Have you ever watched an unraveling movie or two? Well now’s your chance to learn about two! Divergent and Insurgent are both great movies to watch.They both share the same ideals and plot, but contain different characters. Also, they both were meant to be action movies. Divergent and Insurgent are great movies because they both have over two million viewers. The movies Divergent and Insurgent have a lot in common. First of all, they both focus around the same two main characters, Beatris (Tris) Prior and Tobias (Four) Eaton. Also, both texts show the same city (surroundings and outside/inside) “Chicago!” In addition, Jeanine still believes the exact same thing in Insurgent as she did in Divergent. Similarly, she was looking for divergents
“One choice decides your friends. One choice defines your beliefs. One choice determines your loyalties-forever. One choice transforms you,” (Roth, back cover) What do you choose? Well, for Beatrice, the main character in Divergent, it is not an easy choice. Set in a futuristic Chicago, Beatrice is faced with an internal conflict; what faction should she choose? She and her brother, Caleb have a hard time deciding, but Beatrice chooses Dauntless despite what her father wants her to choose. In Dauntless she starts the initiation process that is full of physical and mental training that includes fights and simulations. Along the way she finds and loses friends and enemies. Divergent by Veronica Roth is a thrilling book due to the intense conflict/
Many people look for reason in warfare. The reasons humans decide to kill each other are varied. Many wars start over land, difference of religion and culture, or economic stress. While there have been many wars over the years that man has inhabited this planet, World War I sticks out because of one incident that took place during the war.
The movie Divergent, takes place in the future in the city of Chicago. The plot of the movie is the division of society into five factions: Abnegation who value selflessness, Amity who value peace, Candor who value honesty, Dauntless who value bravery, and Erudite who value intelligence. The separation of people through factions, is used as a method to remove the threat of anyone exercising free will to ensure the safety of mankind. Once a year, every sixteen-year-old must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. After taking an aptitude test and choosing a faction, they must successfully pass initiation through the faction which they have chosen. If they fail initiation, they are then rejected from society, or
“One choice can transform you”, a quote from Divergent, holds true to both The Hunger Games and Divergent. Throughout each series, there are many differences such as how the characters decide to take on each task handed to them, how they interact with other characters, and finally how they interact with the society. Though the two books may have similarities, they also have differences such as how the societies are divided, how love interests play a role, and finally how the main characters act in a situation. Even though both series have societies that are divided, the societies are divided into different ways. In Divergent, the society is divided into factions.
My two novels, Divergent and The Maze Runner, have many similarities that I would like to discuss. Firstly, both novels focused on being thrust into a brand new world that the characters were not used to. Thomas(The Maze Runner protagonist)started off the book with him waking up inside of a cargo box, traveling upwards at an incredibly high speed, and with only the memory of his name. When Tris decided to join the Dauntless, she immediately had to adapt and change, from jumping from trains and buildings to fighting someone until submission or decommission. To add onto that, despite being both unfamiliar with their new lives, they were able to adapt fairly quickly with Tris being first in the second and third round of initiation, and
Divergent is a very inscrutable book. It is more of a science fiction book. The plot of the story is that Divergent is the set in the future type of book. Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley) lives in a futuristic world in which society is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood, he or she must choose a faction and commit to it for life. Tris chooses Dauntless those who pursue bravery above all else. However, her initiation leads to the discovery that she is a Divergent and will never be able to fit into just one faction. Warned that she must conceal her status, Tris uncovers a looming war which threatens everyone she loves. Tris is a very nice but also weird, sometimes she thinks the world is all about her.
Divergent is an action film directed by Neil Burger. This film takes place in Chicago, which is placed in a futuristic world where society divides people into five factions based on their personalities. As each person grows up and becomes an adult they have to choose a faction which they will stay in for the rest of their lives. Beatrice Prior is the main character in Divergent and she changes a lot throughout the film, starting off as not knowing who she is and why she isn’t like everybody else. To finding out and learning who she is and becoming more confident in herself. The director uses a variety of different film techniques including close-ups, and wide shots to show how Tris is feeling, and how she is changing throughout Divergent.
“The hearts and mind (HAM) theory is identified as winning the hearts and minds of the population which is a technique based on the implementation of the counter-insurgency (COIN) strategy of persuading the population to support the government and reject the insurgents.” The counter-insurgency (COIN) strategy as outlined by President Obama and General Petraeus’s most closely embrace is the heart and minds (HAM) theory. President Obama speech identified the United States strategic approach with Afghanistan in three elements. The three core elements addressed by President Obama during his speech on the strategy in Afghanistan are identified as: 1) utilize the military effort to create conditions for transition, 2) a civilian surge that
The novel, Divergent, written by Veronica Roth, tells the story of a sixteen year old girl who has to overcome many obstacles while keeping a secret that, if exposed, could carry the consequence of the end of her life. Through the exploration of the themes of independence, fear and power, this novel connects readers to their own lives and delivers a message that is applicable to the lives of individuals everywhere.
Vivea, Becky “The things you dint know about Divergent” 28 October 2013, 15 June 2015
This allows the common, teenaged reader such as myself to remain interested in the book the entire way through. If there are places in the book in which parts don’t fit together, normally the reader can and will become disinterested, as I have in many cases before while reading a book. Not only is Veronica clear throughout the novel, but she also uses colourful and creative language that helps create clear images in the reader’s mind which makes it a lot easier to follow and imagine what is going on throughout the entire novel. When reading this novel, I was able to create a whole new world within my own mind. The language that is used within Divergent is relatively easy to understand that is easily understood by a teenager; thus, creating limitless possibilities of a fantastical setting. Within this novel, Beatrice must learn to be honest and true to herself. She has to what is best during a difficult time period and thus Divergent reminds the common person that important decisions should be made based on truth. It touches on these significant and important issues throughout the novel. Not only does this novel touch base on these issues in everyday reality, but also the views expressed in this
Conflict manifests itself into many shapes and forms. Conflict can be defined as a struggle or contest between individuals or parties for power. The struggle ultimately changes the status quo and brings about an imbalance in the existing situation. The change in the status quo could be either positive or negative. In Finding Forrester composed by Gus Van Sant, The poem, “Then and Now”, by Oodgeroo of the Tribe Noonuccal and the article on Mahatma Gandhi by Ravi Kumar we find that conflict manifests itself into Inner, Moral and Socio-economic forms, amongst others.
As was true of its precursor, Insurgent mainly revolves around the theme of choices and in the manner they can change you. After all, the book's tagline is "one choice can destroy you." In Insurgent, all of Tris's decisions had main drawback, as she determined whether or not to enter risky situations, to fib to Tobias, and even to surrender herself. With so much on the line, Tris's choices involve not only her, but everybody around her. As the cycle goes on, option left just as important, but the stakes get upper and upper
1. International conflict among countries is more likely of what we may think. Today there are many different ongoing conflicts. International conflict is a stage of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more states (Malek). The term "international conflict" referred to conflicts between different nations and conflicts between people and organizations in different nations (Mr. Turetzky lec 11). It also applies to inter-group conflicts within one country when one group is fighting for independence or increased social, political, or economic power. International conflicts can be divided into two branches: private international conflict and public international conflict. A private international conflict is a disagreement
The war with Iraq began about fifteen years ago. Still to this day people are torn between going to war and trying to keep peace with Iraq. Back when the United States first had a problem with Iraq was when they invaded Kuwait in 1990, and refused to leave. Their were three main causes that made Iraq invade Kuwait. The Iraqi leaders have always considered Kuwait to be part of Iraq because of the way it used to be a long time ago. Second, the country of Kuwait is full of oil. I am sure that was the main reason why Saddam invaded Kuwait. Lastly, Kuwait wanted complete sovereignty from Iraq, and Saddam was not ready to give them that.