
District Manager Interview Assignment

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Interview assignment

I have to admit when I first got word of this assignment I was very eager to run out and interview the district manager of the company I work for, Keith Perkins. I myself work for the tech giant company, Samsung. I have been with the company for a little over two years now. And I cannot be any happier with what I do. Keith Perkins was the guy who had originally brought me in and hired me. He has been a great mentor for me throughout my tenure with the company and has really been the main reason why I excel in my job. In fact, I enjoy what I do so much that my ultimate goal is to continue with the company after college and hopefully land a different position in the marketing or public relations department to represent the company on a bigger scale. Moreover, as the …show more content…

Also, to simply find out more about Keith’s career as a whole. As I mentioned before Keith has been a great mentor for me so I found this as a great opportunity to pick his brain. Ultimately, I decided that I wanted to interview someone in a position that I would like to be in one day. So I contacted Keith Perkins believing that a job like that would not be completely out of reach someday. I felt that this was my best shot at gaining some information about a career field that I would like to explore. This was a great opportunity to gather information and guidance about the people, environment, and skills involved in that field. I used this assignment as a strategy. As on opportunity to get to know Keith Perkins a little better since it is very difficult to get the chance to connect with him. Although I do work for the company, in doing sales, I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to do some basic research about the career field. I wanted to clarify what I hope to gain through the interview. Since Keith was the one who interviewed me years ago, I still had his contact information from that day. Which led to the approach process being relatively easy. Keith had always

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