1. a) The class is in a productive zone when every individual is contributing to the discussion. Prevalent silence is a sign that we aren’t being productive, but the discussion must also be meaningful rather than just filling the silence. For me personally, I need to make sure to pick the times when my input is most insightful to speak up, as well as trying to reach out to the people who are quiet. My level of heat started out too high and went down to a manageable amount where I don’t feel nearly as afraid to contribute. The class as a whole tends a little on the cold side, and that seems mostly due to fear of heat. It’s not that people don’t want to contribute, it’s that they’re afraid of saying something stupid or meaningless.
b) Success would be
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Jeff says he doesn’t want to edit the paper, but he accepts anyways. Annie believes she can prove that the school is profiling. Annie and Britta don’t want to add anyone to the study group. Jeff frequently excersises control over the study group.
Interpretations: Jeff just wants the editor position so he can have an office. Annie thinks the school’s Dean is racist. Annie doesn’t actually think the school’s Dean is racist, she only wants to have an interesting story for the paper. The study group is conflicted about adding new people. The study group looks to Jeff for guidance.
3. What has surprised you about the group dynamic in the class?
There has been a lot of genuine support for other peoples’ ideas and also the conversation we all had where we established that we don’t think other people look as stupid as they think they do. I realize that we’re all civil, but I feel like people actually care more than I would have expected. 4. At first I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this class at all, but it’s actually grown on me. Outside of this class, I don’t think I would be friends with anyone, but inside I actually appreciate them and seeing how they
You are in your third year as an accountant with McCarver-Lynn Industries, a multidivisional company involved manufacturing, marketing, and sales of surgical prosthetic devices. After the fiscal year-end, you are working with the controller of the firm to prepare supplemental business segment disclosures. Yesterday you presented her with the following summary information:
What do you think would be the most interesting aspect of working with firearm evidence? What do you think would be the most challenging part?
After the school finds out about what the media is saying and all of the fake news, the school authorities decide to interview some of the kids in Ms. Narwin’s class at the time. The first of all the kids to be interviewed was Ken. Ken was Philip’s friend, so he responded in such a way that defended Phillip, but he was exposed when he said he was able to hear Phillip singing, and the fact that he sits all the way across the room from him. The other person to be interviewed was Allison. Allison told the complete truth about how Phillip was doing it on purpose to annoy everyone. At the end, she even stated that she liked Ms.
- Christine Darden asked her supervisor why women were always hired as computers or data
1.The Fire scenes are different than the regular crime scenes because the evidence from fire scene was probably destroyed or burned to ashes, and the individual who did the crime is not normally present a crime scene, which made it difficult to piece together the suspect , and convict someone of their crimes.
When he tried to try out for the school track team, his coach, ______, said that in the student handbook that students who are failing a class cannot join an after-school activity. Instead of asking for extra credit work like coach _____ advised. Furthermore, Philip’s friends were in his homeroom when he was humming. Most of them thought that he was just trying to make a laugh or to irritate Ms. Narwin. But when the story on the newspaper said otherwise, Philip’s friends really begin to think that Philip was trying to irritate Ms. Narwin. Practically everyone in the school likes Ms. Narwin, Phil’s friends are trying to prove her innocence. Finally, near the end of the book, Philip’s first day in the Private school, Philip’s homeroom teacher asked if he would sing the National Anthem, Philip said with tears in his eyes that he doesn’t know the words. When Philip hummed the National Anthem, he told the press and his parents that he was singing instead of humming the
Susan McConnell is the only junior in an english class full of seniors. Among the students, there is David Ruggles, Mark Kinney, Jeff Garrett, and Betsy Cline. David is the president of the senior class, Jeff is the tallest guy on the basketball team, Betsy is the head cheerleader, and Mark is Jeff’s best friend, and very mysterious. All of them aren’t very fond of their teacher, Mr. Griffin. Mark, Jeff, and Betsy hatch a plan to scare Mr. Griffin into going easier on them and giving better grades, so they don’t fail his class. They get Dave in, and Dave convinces Sue to join, to be the decoy. Their plan doesn’t go as aimed and Mr. Griffin is found dead by Sue and Dave. Mark comes up with a scheme to hide the body in the mountains and get rid of the car, while Sue thinks they should tell someone. Mark gets her to calm down and convinces her to stay quiet.
Questions to Think About - The following questions should be answered in your journals. The purpose of these questions is to help you understand the meaning of what you are reading. Read the questions before you begin to read and think about them while you are reading.
Professional athletes all around the world bring in sum of the largest paychecks around, but college athletes, though they work just as hard, see no compensation for their efforts. As of today, college athletes are not paid, and never have been. Even with the insane amount of money that both colleges and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) make from the athletes’ hard earned accomplishments. There are many college athletes that, though they are working hard to meet the expectations of colleges, still have to pay off their college expenses while being used by colleges to bring in lots of revenue. They are working harder than any other student on any college campus, balancing their sport and education, so shouldn’t they be rewarded?
Many business owners must examine what is at risk when they communicate sensitive data over email. The first thing is to make sure that a good virus protection software is install and updated on everyone computer place. Second it is good that all key departments within the organization, such as legal IT and H, understand the policies; require them to sign off on the email filtering, retention, retrieval and analysis policies (Small Business Computing Staff, 2011).
With my struggles to come in this course, I can make stronger friendships with my peers when I ask them for help. Creating friendships is also a very positive thing to have during a hard class because you can look to them for any
Dr. Bridgeforth, Thank you for reaching out to me for my consideration on this issue and allowing me to assist on the deliberation of it. When I think about the question at hand I first think to myself, is this a need or a want of the chapter and or advisors of Alpha Gamma Delta. When I spoke with Melanie I learned that she did not have the correct involvement in the chapter to truly give the answer that I think you were seeking, however my conversation with her did bring up several questions that I am sure you are already considering yourself. My first question is, what empty room is Sally talking about?
Philip came back to school and while he was on the bus his friend Ken asked him what happened. He told him he was going to go to Miss Narwin and ask her if he could have some extra work so he could be able to be on the track team. Ken thinks that Miss Narwin might be mad at Philip. Philip said if she is i just say i'm sorry and that's all. (Pages 168-182)
“Listen. Honey. Eugene doesn’t want to study with you.” She looked down at her shoes. I continued, knowing that she processed my words: “He is a smart boy. He doesn’t need help. You understand me? I am truly sorry if he told you you could come over. He cannot study with you It 's nothing personal. You understand? We won’t be in this place much longer, no need for him to get close to people--it’ll just make it harder for him later.” The girl slowly nodded her head and turned away. “Run back home now.” She stood there, unmoving.
1.) According to Lao-tzu, what must the ruler provide the people with if they are to be happy?