Diversity in a campus was an important factor when I was applying to college. I want to attend a college where I can experience several different walks of life. Yet, I know that I can only contribute so much to the overall campus diversity. I am a white woman from a middle class family, daughter of heterosexual parents. However, I am a part of the LGBT+ community, more specifically a part of the A in LGBTQIA. The A stands for asexual, and I identify as panromantic asexual, meaning that I feel romantic attraction to all but not a sexual attraction. Most people don’t believe that being asexual is a real thing, it is not one of the more talked about aspects of the community. So if I am accepted to NC State I would help bring a voice to an often
Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville is a school that supports diversity. I would recommend partnering with them.
Even if the colleges are achieving their goals to get a diverse student body to the campuses, they fail to get those groups to interact. In the article “The Lie About College Diversity,” Bruni’s interpretation on diversity explains that common college diversity programs are categorizing students together with similar backgrounds. Only a number of programs accept students to interact with fellow diversity students with different cultures, backgrounds or ethnic groups. These programs do not motivate students to reach out and share their thoughts with other groups because they could get rejected. By learning other points of view and having diversity in the learning environment, it also helps individuals communicate better. It also opens minds to ideas and concepts they might not have considered and provide them with
In “What Should “Diversity on Campus” Mean and Why?” various authors argue how it is difficult for women to get on a college campus, and to be comfortable on college campuses. In her article, “Trans Women at Smith,” Sarah Fraas, explains how difficult it is for transgender women to just apply to Women only universities: specifically, Smith’s. A study conducted by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force figured out that less than half of transgender students have been able to update their school information (Fraas). It has been stated that some of the students who tried were immediately rejected by their high school. Also, in another article “Muslim American Women in Campus Culture,” Shabana Mir argues how it is difficult for female Muslim American
Diversity is a term known for, "variety." To be diverse is to have a range of different types of people all in one place. Different types of people can range from their race, background, social class, age, or religion. Those are just a few examples that can separate a person from others. To be aware of diversity around you is something everyone should take note of. Many people may not realize that they live in such a diverse world that they do not know how to cope with someone when they do find someone with a different background than they do. Washburn University has a very diverse population and Washburn and most of the students and faculty are aware of this and take great pride in it. Washburn University is not the biggest college and it
For many young adults, college is a time of great discovery as it presents them with an incredibly diverse assortment of people with whom they may mingle with. However, the mentally ill are often excluded from these interactions. Due to numerous misconceptions about their condition and the ensuing stigma that this creates, college students with a psychiatric disorder are left to endure unnecessary shunning from their peers. Fortunately, some universities have taken it amongst themselves to prevent this injustice from occurring, a prime example of which is the New Diversity Initiative program.
Bridging the gap between LGBT communities and HBCUs was something that I didn’t think needed to be done because wouldn’t a system of universities and colleges that promote diversity be mindful of those that it is letting down. By creating areas in which LGBT communities can be open and themselves in college could be helpful not only for the students, but also for the faculty and staff that may also want to help that community or are a part of that community but cant. This article gave me ideas on how to give a safe space and incorporate openness to the LGBT community among adult learners and educators. By learning of the solutions that the authorss given, the studies and findings from other reports I’ve come to learn so many different methods on connecting with LGBT students without ostracizing them for being who they are. The article was written well with the intent of the article, the framework, and findings of the study clear and understandable to the reader and those who could use this article for their own research on the topic. It is organized to give you the information on the past relationship of HBCUs and the LGBT community, how the study came to be, the methods that they used for the study and finally the results and conclusion of the study. The authors has given us details on how solutions have benefitted the LGBT communities that are at HBCUs, the HBCUs that have made the changes for their LGBT student base and the methods that will improve the college experience for
"I wish that there were some wonderful place / In the Land of Beginning Again / Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches / And all of our poor selfish grief / Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door / and never put on again" (Louisa Fletcher)
Growing up in a multiracial, multicultural household I have been fortunate enough to experience diversity at a young age. NC State’s diverse campus would expose me to different cultures, religions, and ethnic groups, all focused on enhancing the legacy of NC State. Exposure to these different lifestyles would increase my knowledge about different issues minorities from around the world have been faced with. The diversity would allow me to help implement new ways of increasing diversity throughout society, and college campuses, allowing NC State to be a model for the world. Campus diversity is important in making sure all students are comfortable in their learning environment. Being able to share my life experiences and background would allow
Washburn University has always been proud of having diversity since it first opened its doors to the public 151 years ago. If you are to look around campus many are able to see how much diversity is valued by the campus as a whole, they know everyone is different and each person has their own story to tell. If a university made it where no one is allowed to talk about where they came before and how they ended up where they are in life. what is the point of being proud of who you are? For me, it is important for each person to be proud of the person who they are because they could have had to overcome so much in life to make it to this point of being an undergraduate.
The College of Arts and Sciences is comprised of four divisions: Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The curriculum of the College is designed to meet the needs and interests of a diverse, multicultural student body. Explain what interests you in the Arts or Sciences, and how studying at Howard University will help you achieve your overall goals?
As a person who is very open to different ideals and processes, I strongly believe that diversity is one of the most important tools to success in education, work, and life. The area of North Carolina that I come from is very distinct in its homogeneity; Marvin, North Carolina, is a wealthy, successful community but ultimately lacks in diversity. Growing up in an area constricted by unvarying ideals and views, one may become out of touch with differing thought processes or approaches to different aspects of life. NC State is truly a community that is diversified by dissimilar attributes, and these distinctions are what make a community great. I believe that I will able to benefit immensely from the campus diversity by being able to collaborate
Racial diversity is something that is often discussed on college campuses. As a student who self-identifies as a minority in more ways than one I often feel like I have a pretty good understanding of the subject of racism and race. However, often times when these issue are discussed I learn something new; this was the case when reading the articles this week. This week’s articles examined the issue of race from different perspectives. This allowed me to re-examine the issue in a fuller manner; it also allowed me to question some of my own notions that I hadn’t really challenged before.
Poverty is a serious issue which our society and children faces every day. It is a constant struggle that shouldn’t be ignored. UNICEF states “The study of OECD countries in 2007, over fourteen percent of Australian children under the age of eighteen are currently living in households who are defined as poor or with incomes less than half of the median national income”. The increase in the number and percentage of children living in poverty within our society has contributed to making today's classrooms more diverse than ever it has been. This highlights and makes both teaching and learning more challenging. Diversity exists in the students who are living in poverty and the education assistant and teachers must provide the concept of diversity
As a member of several clubs and organizations, I have always valued the wide range of people you can find within the walls of my high school. If you walk into my Physics lab, you will find me collaborating with a dancer strongly involved in his cultural heritage and a volleyball player in the engineering academy. If you come to my Calculus class, you will see me calculating derivatives with a football player, a snowboarder, a National Honor Society officer, and a painter. The word “diversity” is often used to describe a cross-cultural population, but it is so much more than that. At Bartlett High School, students originate from hundreds of different cultures, with an abundance interests, and participate together in an assortment of activities.
The world is filled different cultures, races and ethnicities, and it is crucial that our higher education institutions reflect this diversity. Representation matters. We are a country filled with diverse cultures all of which whom need to be represented. The purpose of this literature review is to explain why and how diversity in a higher education setting is important. Students learn better in such an environment and are better prepared to become active participants in our pluralistic, democratic society once they leave school Diversity is not only important among the student population but also within college curriculum. It is an important issue regardless of the setting. However, when it is applied it to a place where people come to learn,