
Divergent Answers

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Divergent Answers

1. The purpose that all of the five factions serve is to keep the society calm and under control
Personally, I think these factions represent the main personality types and fulfill all basic needs of people
The reason behind all of the creation of these factions is to keep peace between the citizens
The factions are not working towards a better society because there are some situations where maybe a few people don’t fit within a certain faction or maybe some fit in many factions making them divergent

2. I would have been born into Candor because of honesty or Amity because of my humble and peaceful nature
The faction I’d would select at my Choosing Ceremony would most likely be Dauntless because I wouldn’t want to do the …show more content…

It’s not selfish to crave victory, especially if she worked her way up to her rank I think it’s brave of her
They shouldn’t be jealous, but instead congratulate her for her achievements because at first she was below rank

8. Tris chose the best faction for her. She would have changed a great amount, but in a negative way, she would not be happy in another faction

9. Being fearless means not being afraid of anyone and learning to control your fears, means being afraid that not letting your fears control you or your action

10. No, it’s not realistic, but Four is ordered to act that way because of the society they live in. Not everyone is smart, kind, brave, or honest all of the time

11. No, because all human beings are not perfect, therefore I do not agree with Tris's mom

12. Divergent means that you cannot be limited to one group and everyone has different traits and personalities

13. There are plenty ways the novel differs from the book such as the movie Tris loses a fight against Peter and is told she must leave Dauntless and become factionless but in the novel, she isn’t telling this until later.
In the novel, there is a Visiting Day where families can go see their children but in the movie, it seems as if they cannot see them and must sneak

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