In the previous century, diversity workplace was defined as a blend of race, gender, religion, nationally and sexual orientation. As the world, economic system changes, many organizations are faced with the diversity of four generations employed side-by-side in the workplace. Each generation shares a peculiar birth eras, values, lifetime circumstance and historical stories that influence their viewpoints. In the last decade, the State of Florida initiates to cultivate more and more diversity in the workplace; hiring a span of different generations comprise of traditionalist or mature (1922-1945), Baby boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980) and Millennial -Generation Y (1981-2000). Throughout the context of this post, I would like to
I am very happy witht the progress that Vicky has made in her job so far. She has been with the Bureau about 8 months and she has become invaluable to us. She understands the division and bureau vision and direction. She is a real team player who actively participates in bureau meetings and activities such as coming up with a vision and mission statement for the PPI bureau.
As the political landscape in the United States continues to include increasing levels of immigration reform and border security rhetoric, an understanding of current capabilities and operations becomes a vital component when forming an educated opinion. Army National Guard soldiers and aircraft provide a crucial layer of border security, employing the UH-72A Lakota helicopter equipped with technology designed to assist law enforcement agencies in drug interdiction and undocumented immigrant apprehension. Shortfalls in United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) capabilities opened the door for military involvement to stem the influx of illegal immigrants, as well as slowing human and drug trafficking (Lawson, 2012). Today, the UH-72A
With approximately 9 million Americans identify themselves as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (2014, p. 3-4). The workforce of today needs to be inclusive to reflect consumers and drive better business practices. It is also the progression of the working world that started with affirmative action to require diversity through race inclusion regulations. This advance in culture and workforce is becoming more apparent with the changes in laws and overall acceptance of the GL community. It is also imperative that organizations work to integrate a diverse work-force and create an environment that encourages diversity. A key obstacle to diversity is prejudice. As pointed out in "The Holistic Approach to Diversity Management" organizations that realize the benefits of a diverse workforce and how it grow an organization as a resource with more access to information to deal with better problem-solving and decision-making processes and that this inclusion of diversity is the cure for prejudices and bias (2009, p 455).
In the second scenario, I would ensure that all of my employees were familiar with the anti-discrimination policy, as well as diversity in the workplace. While I fully understand the concerns presented by the other workers and their feelings of being uncomfortable, I also lean toward the safety and welfare of the transgender individual if he was forced to utilize the bathroom he does not identify with. While unisex single stall bathrooms could effectively eliminate the concern that is presented by some of the other workers, it may not be financially feasible. However, I do believe that current bathroom stalls can be retrofitted to ensure a more private experience for everyone. Bathroom stalls should go from floor to ceiling and the gaps on the doors should be fixed to be completely enclosed. This would allow any gender access into the bathroom without privacy issues being a concern.
Are today's corporation’s diversity programs really successful? The idea of diversity going well past the traditional work environment and implanting diversity programs that allow a welcoming work environment. Diversity requires the acknowledgment of commitment that every employee is their own individual, not similarly as individuals from administrative assigned gatherings. Diversity calls for administration of associations to be extremely comprehensive enduring the individuals who are diverse as well as praising those distinctions. It requires the opening of non-conventional occupations to men and ladies of all ideologies, backgrounds, religions, races and ethnicity. University Hospital (UH) diversity and inclusion concepts creates a work
Diversity has impacts everywhere and has impacted and changed Certified Public Accountants (CPA’s)? CPA’s are accountant that are certified through a national organization. They maintain that all financial statements to be completely accurate. When you take history into account it was always just the white men that could do anything that required higher education. This was also true for CPA’s at one time, of course this is not the case in the 21st century. Every company has a diversity statement, even Western Michigan University has one. These Diversity statements stat that the company does not take offense to or illegally discriminate agent’s people that fall into different categories. Some of the categories that I will be discussing are sex,
With both parents in the Navy, I was surrounded by a diverse, ever-changing populace for the majority of my life while we lived in Virginia Beach. My friends, classmates, and fellow city residents consisted of a myriad of different ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds. Being raised in such a diverse culture helped me foster an open mind and respect everyone. Additionally, growing up in a dual-military family I endured multiple moves and being separated from one of my parents for long periods of time. While troublesome, I feel this gave me a unique advantage. I have become self-reliant and I am more apt to take initiative than many of my peers. Furthermore, I learned to quickly adapt to my surroundings. My upbringing has overall led to me
Diversity encompasses a variety of issues which influences personal identities with reference to education, professionalism, status of the parents and the geographical origin (DEEWR, 2009). The organisational structure of the workplace can impact positively on phonetic and cultural diversity through advancement of good inter-personal relationship and administration of appreciation among individuals in the workplace (Manning, M. L., & Bucher, K. T, 2007). For instance, a workplace which accentuates in making children aware of the need to co-exist with one another in school ensures that the children will develop respect to one another regardless of their ethnic background or geographical origin. Children will gain knowledge from one another
I think it’s pretty common for people to picture a Caucasian male with a suit and briefcase when picturing someone with some high end cooperate job. We used to be able to blame this on the fact that many different races weren’t getting the same level of education. In these days, with everyone getting equal opportunities in education and more diversity in higher educational institutes, there should be no reason that races aren’t represented more equally when it comes to white collar jobs. Many studies have shown that more diverse economies make for much stronger ones. When businesses can accept the nation’s ever changing demographics, they obtain a more diverse and inclusive workforce which benefits them economically.
I worked for a corporation that is very diverse and they believe in giving back to the employees and the community in Johns Creek, Georgia. This corporation has companies all over the world that believes in giving back to the community and making sure the employees are happy in their workplace. The company has many teams and group that support the organization. The people seemed eager to be a part of the team because they felt they were giving something back to the community. Everyone wanted to feel like they were doing something good and they enjoyed themselves doing it.
It is a known fact that in order for companies to flourish, excellent leadership practices and employees go hand-in-hand. What most companies have failed to acknowledge is how diversity within the workplace, especially in management and executive leadership, does not have a very strong presence. Numerous executives have embraced the fact that their hiring practices are inconsistent with their new motto (we do not discriminate…), but fail to realize that it is more of an internal issue than it is external. The government has tried to regulate some of the practices of hiring and firing applicants. The Americans with Disabilities Act includes protection from discrimination based on a disability as well as requirements for employers and those
There are many ways to help the LGBT community in the workplace with employee affinity groups, resource groups or business networks. These groups were first started in the early 1990’s to create organizational structures that provide a clear communication between the employees and management (How LGBT Adults See Society and How the Public Sees Them, 2013). They also ensure that the LGBT community have a voice within the organization and they are respected by others. It is important that the heterosexuals are vocal about backing up people with different sexual orientation. For example, Barclays Spectrum, provides support for employees that are within a bigger cooperation (Challenges for LGBT People in the Workplace and How to Overcome them,
It’s February, which is also Black History month, is here and at CultureIQ, we feel it’s imperative to celebrate diversity. Diversity comes in all aspects of life: ethnicity, gender, socio-economic standing—the list goes on and on. Every person on your team brings a unique perspective to their role, which is why it’s critical to utilize people from different backgrounds. Engaging with people from a variety of backgrounds is not only good for the soul; it’s great for business. Here’s why leaders should champion diversity in the workplace.
Silicon Valley is the home to many of the world’s largest high-tech corporations. Silicon Valley companies employee a plethora of talent-rich workers who lead the way in 21st century, and beyond, technological advances. Google is one of the crown jewels of Silicon Valley and like many successful companies, such as Xerox or Velcro; the name has morphed into a verb become synonymous with an activity. “Google this” is the expression that is used to indicate using any internet search engine for results. Although Google is successful in its unique approach to employee development, the company admittedly falls short when it comes to diversity. With businesses recognizing that workplace diversity can positively effect corporate profits, Google
As the global reach of each organization grows, their objectives have not changed, however, their look toward leadership has. The increased diversity in the workplace requires superior synchronization by identified employees to meet effectively the mission and vision of the organization. This individual must be capable of meeting the needs of subordinates with their area of expertise with set expectations for meeting organizational goals. While the world analyzed this need, several theories became known. These theories include: (1) path-goal; (2) situational leadership; and (3) contingency, all of which jumped into the everyday language to fulfill the need to define specific characteristics of the leaders; at that time. Moreover,