
Discrimination Against The Age Old Caste System

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In every society and a nation there exists numerous identities based on factors like race, class, caste, religion, gender, language or region. Craving for more power – muscle, money or political – of some individuals or groups tends people to adopt discriminatory practices. Discriminatory practices work on whims and fancies/likes and dislikes of strong people. Controlling the destiny of others satisfies their ego and serves their interests.
There can be many types and forms of discrimination. Once you commit a distinction of someone not basing it on personal merit, it is an act of discrimination. Such forms are; sexism, racism, sexual orientation, religious and spiritual belief, age, class, caste, physical appearance, ethnicity, social class, wealth etc. If you have been treated unfairly because of who you are, it may lead to unlawful discrimination.
The age-old caste system is one of the main causes for social inequality in India. It has contributed in keeping a large portion of the country 's population backwards. The caste system resulted in lot of evil actions because of its rules. Society was divided into strict compartments and those belonging to the higher castes exploited the lower caste people- The shudras and untouchables had to perform all the menial tasks. They could not even think for their betterment. Their children had to remain slaves or bonded labourers, even if someone was intelligent and aspired to study.
Through the constitution

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