and how they are administered. Furthermore, the essay will discuss discretionary benefits provided by private and public organizations. Lastly, this essay will highlight the differences in the scope of discretionary benefits provided by organizations presently …show more content…
In fact, the most received type of leave is in the form of a workweek unpaid leave, which could equal to a total of 12 workweeks. To receive this benefit, employees are to be giving birth to a child or caring for a newborn, caring for a newly placed child (adoption), caring for an immediate family member with a serious medical condition, or unable to work themselves due to a serious medical condition. The stipulation pertaining to “serious health condition” includes an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition involving various types of medical incapacity. While this is type of leave is generally unpaid, employers may allow or require employees to use accrued paid leave to cover some or all of the FMLA leave taken. When paying for health insurance, typically employers and employees both pay into the coverage. Employees are required to pay a deductible, depending upon which insurance plan they opt-in to. Employers are required to provide minimum value of at least 60% of the total cost of benefits incurred under the plan. However, according to the 2015 Kaiser survey, employers paid 83% of the premium for coverage for a single employee and 72% for coverage for a …show more content…
While these benefits are required, there are some discretionary benefits that employers are free to add to the list of benefits offered. The major types of discretionary benefits include pensions, deferred compensation programs, health insurance, retiree health insurance, prescription drug coverage, mental health benefits, vision insurance, dental insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, long-term care insurance, paid leave (maternity, sick, annual, holiday, and family), sick days, paid lunch breaks, and compensatory time off. These benefits are generally the more traditional discretionary benefits used in combination with mandated benefits previously mentioned. These benefits are typically used to attract quality applicants, encourage loyalty and long-term employment, and motivate and reward incumbent employees. Aside from these more traditional discretionary benefits, since the beginning of the 20th century to present day, public and private organizations are introducing new types of discretionary benefits that focus on a more employee centered
| The employee is covered for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993. The company is not required to cover any salary not owed or granted to the employee at the time leave is approved.
The Family and Medical Leave Act sets regulations for job-protected leave related to family and medical reasons. FMLA applies to organizations with 50 or more employees working within 75 miles of the employee’s worksite (“Employment Laws,” n.d., para. 6). Employees who have been with their current employer for 12 months and who have worked 1250 hours of service in the previous 12 months are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave through FMLA (“Eligibility Requirements,” Revised 2013). FMLA covers the following leave reasons:
The Family and Medical Leave Act sets regulations for job-protected leave related to family and medical reasons. FMLA applies to organizations with 50 or more employees working within 75 miles of the employee’s worksite (“Employment Laws,” n.d., para. 6). Employees who have been with their current employer for 12 months and who have worked 1250 hours of service in the previous 12 months are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave through FMLA (“Eligibility Requirements,” Revised 2013). FMLA covers the following leave reasons:
The FMLA or The Family and Medical Leave Act allows eligible employees who work for companies that the Act applies to take unpaid, job-protected leave for family and or medical reasons. As stated on US Department of Labor’s website (2015), a covered employer must have 50 or more employees in 20 or more work weeks in the current or preceding calendar year, including a joint employer or successor in interest to a covered employer. It may also be a public agency which includes local, state or Federal agencies, regardless of the number of employees that it employs. Eligible employees work for a covered
Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne relays the theme of guilt using symbolism that is portrayed in the scarlet letter itself and in the main character’s daughter. The story follows the protagonist, Hester Prynne, who commits adultery with the town minister, Arthur Dimmesdale, producing the child she raises on her own named Pearl. Guilt is a common theme for the duration of the novel which covers all aspects of the shame each character feels. These particular dimensions of shame come specifically from different objects in the novel and what they represent.
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became public law on February 5, 1993. Its purpose is to grant family and temporary medical leave under certain circumstances that will allow the employee to balance the demands of their job with the needs of their families. Some examples of eligible leave are: for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for an (eligible) family member that has a serious health condition or because the employee themselves have a serious health condition and is unable to work for an extended period of time. Further, the FMLA was enacted in order to minimize employment
Source 3 is by far the best propaganda poster out of the 5 sources. This poster is directed toward women during World War II to find an occupation that will ultimately help their loved one come back from war. It uses appeals to the emotional response of the audience and uses the belief that by getting a war job, your loved one will come back from war quickly and safely. It is also based off of the exaggeration the your help, and only your help, will greatly affect the war effort, when in reality that isn’t necessarily true. A woman getting a job in making cartridges for guns will not increase or decrease the chance of a loved one dying. This poster is sufficient enough to persuade women because the purpose is easy
The Family Medical Leave Act was passed in 1993 and updated in 2008 and 2009. The law requires employers with 50 or more employees to allow up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. The provision of the law would allow employees who have worked for one year and have worked at least 1,250 hours to use the unpaid leave for family or medical reasons (DeCenzo 267). It is important to note that the employee does not have to work for one year of continuous service, any combination of weeks worked that equal to 52 weeks makes and employee eligible for FMLA leave. If the employee has a break of seven years or longer, that time does not have to be counted towards the 52 weeks (United States Dept of Labor, 2017). To count the
These employees enjoy accrued benefit such as health insurance, vacation, Competitive wages, dental insurance, holiday and a retirement plan (Helms, 2001).
The Family and Medical Leave Act was enacted by Congress on February 5, 1993, and it is public law 103-3. This law allows for a person to leave work in certain situations without losing his/her job. An eligible employees must have worked for the employer for at least 12 months and at least completed 1250 hours of service. An employee is able to leave work for up to 12 weeks for any of the following reasons: the employee expects a baby in his/her immediate family, the employee expects an adopted child in his/her immediate family, the employee has to take care of an ill family member which includes spouse, parent or his/her own children, and/or the employee has a serious medical
Another issue that Ubel’s article discusses is how economic factors influence employer’s decisions in providing benefits to employees. If an employee is earning a higher salary, the individual may decide to forgo some of their pay to receive benefits, like health insurance (Ubel, 2013). Conversely, a low-wage earner does not have the financial latitude to sacrifice some of their wages to receive health insurance
Chapter conclusion: Benefits for employees are very important for companies. Benefits for employees include various insurance plans, paid vacation days, paid sick leave, paid days off, etc. Different companies need to establish different benefit plans based on their company conditions. In brief, benefit in one of the bridge between employers and employees.
In today’s competitive workforce, compensation and benefit packages plays a crucial role on recruitment and retention for both the organization and the employee. Bumpbie finds itself in a situation where it could positively affect its employee’s morale, turnover rate and longevity; by making a strategic decision to implement compensation and benefit packages that will encourage current workers to stay and entice new applicants. Money is not always the inherent reason businesses experience high turnover rate, the constant shifting in the job market will always be a contributing factor as well as employee’s moral. Mayhew, R. (2016), explains that an “employee compensation plan” refers to all the components offered as well as the way in which they are paid, and the reason behind the employees getting the compensation case bonuses, salary increases and incentives. The fact that there are voluntary and mandatory benefits that organization provides to their employees give employees the freedom of choice, as well as the option to make the whether to stay with or leave an organization based on the benefits it provides. Variable Pay is also an option that some employers offer their employee which is performance based or results oriented. Whether it is profit sharing, merit based programs or incentive bonuses; it all comes down to which organization can provide employees with the compensation or benefits packages that best satisfy their needs.
Most health care analyst believes that health benefits provided by employers are provided as part of the overall compensation paid to workers. Because of the rising cost of the health care benefits, employers’ shares of
The most popular form of time off is vacation time, this is typically a time that has to be scheduled off in advance and the time allotted is determined based on employee seniority. The amount of vacation an employee may receive is determined by many factors in the company such as the industry, organization size and locale. Companies tend to offer one to two weeks for employees after they have had a position for one year, and once the position has been held for five or more years the employee will receive an additional allotment of scheduled time off. Paid holidays are nationally observed holidays such as New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas; an employee would normally get this day off with pay or if asked to work would receive additional compensation for working on the holiday. Sick time is for the unexpected time of illness and is generally something that an employee would have to "call out" for, thus notifying their manager that they will not make it to work for that day. Sick time consists of one week or forty hours and can be scattered through out the year. (Bohlander 479) FMLA or Family Medical Leave of Absence is considered an excused absence in the event there is an illness in the family or a health condition with ones self, and the birth of a child. FMLA is something that is doctor approved and an employee obtains a certain amount of hours to use per year. FMLA can be an option that you are not