Tamara Al Ali
Ms. Karen Smith
L&C 2
28th, March, 2017
Many people think of abortion as a way of killing a child alive while they don’t know facts about it. Abortion has various positive sides that help women have a comfortable life. However, there are effects behind banning abortion such as a social effect, a physical effect and a psychological effect. The first effect behind banning abortion is the social effect. For example, in cases of rape, the child would make a woman feel depressed since he/she would be constant reminder of the sexual assault.
The issue of abortion is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues faced by modern societies. This issue leads to topics of whether abortion is right or wrong, if it is the actual killing of a person, and what actually defines the moral status of a fetus. In this paper, I will be arguing against Bonnie Steinbock, who believes that abortions are morally acceptable. So I will be supporting the view that abortions are not morally acceptable.
First, one of the many reasons abortion should be illegal in the United States is for the physical and emotional effects it has on women. One example, is the increased risk effect it can have on a later pregnancy. According to Dr. Roger Harms, “However, some research suggests a possible link between abortion and an increased risk of: Vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy, Preterm birth, Low birth weight, Placental problems, such as retained placenta” (Harms). Many people plan on having kids at some point in their lives, but by having an abortion, it could potentially harm future pregnancies. In addition, the mental side effects abortion can have on women is terribly underrated. The physiological effect of killing a baby can last any number of months and even a lifetime. The term Post
Abortion continues to make a profound impact on public policies and remains one of the most controversial debate of our time. Though abortion continues to be a debate, it was not always a problematic one. Abortion has been present throughout history dating back to the ancient Egyptians, Greek and Roman. Before abortion became a crime in the 19th century, abortion was a womans choice. “Before abortion became the object of law, it was a subject of everyday life” (Roe v Wade BOOK p. 11). From early civilizations to today, abortion was and may still serve as a form of birth control. It has been observed that through abortion those of upper class avoided “unwanted childbearing and the lower classes used it to limit family size when 1 or more child
In some societies they consider abortion if the mothers health is at risk, or the women with pregnancy is in a result of a crime such as rape. Also if some women can no handle a child. Also government policy of regulating population size and groups within a population. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/abortion/legal/when_1.shtml
There are many limitations valued when it comes to the right of abortion. The news media still outlines the pros and cons of anti-abortion rights in certain-states-to soon, the entire country. My perspectives on the issue of abortion have been entitled from it to never be banned among citizen’s rights. The reproduction of pregnancy has been emphasized heavily on a mother’s decision to abort their child, but the father of the child plays an active role since he considers to that particular title. Through this current issue, majority of the people against abortion do not seem to have an open mind to how much it primarily affects the decision of the mother amongst her own views of considering abortion.
Abortion is the medical procedure when it is induced on purpose to extract the fetus from the uterus. When abortion occurs without purpose, it is usually referred to as miscarriage; such instance causes psychological problems in a woman and affects her perception of the fetus. The number of moral and ethical considerations on the problem of abortions can be considered from a variety of perspectives that include economic, medical, social, and religious aspects of the phenomenon. Many case studies are based on the need to make a choice, especially when talking about professional duties of doctors and such medical practices, as Hippocratic Oath. The controversy occurs every time some people cannot accept the right of the woman to have an
The abortion question raises a number of issues that form the core of the abortion debate. Opponents and supporters of abortions have been battling over this particular problem for decades and still cannot come to an agreement. Being one of the most common and most controversial medical procedures, abortion tends to affect people on psychological and sociological levels. But while the discussion of the morality of abortion is an ongoing debate, the social issues surrounding abortion in most cases stay unnoticed. The social aspect of the issue is centered on the abortion policy. The main question of the abortion policy is whether the law should permit abortions and, if so under what circumstances. The other is whether the law should put the life of an unborn child first and legally protect it. The peculiarity of the abortion policy is that its measures are highly dependent on different public opinions.
As we think about this idea that is spreading throughout the world, most of us won’t think that there are any positive sides or benefits of taking human’s life away. Besides the bad sides of it, there are various costs that are not even coming because of abortion if we look in term of human life and well-being. A lot of people go for it because of the costs that they will have after the baby is born. In the process, you free society from the long-term engenderment and influence of a starkly unique human being (The Cost of Life, 2004).An issue that it might cause is the decrementation of the number of population (The Cost and Consequences of Abortion, 2009). There is nothing big that can make people to make their steps to this.
Choice, what is choice? Choice is the right, power, or opportunity to choose. Everybody in society has a choice and these choices have many outcomes. A woman’s right to choose to have an abortion or not, is her fundamental right. If society outlaws abortion, society is interfering with the woman’s right to make decisions related to her own body. Many theorists believe that sexuality is what divides women from men and makes women less valuable than men; keeping this concept in mind it can be said that gender plays an immense role in social inequality. In one of Thomas Jefferson’s speeches, he explains how we should never put at risk our rights because our freedom can be next. (lp. org 2007) Roe.V .Wade is believed to have been the
Nowadays, in this world, there are a lot of problems that can make tremendous conflicts for human beings. They are very complicated and bring a lot of argument and nobody knows what the exact answer is. They also have pros and cons. One of the most complex problems is abortion. This is due to moral and ethical values which we all have. The majority of us are Christians or are brought up in that kind of ambiance which means that as small children we were taught values that are based on the bible such as that famous phrase “Thou shall not kill”. This phrase relates to this topic because an abortion is the murder of a human being.
Many women that choose to have an abortion do not realize that it is a dangerous surgery with serious side effects. These side effects are both physical and psychological. Having an abortion is unnatural and interrupts this function of the human body. “The women’s body naturally resists the abortion, causing physical and emotional problems” (“Who does Abortion Affect?”). Almost all of the women who had abortions feel that they have made the wrong decision. The women are not informed about the side effects of abortion. Many women that had abortions said their doctors gave “little or no information about the potential health risks
There are religious and emotional objections to abortion as well as the possibility of negative medical and mental consequences. Many are in favor of making abortion illegal because, they feel it is immoral. Others believe that government should not have a say so in such a personal matter. Are there any other factors that could possibly change the way people view abortion? The matter of abortions negatively affecting the women who have the procedure done is one that the world has been dealing with for some time now. Researchers have decided to explore the idea that women who have had an abortion could possibly be at a higher risk for developing and even intensifying mental health issues. Researchers use various measures to determine if or how having an abortion effects woman. Measures include factors such as women who request an abortion but have not yet gone through with it, women who have gone through with the procedure, and women who have lost a child due to abortions or other ways. The following literature explains these
Abortion is a highly-debated topic of whether it is ethical for a woman to decide to have one. Abortion is any of various surgical methods for deliberately terminating a pregnancy. When we speak of abortion today, we mean induced abortion performed by trained doctors, not including miscarriage (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2015). Some current methods of abortion are morning-after pill, mifepristone, uterine or vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage, saline solution, prostaglandin drugs, hysterotomy, and partial birth abortion. Abortion involves questions about rights, happiness, and well-being, as well as the status and value of human life. The people who think it is ethical to have an abortion stand on the Pro-choice side and the people who think it is unethical stand on the Pro-life side. The liberal view of abortion supports abortions and the conservative view opposes abortion. There are many legal, religious, and medical conflicts that are included in the debate over abortion. The arguments made from both sides help us better understand whether a woman should have an abortion.
Abortion is the surgical termination of a pregnancy. How odd that people are able to define something, that is such a controversial issue, so easily. There are hundreds, thousands, and even millions of things to say about abortion. When it comes to abortion, I find myself thinking like a symbolic interactionist. Abortion is a personal social issue and it needs to be seen on a micro level first. Although abortion can also be seen on a macro level, seeing abortion on a micro level lets people see the different symbols of abortion. No social condition creates the same symbol. If abortion is seen on a macro level, all the myths and stereotypes of abortion seem more realistic. For example, some of those myths
Women may have an abortion for a variety of reasons, but in general they choose abortion because a pregnancy at that time is in some way wrong for them. “Abortion is the removal of a fetus from the uterus before it is mature enough to live on its own” (Kuechler 1996). When this happens spontaneously we call it a miscarriage. Induced abortion is brought about deliberately by a medical procedure that ends pregnancy. Legal abortion, carried out by trained medical practitioners, is one of the most common and safest surgical procedures. “About 1.5 million American women choose to have induced abortions each year. Less than 1% of all abortion patients experience a major complication associated with the procedure” (Kuechler 1996).