
Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm Personal Statement

Decent Essays

As a person with keen interest and enthusiasm in surgery and fascinated by the inventions and discoveries in this field, I have always wanted to participate in this march towards excellence and be a cog, albeit small, but significant in the wheel of evolution. With this sublime goal I have always striven to excel in my studies and acquire knowledge in this field.
My desire to enter general surgery began when I was just 14. Of course I didn’t know what I was doing back then, but I enjoyed dissecting frogs and other animals! My curiosity peaked when I began dissecting human bodies as an undergraduate. It was so immensely enrapturing that it ultimately allowed me to graduate first in my class in human anatomy. What truly draws me to surgery is its hands-on nature. The opportunity to work with my hands to excise an inflamed part, to replace an old and weary organ with a new …show more content…

It was my first time on a big case and during the 12 hours of the operation, my mind and body were stretched to their limits. I found myself mesmerized by the precision with which the attending maneuvered. I wanted to be as good as them or even better. When I came to the United States, I worked under a senior surgeon who told me, “Most surgeries are not difficult, once you know what you are doing. What’s difficult is performing a long surgery, and then waking up in the middle of the night to see if the patient is doing all right.” He instilled in me the notion of making patient care my utmost priority after learning surgical procedures. In his opinion, most residents focus only on learning procedures and not much on patient care. Through these experiences, I learned that journey of general surgery residency is a long one that requires patience, endurance, compassion, and constant practice to attain perfection of

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