Learning outcome: Discuss how and why particular research method are used at the biological level of analysis.
The biological level of analysis in psychology refers to the study of how human behaviour, thoughts and emotions can be affected and affect the biological factors/ physiology of human body. Laboratory experiments, case studies and correlation studies are the three main research methods applied in supporting the principles of the biological of analysis in psychology.
First, laboratory experiments. Laboratory experiments are research methods that help to establish cause-effect relationship between two variables. They are applied for developing the casual relationship of manipulated variables which help to increase psychological
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This research shows that case study has high validity as it is appropriate to apply study results to intended population with high ecological validity. However, it has low reliability as it can be retested resulting low test-retest reliability. Different researcher might also have different observations under controlled environment on the participants ' behaviour resulting low inter-rater reliability.
Third, correlation study. Correlation study is the record of the scores on two or more measures for establishing a relationship between them. The process of correlation study does not necessary involves in manipulating independent variables which might damage the participant. Correlation study is applied widely as it is important for developing the link between genetics and behaviour, especially in the context of studying the frequency of the second family member having a particular characteristic proven that his/her family has it. It also contributes widely on establishing the relationship between brain activity and behaviour or the relationship between cognition and emotion. Take note that no causation is established in this level of research method. Heston, 1966 is a research held through correlation study research method for the purpose of discovering the relationship between schizophrenia and genetic information transmitted from parents. During the research process, researcher focused on investigating the
Describe the experimental method, state its advantages and disadvantages, and distinguish between independent and dependent variables.
Experimental research concentrates on how and why something happens. It is the evaluation of how an independent variable (a manipulated factor) affects a dependent variable (an observed factor). The outcome can be affected by a number of elements; obtaining random and representative samples of the study population, experimenter bias and extraneous variables.
The approaches of humanistic and biological are just two of the many different approaches in the world of psychology. A few of the others are trait, cognitive, and psychoanalytic approaches, each offers a
In this essay I will describe correlation is a measure of association as well as describe different methods of establishing a correlation between variables. In this essay I will also explain advantages and disadvantages of each method, were each must be applied, and provide particular circumstances and examples in which a researcher may want to establish correlation
This essay will be looking at the role of ecological validity and the importance it has in psychological research. Ecological validity refers to the extent to which a study reflects naturally occurring or everyday situations. It will also consider the advantages and disadvantages of ecological validity, through exploring studies such as the bobo doll experiment and a study on memory. Ecological validity is one of many important factor in psychological research. Also being addressed is what goes into a study or experiment and all the things that need to be considered to achieve ecological validity. In addition, it is important to design the study in such a way that the results obtained can be usefully and meaningfully applied to the area in question. Constructing experiments that achieve high ecological validity is quite a complex and difficult task.
One example of biological research would be a CT scan of someone who has a healthy brain and someone who has an injured one and the behavior of both
Throughout this course I have learned many things about research at an introductory level. Research is a critical part of all of our lives in many ways. God blesses each of us with a degree of common sense and we all learn from observing others even as babies, we learned behaviors and skills by observing our parents. Walking through experiences throughout life teach us a lot we need to know as well but sometimes we have to take a better approach when we need to learn about certain things. Many of us know that what works in some situations or with certain individuals doesn’t always work or is the safest option for another situation. Controlled and precisely organized study allows scientists to compare and examine contrasting methods and concepts, also helps them to discover various approaches and be able to learn from individual’s behaviors and experiences. I will act as the case study throughout this paper in order to observe what I have learned about.
Describe the experimental method, state its advantages and disadvantages, and distinguish between independent and dependent variables.
However with advantages come disadvantages. For example, with correlational studies there is no background information obtained. Therefore, the reliability of the correlational studies is questioned.
Whether it is the study of biopsychology and other fields of psychology or neuroscience, all psychologists and scientists are trying to understand the functions of the brain. The body and mind connection and how it reacts to certain behaviors or illnesses. Most all psychological functioning can be reduced to underlying brain processes. This should serve as reason alone as to why biology plays an important part in the study of psychology. Psychological factors play a role in whether a person develops a mental illness and in how well they recover from a mental illness, yet biological and genetic risk factors, or predispositions, are
(P1)The biological approach means that our behavior is the cause of biological factors. This approach looks at our genetics to construct a reason why we act the way we do and why we develop abnormal behaviors. The brain and nervous system are the biological approach and so are chemical changes in the body .This can mean chemical reactions in the brain. For instance, in eating disorders - twin studies were carried out and it was shown that if one identical twin suffered from an eating disorder then the other twin would also be more likely to suffer from a disorder as well. This did not happen with non-identical twins, suggesting that the
The biological approach states that “all thoughts, feeling & behavior ultimately have a biological cause” (Simply Psychology). This approach says that we are affected by biological factors. Biological factors are “anything which affects the function and behavior of a living organism. Internally, this factor can be a physical, physiological, chemical, neurological, or genetic condition
Understanding the biological development will help a person understand the physiological dimensions because they work together in understanding the human development. Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. “Personality, self-concept, emotion, and cognition are parts of the human psychological development” (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010). The psycho-dynamic theory, Neo-Freudian psychoanalytic theory, phenomenological theory, and feminist theories are some
There are 3 research methods can be used in cognitive level of analysis. They are lab
Biological psychology, of biopsychology, is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes in terms of bodily mechanisms. The view that psychological processes have biological (or physiological) correlates, is the basic assumption of the whole field of biological psychology. Biological psychology is a hopeful domain, one that has much to offer in terms of improving the quality of life of the healthy as well as those suffering from disorders. It also contributed important therapeutic data on a variety of conditions, including: Parkinson 's Disease, Alzheimer 's Disease, Clinical depression, Schizophrenia and a lot others. Humans have very complex nervous system, they use neurons and neurotransmitters to make the highest active communication network throughout the body. “most of the body’s neurons are found in the central nervous system(CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord” (psychology 5th edition). “Neuroscience emphasizes that the brain and nervous system are central to understanding behavior, thought, and emotion. (Van Horn, 2014; Zhao & others, 2014). Therefore, for biological psychologist all that is psychological is first physiological. All thoughts, feeling & behavior ultimately have a biological cause.” We are benefited from biological approach for diagnosing and treating human brains Ex. Schizophrenia. Scientists are also able to create medications for different types of illnesses. Besides having psychologists