I make three contributions in this paper. First, I argue that previous models of electoral competition miss two important and related points: (1) Disproportionality itself provides parties a strong incentive to mobilize and (2) disproportionality also exacerbates the effect of compet- itiveness on mobilization efforts. Together, these points suggest a reevaluation of the claim that proportionality encourages parties to mobilize voters because it creates “nationally competitive districts”. Second, unlike most previous work, I recognize that competitiveness can vary in multimember districts and use a recently developed measure of district competitiveness to directly compare the effect of competitiveness on mobilization efforts in PR and SMDP
Mr Campbell Newman was a popular lord mayor as a member of the Liberal Party, who served the Queensland government for three years from 2012 – 2015 (Lewis, 2015). In the recent 2015 Queensland state election, Newman was heavily punished by the public voters of Queensland as a result of treating the public servants unfairly by cutting jobs in contrast to his promises. He also claimed that there would be no forced redundancies and that he would try to lower the unemployment rate, yet these promises were never met. In support of this, the following essay argues that Campbell Newman didn’t interfere with the free market economy of Queensland, which can be beneficial for consumers in many ways because there is no government intervention. Instead,
My argument is about a family show on television called “The Fosters,” people assume this tv show is not appropriate for all ages.
MSTT spoke with Christine and Jake on the phone because Jake had just returned home from Valley Youth House and they had begun to get into a verbal altercation.
According to the Gulati “prominent theories of American political parties imply that higher levels of competition cause lawmakers to be more responsive to the center of public opinion. However, there are multiple problems of the moderation theory. First, the data from the article suggests that the opposite occurs. Moreover, the studies conducted in the article suggest that highly competitive districts influence candidates to appeal more to their partisan base rather than the center, and this is even more apparent in marginal states that lack political clout. Gulati states that “parties and candidates pursue a mobilization rather than the moderation strategy”. Competitive districts foster diverse constituencies and the politician takes a more
Treason is a political crime committed against a state or government to which the person charged with treason owes a duty of allegiance. The dictionary defines treason as a violation of allegiance toward one’s country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of ones country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies. The men signing the declaration of independence were aware of the risk they ran of committing treason against the British king. The value that defense remained to be determined in a civil war. In civil wars, every man chooses his party, but generally that side with prevails arrogates the right of treating those who are vanquished as rebels. In the weeks preceding the Declaration of Independence,
BEC SPK: a moniker widely recognized by all native Long Islanders as the iconic sandwich, bacon, egg and cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup. Add well-done hash browns if you are looking to indulge, and order sautéed spinach too if you are on a health kick. The underlying commonality for all Long Islanders is our lust for LI town delis, each with their own local neighborhood charm. As much as we are loyal to our consistent breakfast order, our egg sandwiches are loyal to us too. They are symbolic of a simple meal to continue the weekend ritual and to start your Sunday off in the right direction, recuperating from last night, while paving the way for a productive day ahead. On Long Island, we hold our food orders to exceptionally high standards and take pride in the finished product that cannot be replicated elsewhere.
The facts to this are that FOX news channel is notorious for being a conservative news channel. They report one sided toward conservative views and arguing against the liberal side on a regular basis. The slogan “fair and balanced” is not a good representation of words, which simply describe what the news channel gives their viewers. It would make much more sense for the station to take Haddock’s advice and change the slogan to something like “perspective” that better describes the station. FOX news is not giving “fair and balanced” information to their viewers but rather they are showing them the “perspective” of the conservative side.
It can be about the environment that will be galvanized to the constructive action if the public want to know how they going to do it or deal with the environment problems. The types of the evidence one will use to change from the discipline to other discipline. If the chief do claim in the analyical of the essay it will be called the thesis. The same evidence will be used to the support the claim, but only with other addition parts as well. The overview of the gathering and using the evidence of how this and that would work in building a house. The people who are making plans of building a house will be the instructor the will mention any of the plan or particular the plan book that would be shown or use in writing and the different kinds
Supporters argue that U.S. law gives both legal and illegal immigrants basically the same constitutional protections as U.S. citizens. The vast majority of rights in our constitution apply to “all persons” and just a handful apply to only citizens. Non-citizens do not have the right to habeas corpus, which is the right to a judge or attorney. Those in favor of rights for non-citizens turn to the fourteenth amendment. Supporters agree that persons citizens and noncitizens should be granted basic equal rights according to our constitution.
What do I agree with and disagree with in the texts I have analyzed? I agree that the first step is to acknowledge that we have biases, but also we need to be mentally prepared before beginning the process of changing our way of thinking as if we don’t the problem will reappear. Moreover, I agree that nature and nurture contribute to the development of prejudice thinking and that prejudice thinking hinders the thriving of an individual and a community.
Within the pro-choice world there are many issues that are discussed like abortion, the instant where life begins and the use of contraceptives. This article will focus on not only the issue of using of contraceptives, but specifically the distribution of oral contraceptives (“the pill”) to teenage girls without their parent’s consent.
Karp and Banducci’s findings suggest that proportional representation systems enhance overall participation by creating stronger party preferences. Given these findings, one could conclude that polarization and the increase in negative campaigns are good for voter turnout because they encourage voters who have negative feelings about the opposite party to vote in higher numbers. However, this finding is limited by its application to proportional representation systems, and the lack of controlling for an intervening variable we will call negativity. In order to examine whether my critique has any merit, I will examine voter turnout in the previous five elections, examine literature analyzing the effects of negative ads, and conclude with a theory explaining why I believe their model may not be applicable in alternative circumstances.
Something so controversial like the subject of abortions and women’s reproductive rights will always be an issue to feminists, because even though there has been several movements and improvements in the subjects, it still remains highly debated. One reason why feminists believe they still have to protest this is because in some places it’s still illegal. Ireland for example, it’s illegal in all cases, even when mother’s life at danger. (Harris) Another reason feminists think they have to fight for their reproductive rights is because regardless of the growth and acceptance of society, it is still something that is typically frowned upon and some people feel uncomfortable talking about. There has been openings of clinics in Winnipeg and Toronto,
Racism has been around since the beginnings of America. Racism is the belief that one’s race is superior than others based on their race and ethnicity. There are many movements that are currently happening today such as the Black Lives Matter and immigration rights. It is sad to know that racism is still evident today across the United States. The image shown uses common logic and emotion to pass the argument that no matter what skin color we have, we are all the same in the inside.
Waite and Gallagher also discuss the benefits that marriage gives to couples. Including the financial benefits, in that through specialization and by sharing incomes getting married boosts standard of living by thirty percent and this benefit is not incurred by cohabitating, as those who cohabitate do not share as much and are less committed to the wellbeing of their partner. In addition to the financial benefits, they also discuss the emotional benefits of knowing you have someone who loves you and who would take care of you. Children similarly benefit from having married parents as there are more financial resources available to help take care of them and they get to spend more time with at least one parent.