Disengaging from Terrorism As you might expect, the disengagement process is not an easy one and much like the process for radicalization there is a process for successfully disengaging. Leaving is not an easy process as there are still obligations that the person may feel pressured to fulfill and of course, the fear of consequences for no longer wanting to be a part of the organization and leaving with the knowledge they have of the group. When a person first becomes involved with the organizations the perceived rewards that are promised to the individual provide a huge motivation to engage and create bonds with fellow members, however, when the reality sets in that the rewards are not as great as one anticipated or the actual amount of work …show more content…
Building strong community partnerships aids to eliminate stereotypes and discrimination that can take place in socioeconomic and ethnic diverse misinformed communities. This may help bridge the gaps for “in-betweeners” and people who feel like they don’t belong to help them feel more connected to their community and government. As for ways to counter radicalization in individuals who have already disengaged, I believe it is important to understand how and why they radicalized in the first place and to provide them with strong rehabilitation programs that work towards behavioral and ideological change (Porges, 2010, Para. 2). With these types of individuals it hard to predict the rate of recidivism, but governments that offer support and assistance to effectively help them reintegrate as well as offering incentives such as jobs in the counter terrorism field, could detour relapsing as it may help to fulfill their need of being useful and working for a just
Sometimes, the motives for disengagement can be psychological, such as being in disagreement with an aspect of the organization, or physical such as the calling of a ceasefire or being apprehended by authorities (Cantor 2009, 264). They can also be voluntary such as an overriding personal issue preventing the continuation of membership into the group, or involuntary such as a person being forced to leave the group (Cantor 2009, 264). Whatever the reason one disengages, it is not an easy decision to be made. There can be a plethora of risks and penalties involved for leaving the organization. There is almost no way out (Bovenkirk 2011, 265). Once someone is in and has gained knowledge of the group, that knowledge must be kept secret and someone leaving the group poses a threat to that secret being released (Bovenkirk 2011,
The Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars in America’s existence. There were people that supported and pushed the war, or did not support and pull the country away from war. In this paper, I will discuss two political figures during the time of the Civil War; Abraham Lincoln and Henry Clay. Both of these people were respected figures and still are, however, they had different intentions.
Security measures drastically increased after 9/11. 9/11 was an act of terrorism that would change the way the country handled privacy. Americans needed to voice their opinions after this happened and have their own rights protected. The need to protect individual rights is the utmost important aspect in a thriving U.S. society.
In the article “Is Terrorism Distinctively Wrong?”, Lionel K. McPherson criticizes the dominant view that terrorism is absolutely and unconditionally wrong. He argues terrorism is not distinctively wrong compared to conventional war. However, I claim that terrorism is necessarily wrong.
By understanding the steps to prepare for countering and responding to a terrorist, the well-being of US national security interests can be promoted and the exposure to risk and susceptibility to experiencing harm can be efficiently managed for communities, families and individuals in the event of a terrorist incident. The welfare of US national security, citizens and property can be effectively safeguarded through the understanding of protection strategies administered collectively by local communities, families and individuals. Local emergency operations planning, family disaster planning, as well as self-protection planning each represent important protective measures, which serve to educate the nation and its citizens how to
The United States has been in a national state of emergency fighting a war on terrorism since September 11, 2001. The intelligence communities have pursued and tracked down terrorist suspects who pose a direct threat to this country, yet one of the greatest threat to this country is the astronomical number of mass shootings and hate crimes that have occurred in this country post 9/11.
America should respond to threats of terrorism by collaborating with other countries to fight terrorism. There are two reasons why America should respond to threats of terrorism by collaborating with other countries to fight terrorism. One reason is that it could bring countries together to make a strong international community and have more military, finance, diplomatic, and intelligence tools necessary to address terrorism. The second reason is that it could get the U.S. more allies to help them with their problems. Some people think America should respond to threats of terrorism by defending their homeland because taking sides in other international conflicts could only increase the United States’ vulnerability. The less the U.S. is involved
Terrorism and the United States A cloud of anthrax spores looming in the sky of San Diego California
Purpose: To inform readers of the effects the recent terrorist attacks have on society today.
When interpreting the scores recorded, results show consistency for each trait. This is represented with the context as each trait has a high and low end to the scale but there is no negative or positive side. After combining empirical research and the results from the Individual Assessment Scale evidence suggests, according to my personally results. Having high Extroversion evidence indicates that high levels of extroversion correlates with people being more inclined to make friends therefore they are more likely to interact in class and attend study group sessions. Statistically proven students who preform this task have higher results (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006). Another interesting point identified was consistency between an average score in Behavioural Activation System (BAS) and average grades. A score in BAS relates to detecting goal conflict such as approach-avoidance, approach-approach, avoid-avoid and an average score suggests that when faced
Think of the word terrorism. What is the first thing that comes to mind? One might think of kidnapping, assassination, bombing, or even genocide and guerrilla warfare. Because it is such a broad and complex issue, an all-encompassing definition is hard to formulate. The United States Department of Defence defines terrorism as…
The immediacy and the primacy of any truly potent force is the ability to perpetuate itself. Sharp and energetic outbursts have their place, and can be known to have great effect-cataclysmic forces, despite their maximum destructive potential, are temporary in their total effects in relation to some absolute goal. In other words, they are generally limited in scope, and well defined in purpose; there is a tactical objective, which is usually consummated quickly. The more dreaded force creeps along, escalating incrementally, and while it may abide a strategic goal, or even a policy, it is generally open-ended. This sort of ambiguity I am referring to differs from the flexible tactical necessity in that strategic outcomes are very much
Ever since the beginning of the terrorist attacks on American soil, the War on Terror has been involved in the lives of Americans and nations near us. The War on Terror’s background originated through conflicts between warring countries in the Middle East; U.S. involvement started when a terrorist guided plane crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York City. The attack was suspected to be the work of the middle-eastern terrorist group Al-Qaeda. The U.S. military, under the leadership of then commander-in-chief George W. Bush, declared a “War on Terror” on the terrorist group and the fighting began.
Terrorism, which has been around for as long as people can remember, has been on the rise for the past ten years. Terrorists usually use murdering, kidnapping, hi-jacking and bombings to achieve their political purpose. For instance, according to Wikipedia.com (2006), in 1985 816 deaths, then in 2003, more than 1,000 people died by terorist acts around the world. In recent years, terrorism seems to be at a new height and attacks are much more violent than in the past. Unfortunately, in spite of many anti-terror campaigns, projects and organizations are being created for prevention (to prevent) terrorism, the number of terrorists only is increasing. These days terrorism is all over the world.
Marijuana has been known as a addictive drug for years, and countless lessons have been given about how bad it is for you and your body. We have been told this since we were in middle school, how it is not to be used and how it will only bring you bad results. But things have changed, and just like in the 1930s when Jonas Stalk invented the flu vaccination, discoveries have been made to help improve to human race such as using marijuana in the medical field. As of right now, ¨...twenty nine of the fifty states in the US have decreed marijuana legal.¨ ( Should Marijuana be a Medical Option, 2017). That is over half, and the facts that cannot be argued can help us all agree marijuana should be legal in the other 21 states. We could change life as we know it, if laws were passed to make medical marijuana legal.