Diversity (cultural, ethnic, multi generational) can affect projects and programs. What is Diversity? Diversity can be a range of different things. Or it can be the state of being different. Multi Generation is when someone can relate to several generations. So, certain movies or films can relate to certain people better. Who watches it can affect the popularity of the film or movie. First of all the movie or film should not offend anyone. And most importantly, they should like it. The film should be racist or target any people. Ethnic is the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. Or when people relating to a population subgroup. This can affect a film or movie because if the movie
The Frontline film Separate and Unequal discussed about creating a new school system; however, there are opposition by others who wants to maintain the current school system. If we look at the perspectives of the two groups, it is understandable in why there is support and opposition from the people of the city. The supporters of the new system wants a system that can provide better opportunities for their children without any violence. As the film claimed “the school was not teaching and were only babysitting the children”, which was likely a reason why there was a need for a new school system. With the chaotic and uncontrollable situation in the current system, many supporters have push forward the idea of a new system in a new city. From
Ethnicity is groups of individuals with the same common interest and beliefs. They speak the same language and they also have shared characteristics such as their culture. Ethnic groups look at themselves differently during certain periods of time. They are often times defined by being stereotyped. Reid Mandell, B., & Schram, B. (2012).
Diversity in films is important because representation matters. Viewers are drawn to shows with ethnically diverse lead cast members. Mostly all viewers love to watch shows that reflect and relate to their own experiences. Reddigari, a freelance writer, also expresses the question of why we lack diversity in films. “Hollywood has been producing inspiring films intended to capture the beauty, joy and sorrow in everyday life. As much as we love our favorite movies, we can’t help but notice that many of them fail to capture the life experiences of all moviegoers, leaving the voices of millions of Americans from diverse backgrounds underrepresented” (This Tumblr Shows the Startling Lack of Diversity in Film). Diversity in films is an important topic in society because it represents equality and people of color to look up to.
“I received a Bachelor of Science degree in graphic communications and spent 7 years working in the prepress industry. After a 2-week trip to Italy, I realized I wasn’t happy with my life and needed to change. So, I quit my job, moved out to California,
While watching the Ethnic Notions movie and reading the Collins’ essay, some of the images that made an impact are the images of the brute, and mammies, as describe by Collins. Throughout the early and middle of the 20th century, black people have been portrayed negativity in movies, TV shows, as well as books and this gave people the notion that black people acting like this in real life. People’s perceptions of black people were based on what they see in the media, but these perceptions can be changed with time. As I was watching the documentary, I can recall the disturbing ways that black people were portrayed and the fact that this has been happening for a long period of time. The portrayed of the brute for the African American male has been depicted as far back as the movie
We are all people with different interests, but something that connects us is films, series, and television in general. If one pays attention, one can see that there is an unequal race diversity within the Hollywood industry. This is not as shocking because, since the beginning, the United States was being built upon race inequality. To illustrate, Africans were being brought to this country to be taken away their rights as a human being, Native Americans were being robbed of their own land, and other people of color were being treated as lesser than a white man. As time went on, progress was being made, but people of color were still being seen as minorities.
"Symbolic ethnicity" is a term coined by Herbert Gans. It refers to ethnicity that is individualistic in nature and without real social cost for the individual. These symbolic identifications are essentially leisure time activities, rooted in nuclear family traditions reinforced by voluntary enjoyable aspects of being ethnic (Gans 424-429). "Symbolic ethnicity" is practiced and enjoyed by white Americans. It is a way for descendants of white Europeans to learn about and be proud of their heritage. That is not the case for non-whites who are grouped together by the white majority making ethnic identity difficult .
Ethnic identity has been defined as the aspect of one's sense of identity concerning ancestry or racial group membership (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic identity development is an essential human need because it provides a sense of belonging and historical continuity.
A man of dignity and intrepidity, Shakespeare’s Macbeth in the tragic play “Macbeth” had once embodied these majestic traits and left others around him awestruck in merely inspiration, yearning to echo his footsteps. His courageous escapades had also succeeded in winning over King Duncan of Scotland during a battle in which he defeated King Sweno of Norway. Yet, farther into the play, Macbeth’s character seemingly transforms into a man of ruthlessness and vulnerability. He becomes a “tragic hero” after his confrontation with the witches, the stern lectures of his wife (Lady Macbeth), and ultimately, the immoral human nature of greed.
Ethnicity is characterized as the perceived belief that there is a commonality within a group may it be culture, language, religion, and/or history. They go on and state Schermerhorn’s definition of ethnic groups as those who are self-conscience of their identity
Our lives are shaped by who we are and what we are and where we come from. What race or ethnic group we belong to determines our life chances in contemporary society. Ethnicity is the cultural background of a group of people who share a belief in common ancestry. According to Max Weber, ethnic groups are formed by colonisation and immigration. Ethnicity is something we all have but in Australia and in many parts of the world, ethnicity is often applied on minority groups to highlight dominant groups of people on the bases of physical appearance, race, origins or culture. Being part of a dominant group provides prestige, power and control over the running of societies. The term ethnic comes from ancient Greek to mean gentile or non
The role of diversity in any situation can only make the outcome better. The more perspective input that people put into something, the bigger the idea will grow and change. This fact has been proven from many fields. Sports have evolved from simple hand offs to passing and play action passes, music has expanded from bluegrass and country to rap and hip hop, rhythm and blues, pop, heavy metal, and instrumental. None of that would have been possible without the influence of different cultures and diversity.
In contrast to the idea of race, Ethnicity refers to ethnic affiliation, or the “cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of people that set them apart from others” (Giddens, 1997:210). Members of a particular ethnic group see themselves as culturally distinct from other groups of people in a society or culture. There are different characteristics which serve as a way of
Growing up I didn’t understand the meaning of a struggle. I had no idea what it was like to wake up with nothing, to have no one understand you, and to go to school with pure happiness because you’re no longer alone. I didn’t even think that it was possible to feel that way because I was spoiled and got what I wanted. Throughout the years, kindergarten through seventh grade, I spoke what I felt. I told people exactly what I thought of them not caring what the outcome would be. I thought that being honest was the best way to go about things until I came to realize that it wasn’t. Being honest wasn’t only about telling the truth. It was about me expressing how I felt about that person picking apart everything I disliked about them; without knowing what their situation was or the life style they had lived. The opinions I expressed would range from calling them fat, to expressing their flaws, ending with telling them to simply go away because I didn’t want their presence. Knowing how self-indulged I was didn’t bother
Now at days is normal to discuss about the pros and contras about speared schools. The majority of schools aren’t separate. Well actually the basic reason is less expensive, make two schools for the 50% of the school population is more difficulty than make one school for all the school population.