
Disengaging Against Terrorism Essay

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Disengaging from Terrorism As you might expect, the disengagement process is not an easy one and much like the process for radicalization there is a process for successfully disengaging. Leaving is not an easy process as there are still obligations that the person may feel pressured to fulfill and of course, the fear of consequences for no longer wanting to be a part of the organization and leaving with the knowledge they have of the group. When a person first becomes involved with the organizations the perceived rewards that are promised to the individual provide a huge motivation to engage and create bonds with fellow members, however, when the reality sets in that the rewards are not as great as one anticipated or the actual amount of work …show more content…

Building strong community partnerships aids to eliminate stereotypes and discrimination that can take place in socioeconomic and ethnic diverse misinformed communities. This may help bridge the gaps for “in-betweeners” and people who feel like they don’t belong to help them feel more connected to their community and government. As for ways to counter radicalization in individuals who have already disengaged, I believe it is important to understand how and why they radicalized in the first place and to provide them with strong rehabilitation programs that work towards behavioral and ideological change (Porges, 2010, Para. 2). With these types of individuals it hard to predict the rate of recidivism, but governments that offer support and assistance to effectively help them reintegrate as well as offering incentives such as jobs in the counter terrorism field, could detour relapsing as it may help to fulfill their need of being useful and working for a just

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