
Distortion Of Memory

Decent Essays

What is very prominent in The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes is the distortion of memory. This distortion sets up the authenticity of the history and narration in this novel. During my first reading I thought that Tony was an unreliable narrator. I thought this because he does not remember the way things happened nor did he know of every detail because he wasn’t always around to witness it. As he says on the first page talking about the list of things he can remember “This last isn’t something I actually saw, but what you end up remembering isn’t always the same as what you have witnessed.” (3) However, after re-reading this novel and seeing that Tony is aware of his lapse in memory he became a more reliable narrator for me. I want to argue that since Tony is aware of the fact that he has shortcomings when it comes to his memories his narration becomes reliable.
I was originally saying that Tony was an unreliable narrator because of him talking about things that we was not around for and events that he did not remember clearly. It is this exact reasoning for my change of thought as well. Tony is being straight forward about the fact that we can not actually trust his telling of events. He is not trying to pull this story off as this is exactly what happened and this is how my memory of them changed over time. This …show more content…

This very notion of untrustworthiness makes us believe his narrations. Again he does not specifically say yes this is what was said, this is how it went. No, he questions what he is saying while at the same time remembering his best impressions. For example when Tony is speaking of an exchange he says, “Was this their exact exchange?” (20) instead of acting like he remembered exactly what happened he told us that he could not remember how it happened and gave us his lapsed memories as a version that he could think

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