
Discussion 17 Essay

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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Discussion Questions 1. What is the bullwhip effect and how does it relate to lack of coordination in a supply chain? The bullwhip effect refers to the fluctuation in orders along the length of the supply chain as orders move from retailers to wholesalers to manufacturers to suppliers. The bullwhip effect relates directly to the lack of coordination (demand information flows) within the supply chain. Each supply chain member has a different idea of what demand is, and the demand estimates are grossly distorted and exaggerated as the supply chain partner is distanced from the customer. 2. What is the impact of lack of coordination on the performance of a supply chain? The …show more content…

The chain can also assign (or encourage) days for placing orders and move from lot-size based to volume based quantity discounts (or abandon discounts and promotions altogether). 6. How do trade promotions and price fluctuations affect coordination in a supply chain? What pricing and promotion policies can facilitate coordination? Trade promotions and price fluctuations make supply chain coordination more difficult. Customers seek to purchase goods for less and engage in forward buying which creates spikes in demand that may exceed capacity. All parties would benefit if the supply chain used every day low pricing (EDLP) to mitigate forward buying and allow procurement, production, and logistics to function at a steadier pace. If price incentives must be offered, the chain is better served by implementing a volume-based quantity discount plan instead of a lot size based quantity discount, i.e., providing incentives to purchase large quantities over a long period of time, perhaps a year. 7. How is the building of strategic partnerships and trust valuable within a supply chain? Cooperation and trust within the supply chain help improve performance for the following reasons: When stages trust each other, they are more likely to take the other party’s objectives into consideration when making

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