The natural cause of anemia comes from the body not producing enough red blood cells to support the human body fully. Due to the lack of red blood cells, not enough oxygen is distributed throughout the body’s tissues. As a result of this the individual may feel fatigued or tired all the time. Red cells contain hemoglobin which consists of iron proteins that gives blood its color. I myself have iron deficiency which has caused me to bruise very easily since my body can not produce enough red cells to replace the ones that have been impacted through injuries or cuts. Anemia has several causes such as a lack of iron in your diet that stunts your growth and development as you grow. There is also an absence of red blood cells because there is not
As a provider, one will care for many patients that have different types of anemia. Anemia is not so much as a disease as a symptom of an underlying issue. Although there can be particular signs and symptoms associated with anemia, the basis of a diagnosis is from laboratory data. For the purpose of this discussion, I will evaluate a case study and give a differential diagnosis. I will also assess how patient history, physical exam, and lab reports support my diagnosis. I will explain the pathophysiology of the type of anemia and give causes and treatment options available.
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle,” says the great Martin Luther King Jr. In the book To Kill a MockingBird by Harper Lee we see similar struggle that Dr. King battled. Atticus Finch is the only one in the small town of Maycomb willing to admit an african american might not actually be to blame. It was Atticus and Tom Roberson against Maycomb. Throughout Atticus’ interaction with the people of Maycomb he shows people the truth about equality and helped with racism. In the end we learn that it takes courage and a hard shell to beat racism, and breaking down a barrier of society can put a lot of struggle and challenge on one person.
This anemia results in fatigue and a number of the following problems;pain episodes, strokes, susceptibility to bacterial infections, particularly in children, leg ulcers, bone damage, yellow eyes or jaundice, early gallstones, lung blockage, increased infections, kidney damage and loss of body water in urine, painful erections in men, blood blockage in the spleen or liver, eye damage, low red blood cell counts (anemia), and delayed growth.
Fatigue: The growth and development of red blood cells in the bone marrow may be suppressed while having increase in the number of malignant plasma cells, which then cause low levels of red blood cells in the blood. This condition, know as anemia, can result in unusual fatigue or weakness.
Campolo believed that “evangelical Christianity had been hijacked because it had seemingly become anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-muslim, and pro-war. According to Campolo, the Religious Right hijacked it because they believed to be evangelical you had to be a radical conservative and hate everything you don’t believe in, rather than respecting them.
According to the study, the symptoms of anemia include malaise, lethargy, fatigue, swelling belly, pale skin, poor appetite, numerous infections, and crankiness.
The most prominent cause of Iron Deficiency Anemia is bleeding. Blood loss from the Gastrointestinal Tract is a significant cause of anemia for both men and women. When blood is present in excrement, a gastrointestinal problem exists. Many times, people are unaware of these problems with their waste products. When they begin to feel the symptoms of anemia and undergo tests that determine that they are anemic, it begins the process of discovering more health problems. Anemia can serve as the precursor of certain diseases. There are many instances when it is merely a sign of severe disease such as a peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, hemorrhoids, angiodysplasis of the colon, and colonic adenocarcinoma (
Without oxygen, our cells cannot work. Which of the following might be an explanation why someone feels weak?
Hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is abnormal or low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen. Symptoms of anemia -- like fatigue -- occur because organs aren't getting what they need to function properly, according to the article, "Anemia Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diet, and Treatment." During the civil war more than 150 prisons were established where around 400,000 men had been imprisoned.
blood disorders, such as hemolytic anemia (the rupture or destruction of red blood cells that lead to a decreased amount of red blood cells in your circulation, which leads to fatigue and weakness)
Iron deficiency anemia is quite common in children, as iron is needed to support growth. A lack of iron in the diet can cause delays in brain development, which may be irreversible. Common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include irritability, palor, weakness, and cold hands and feet. Prevention of anemia is crucial for expectant mothers, as anemic women are at a higher risk for delivery complications such as hemorrhaging and having infants of low-birth weight. (Frantz, C. 2010).
I was surgery last month. After surgery, my doctor told me I had an amount of blood. So, I felt very tired. I become more interested in anemia. Accordingly, I had picked iron deficiency anemia. According to the Health line, anemia occurs when I have a level of red blood cells (RBCs) in my blood that is lower than normal. They explained iron deficiency anemia that is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when my body do not have enough of the mineral iron. My body needs iron to make a protein called hemoglobin. This protein is responsible for carrying oxygen to my body’s tissues, which is essential form my tissues and muscles to function effectively. When there is not enough iron in my blood stream, the rest of my body cannot get the
Since iron-deficiency anemia is all about a lack of iron, one of the first things a doctor will prescribe is an iron supplement of some kind. Tablets are the most common form. In some cases, you may be sent to hospital in order to have iron inserted into your body more directly.
Anemia is a disorder of the blood. It occurs when your body does not produce enough erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBCs). Without the erythrocytes oxygen can not be adequately delivered to the tissues and organs throughout the body. This will cause you to become weak and tired. A person may also experience headaches, skin pallor, and faintness. Your body may attempt to compensate for these symptoms by speeding up the heart rate and respiratory rate. This is the body’s attempt to return oxygen levels to normal(Thibodeau and Patton, 2005).
Imagine yourself living in hierarchy where men are always above women, a time when women were equal to slaves. This is the setting of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This novel is categorized as a classic for a copious amount of reasons. If this tale of adultery and death wasn't a good enough reason, then Hawthorne's use of symbolism is. Seventeenth century Boston in a Puritan settlement is where this story takes place. Hester Prynne is found guilty of adultery, and her punishment is to wear a big fat scarlet “A’ on her dress. Hester is asked who the father of her child named Pearl is, but Hester refuses again and again to reveal the secret identity of her lover. She eventually settles to the edge of the town where she makes a