Today, the Internet has an important impact on our daily lives. We use it for communication, research, etc. Unfortunately sometimes the Internet can be a dangerous place and we have to be cautious when using it. We do not have as much privacy as we used to have 30 or 40 years ago. The article “The Undercover Parent”, discusses the issue of whether or not parents should put spyware on their child’s computer to monitor everything that they are doing. Some parents believe that they should put spyware on their child’s computer to monitor them. They want to make sure their child is safe and not talking to a stranger in a chat room or being bullied online. Part of being a parent is to make sure their child is safe and protected, that is one of …show more content…
They should remind their child constantly of being careful but I do not think parents should spy on their child. Parents should also tell their child that if they are in a dangerous situation, they need to let them know because parents are there to help. It is not just the internet that causes a lot of privacy issues GPS locations, cell phone tracking and programs that placed in teenagers’ cars that can tell when they are driving unsafely and where they are going. When a teenager gets a license, they think of the word “freedom”. They now have the legal right to go wherever they like without asking their parents to give them a ride. A teenager then finds out that their parents put a program named Tiwi in their car. Tiwi tracks their every movement, and how they drive, isn’t that freedom technically limited? Let’s say the Tiwi program puts a restriction on where they can drive and they can only drive in their local town but all the fun places like the mall and movie theater are in the next town over. They no longer have that freedom so instead of parents using such programs, they should discuss with their children where are they going and when they will be back. When your every move is monitored, it is not that just the privacy that is overridden it is like you are in prison with an ankle bracelet or an FBI’s most wanted having his or her movement tracked? With limited freedom as a teenager you cannot enjoy doing fun things
Coben states that parents should put spyware on their kids computers, but shouldn’t be nosey and be completely responsible look for anything hazardous. However I disagree and believe teenagers should be trusted with online responsibilities. One reason for this is a third party (the vendor) makes a record of what you do ,but the author did not make note this or did not even know which in my opinion is worst than a faceless bureaucrat because that third is likely to release it to other parties such as google or other big corporations.
In Harlan Coben’s article “The Undercover Parent,”(2008) he claims that parents should result to putting spyware on you tennager’s devices. Coben supports his claim by first stating “At first I was repelled at this invasion of privacy. Now, after doing an fair amount of research, I get it”, after a dinner he just had with friends who told Coben that they have put spyware on their teenager’s device, and how it kept him out of trouble. Coben’s purpose of this article is try to persuade parents that you should download spyware on your children’s devices yet, in order for Coben to get his purpose, he had to do some research and ask around for incidents that had occurred to his friends.. The audience is intended for parents of those who concern
By putting spyware on an adolescent's computer a parent is attacking the privacy of his or her child and as a general rule this would happen behind the child's back. This is breaking the trust of the adolescent and will surely cause disdain of the guardian being referred to if found
With the spyware, you have unlocked your child’s private world. Coben talks about this, about how this would seem like a breech of privacy--especially to the child. The computer is now the “key-locked diary of the past.” But it isn’t, there is a difference between writing your thoughts down on something you’d only see and posting your thoughts on the internet. Coben states such, along with
Parents should use spyware on their kids. Parents should use spyware, because of the horrible things happening to kids and teenagers such as teenagers getting raped and killed.This surveillance would protect your kids from harm. Harlan explains that “some will say you should simply trust your child”, but that is not the case you are just protecting your kids from harm.
The title of the essay is The Undercover Parents, which was written by Harlan Coben. The essay was published on the 16th of March, 2008. In the essay, Coben presents his main ideas and thoughts regarding the use of spyware by parents to monitor children. He says that installing a spyware on the computer used by children, especially those in the teenage years, can help parents track what actually their children view on computers. In the essay, the author says that while it is quite hard to follow up on children while they are away from home and this causes parents to be so worried, installing spyware on the computers in the house really helps. Coben says that the program allows parents to keep track of the children
While it is true that monitoring children is helpful, it does not necessarily mean that parents should invade children’s internet activity, ignoring their autonomy. Although most parents do not have malicious intent, it is invalid because it could cause harm, “And most parents already monitor their children, watching over their home environment, their school” (paragraph 4). Secure parents do not feel obligated to pry on their children because it creates a distrusting environment where the children are always on guard around their parents. Due to possible breaches of trust by parents, their parental dynamic could be corrupted by misguided love. Furthermore, Coben talks about parents not trusting their children and correlates it to negligence, “Trust is one thing, but surrendering parental responsibility to a machine that allows the entire world access to your home borders on negligence” (paragraph 6).
What should parents look for? Parents should look after are plans that could be possibly dangerous. Examples of dangerous plans are meeting someone (who you don’t know/trust) alone, breaking into places, or hurting someone.
Harlan Coben in an editorial titled ¨The Undercover Parent”(March 16,2008) claims that parents should have conversations about their concerns with teens, and let them know spyware is a possibility. Coben develops and supports his claim by using anecdotes. One example of an anecdote Coben uses is in paragraph one,¨… friends of mine confessed over dinner that they had spyware on their 15 year-old son’s computer so they could monitor all he did online.¨ He also supports his claim because he is giving the parents a decision on if they want to use spyware or not. The intended audience for this article is parents because this article is about protecting your kids while they are online and to prevent bad things to happen. I both agree and disagree
“The Undercover Parent” is an article about whether or not parents should get a software that watches teens and children’s actions on the computer. So should parents of Teens and Tweens go undercover? Harlan Coben, the author of “The Undercover Parent” editorial (19 March 2008) from the New York Times online website claims that parents should have conversations about their Internet safety concerns with their teens and tweens, and let them know that Spyware is a possibility. I agree with what coben is arguing about. It talks about specific details on either giving parents an option on if they should download it or not, so the author writes good things and bad things about it. It's not snooping or spying on your teens. It basically for their safety. If they still had this software in the future, I would get this because everything the author says about this software is very agreeable. I would do it for my
Technology has become more accessible to the point it has become easier for government to watch everyone's move. In this generation technology takes over everyone's daily life, where people wakes up and the first thing is look at is the phone. A phone there are many things on it, like text, pictures and videos. Phones can do many things, but there is a possibility where the government can tap into a phone and look through it. The government can watch everyone’s: text, history, private info, and pictures. Government has no right to looking through people’s personal info because it violates Fourth amendment, Blackmail, and Creates fear.
Harlen Coben in an editorial titled “The Undercover Parent” (March 16, 2008) claims that parents should have conversations about their concerns with teens, and let them know how spyware is a possibility.Should parents of teens and tweens go undercover? Harlen Coben, the author is trying to make parents have conversations with their teens and tween about internet safety, and let them know if spyware is a possibility. I agree but in some opinions i disagree with Coben and his prediction. If you put spyware on your computer, you have the ability to log every keystroke your child makes and thus a good portion of his or her private world. That’s what spyware is at least the parental monitoring kind. You don’t have to be an expert to put it on your computer.
The most important reason parents should monitor their kids software is because children can be cyber bullied . Coben also talked about the girl who was cyber bullied to the point where she committed suicide. Is my child being cyber bullied? As a parent this is a question you should ask yourself. Many parents realize there's something wrong with their child when it's too late. Maybe monitoring and checking up on your child can help prevent these dangers.
One thing that led me to agree with Coben was when he spoke to parents and said, “... you’re listening for dangerous chatter..” (Par.11) He’s right, when spyware is used correctly, the parents are looking to make sure you’re being safe, it’s not strangers trying to find information about you. A parents job is to protect their child at all costs, and that extends to protecting you on the internet. Even though kids may feel like their privacy has been violated, if used correctly, you are not invading privacy, only giving protection from dangers unknown to them.
In the article “How Private Is Your Private Life?”it discusses how no matter where you are or who your with you there is some way your privacy is being invaded. Similar things are discussed in “Parental Monitoring Or An Invasion of Privacy” but it discusses things such as social media and parents tracking their children. That goes along with anybody whether it is on social media or in a restaurant. On social media there are things you may think that are private but in reality they aren’t. Both articles discuss the fact that no matter how private you think your life is there is always something that is not private. Some parents are more strict and some are more lenient when it comes to allowing teens to be able to “have a life.” No matter where you are and what your doing there is always a way your privacy gets