
Discussion of a Patent's Desire to Protect Their Children on the Internet in The Undercover Parent

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Today, the Internet has an important impact on our daily lives. We use it for communication, research, etc. Unfortunately sometimes the Internet can be a dangerous place and we have to be cautious when using it. We do not have as much privacy as we used to have 30 or 40 years ago. The article “The Undercover Parent”, discusses the issue of whether or not parents should put spyware on their child’s computer to monitor everything that they are doing. Some parents believe that they should put spyware on their child’s computer to monitor them. They want to make sure their child is safe and not talking to a stranger in a chat room or being bullied online. Part of being a parent is to make sure their child is safe and protected, that is one of …show more content…

They should remind their child constantly of being careful but I do not think parents should spy on their child. Parents should also tell their child that if they are in a dangerous situation, they need to let them know because parents are there to help. It is not just the internet that causes a lot of privacy issues GPS locations, cell phone tracking and programs that placed in teenagers’ cars that can tell when they are driving unsafely and where they are going. When a teenager gets a license, they think of the word “freedom”. They now have the legal right to go wherever they like without asking their parents to give them a ride. A teenager then finds out that their parents put a program named Tiwi in their car. Tiwi tracks their every movement, and how they drive, isn’t that freedom technically limited? Let’s say the Tiwi program puts a restriction on where they can drive and they can only drive in their local town but all the fun places like the mall and movie theater are in the next town over. They no longer have that freedom so instead of parents using such programs, they should discuss with their children where are they going and when they will be back. When your every move is monitored, it is not that just the privacy that is overridden it is like you are in prison with an ankle bracelet or an FBI’s most wanted having his or her movement tracked? With limited freedom as a teenager you cannot enjoy doing fun things

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