Displaced behavior theory discusses the idea that those who spend more time on social media have less time to communicate with people in person, which is something that doesn’t exactly support mental health. This theory suggests, that perhaps it the absence of physical activity and face-to-face communication that has the harmful effects on mental health (Stockland, 2014) A methodological limitation may be that item four of the survey which was on frequency of social media use, was unclear and this caused missing data. Participants were not aware that they had to fill in the amount of time spent on social media if they had selected 1 (never) for example. It should have been specified that even if they had chosen 1 (never), that they needed to …show more content…
This discrepancy also meant that the sample was unrepresentative of the population. Convenience sampling also allows the opportunity for bias to affect the results. Future research could look at a larger more representative sample to overcome this. No screening procedure was undertaken prior to commencement of the research. This means that it was unknown whether or not the sample was purely non-clinical or clinical. This limits the research as there can be no generalisation to a specific population and the results have the potential to be skewed by participants in a clinical population. Future research should focus on a purely non-clinical population to assess the effects of social media on mental health. This study relied on survey data and was cross-sectional research. Future research could include a qualitative approach in order to better understand the levels of addiction to social media, and the severity of mental health amongst participants with depression and anxiety. Additionally, the majority of the sample was Caucasian, and consequently, it is difficult to understand how these results would be generalized to other ethnic groups. If the study was to be continued, researchers could ensure that the sample would include a wider variety of
The researchers used purposive sample but did not give any explanation as to why this choice sampling was made. It is essential to describe the sampling process in a research where this facilitates the reader to distinguish any bias in the whole sampling process. In studies using participants, the process of how to select, access, inform and retain research participants requires considerable thought. Sampling is a key issue, because it is
The sample is not a representative of the population. The number of different groups of nurses was not equal. Registered nurses had the biggest number and this made the research biased towards them (Kalisch & Lee, 2011, p. 86). To represent the entire population, the different
8- This research study seemed a bit bias when it came to determining those that were eligible
e. I did not recognize any potential bias introduced by the sampling method used. The researcher states the eligible requirements to participate in the study and the results reveal the significance of the use the patients and the effectiveness.
| Smaller sample sizes, so less generalizable to larger populations.Not possible to create statistics – which can help to shape and plan service effectiveness and deliveryTime consumingDifficult to make comparisons within the sample.Poor re-test reliabilityResults vulnerable to researcher bias and experience.
On the other hand, our observations were limited to only to college students in our sample. Also, there was bias in our observations, where we recorded participants that followed our best interest in the study. Moreover, our sample size was not accurately randomized and we conducted the study for a short amount of time, thus gave us a small amount of data.
The sample was taken out of a specific ethnic group, the Han Chinese. This fact can make it more difficult to generalize the results to a broader population, yet the purpose of choosing this specific group remains unclear. It would be good to clarify why this specific nationality was chosen as the sample.
Firstly, there have been significant links between our online presence and other aspects of our mental health, which has inspired the subject matter of many recent research studies around the world. There are many psychological and physical factors that affect our mental well-being due to the impact of social media. Depression and Body Dysmorphia being the leading causes, due to the content the individuals are exposed to while online. Even though researchers coined the correlation between social media use and depression as complex. Data was collected from a sample of 340 first year college students, and the findings were that the increase use of Facebook have been associated with higher levels of loneliness. Also the extensive use of Facebook has been associated with higher rates of disordered eating and body image insecurity.
The popularity of social media giants such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are on the rise and so is our nation's overall poor mental health status (The State of Mental Health in America). Studies have shown that there is a direct link between our social media obsession and our poor mental health (Walton). Social media can lead to feelings of comparison, jealousy and even delusional behavior. Another effect that social media has on our mental health is that it often leads to feelings of sadness and loneliness. Lastly, social media addiction is one of the many things that affects our mental health. Studies show that social media is often the cause of poor mental health, it can cause comparison, jealousy, loneliness and lastly addiction.
Over the last 30 years, the methods of human interactions have grown explosively, from face-to-face conversations, to video calling, instant messaging, texting, Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat, and Instagram. As the technology we surround ourselves with pervades an increasing number of aspects in our lives, it has begun to affect our mental health. A Carnegie Mellon study concluding that internet usage leads to significant increases in loneliness and depression received U.S. national media coverage (Kraut, Patterson, et al., 1998). However, others argue that the internet may just provide a place of refuge for those suffering from loneliness, anxiety, and depression. (McKenna and Bargh, 59)
Some people may wonder what effect social media has on people worldwide. Many people are using social media daily and because of that, they might not know the effects that can be lurking behind a screen and causing harm to their mental health. Social media has many negative effects on mental health. Some people could think that mental health and social media has no relation, when it does. It is a fast-growing issue with many “cause and effect” reasons behind it. Each cause needs to be recognized along with the effect it has on the people who use social media.
Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with others. When they are using social media we do not need to move a lot. It is okay just to stay. We do not need to active a lot. As a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders.
The more we use social media, the less happy we seem to be. Many people would agree that social media leads to isolation, depression, and anxiety. Social Media impacts people in many ways; some are good, but some are very bad. Using social media to communicate is extremely convenient, unfortunately, more people are developing social anxiety because we are learning to comunicate through a screen from a young age. Also, seeing people posting about all the good in their lives can lead you to compare yourself to others. Most importantly, increased exposure of bullying through the internet contributes to high risk of depression. Generally, social media has more bad effects on our mental health than good ones.
In 1971 the first email was sent. This was the beginning of social media. Social media is a form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other contents. Social media sites are like fads where people eventually stop using them and move on to the next one. This essay will be about the effects of social media on the mental health of the main users of social media.
I was pleased to read that the research was a result of a valid representation of the population. Age, gender, and race were all shown appropriately as stated in the method section of the article. I was also happy to read that productive and acceptable modifications were made in order to adjust for oversampling.