Welcome to my inside and outside world that carries an adventurous circle of diversity. I am a 38-year-old African American who finds herself looking for opportunities in every day’s life cycle. I find my personality as a diverse personality that cultivates within any group setting. Over the years, I have come to learn diversity is everyday lifestyles, whether it is faced on by grocery shopping, employment etc. I have learned there is no way around diversities and its settings; however, diversity is a direction of your reflection. We will explore the importance of diversity throughout this journey. Let’s Begin Growing up as a child diversity was not a single cultural, more so diversity were classified by each members’ ethnicity. I currently live and was raised in the southern state of South Carolina. Attending grade school in a southern state, we would often separate into groups. Those groups took on the popularity, the tough kids, and the rich kids. At that time, my group setting were practically the kids from around the block and/or family members. Family members back when did not have the setting to address diversity and its culture, just small statements such as this, “learn what you need to learn to develop your future.” Quite honestly, I could never understand why that statement was always made known. Understanding diversity took reinforcement when I began working through different organizations and their settings. Whether I worked
•Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of
Chapter 2: Embracing Diversity: Diversity enriches our lives and opens up new possibilities. In this chapter, we delve into the importance of embracing diversity in our connections and how it can broaden our perspectives and bring us closer to our goals. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the power of human connection has never been more profound. Every interaction we have with others, whether in our personal lives or professional endeavors, has the potential to shape our future and open up new opportunities. From forming deep, meaningful relationships to expanding our network and building bridges across diverse communities, the impact of connection cannot be overstated.
Managing Diversity in the workplace is more than just an acquired skill, it is "a way of thinking" (1). It involves creating an environment that allows all employees to contribute to organizational goals and experience personal growth. The key is to help employees reach their full potential by creating an environment that will allow them to be motivated and productive and ultimately, be beneficial for the organization.
Diversity is an ongoing discussion in day-to-day life. Not many situations occur without diversity having a role. There are a multitude of topics that introduces or involves diversity, to include age, sex, race, gender, ethnicity and so on. Prior to participating in this Diversity Awareness class, I’ve always thought diversity was more geared around discrimination and racism. Through weekly readings and discussions, I have discovered that diversity is much broader than that. There are many countries that are mixed culturally
“Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with and perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without” _William Sloane Coffin Jr_ Over the last decade there has been massive rise in level of workplace diversity within all the organizations. As a result of it majority companies achieved higher performance and according to all the researchers, it shows heterogeneous groups are more inventive than homogenous groups. It is not only about those heterogeneous people bring various type of figures their different type of thinking benefit organizations to bring out their best outcomes throughout the process
Being diverse, or for better terms, upholding diversity is a fundamental aspect of what makes America the preeminent country it is today. In most instances, when you walk into a crowded room, the first thing your eyes are drawn to is something that stands out, is divergent, and is discreetly different from its surroundings. However, America has stretched to immeasurable lengths to try and controvert the eradication of diversity in society. In aWorld and Ionline article explains "Each culture provides its own special and irreplaceable contribution to our understanding of America today" and later states that "America thrives on diversity." The article validates that it is far from just cultural differences, but every demonstration of individualism. In corroboration, the support of diversity is the bondage of individualism, and strengthens the American
Diversity in the organization can affect the employees and their behavior in many ways. The effect can be positive and negative in the same time. The positive effect is, it will wider employee knowledge, skills, and attitude which will allow the organization to become more competitive globally. Higher diversity of employees mean higher diversity of knowledge, skills and abilities. Sharing experience inspires innovative thinking (Claudia Quaiser-Pohls, 2013, p. 41). Today in the modern workplace, most organizations will have
As a member of several clubs and organizations, I have always valued the wide range of people you can find within the walls of my high school. If you walk into my Physics lab, you will find me collaborating with a dancer strongly involved in his cultural heritage and a volleyball player in the engineering academy. If you come to my Calculus class, you will see me calculating derivatives with a football player, a snowboarder, a National Honor Society officer, and a painter. The word “diversity” is often used to describe a cross-cultural population, but it is so much more than that. At Bartlett High School, students originate from hundreds of different cultures, with an abundance interests, and participate together in an assortment of activities.
I was born in Japan and spent my life there until seventh grade. Even though my environment was very fulfilling, my community had little diversity. Everyone was from the same area, we all have same culture, and same race. Individual could had variety of thought but our basic mind was very similar since we all grow up in the same environment. I can say that I had little more diversity in my life than other people around me since my mother was Korean, I had some Korean people around me. Korea is a country located right next to Japan, but they do have different culture, language, and people. It gave me a little push to become diverse person. However, there was a big change when I moved to America as an international student in seventh grade. For the first time in my life, I was surrounded by people who were not "my people". When I walked into the class, everyone had different race, culture,
Cultural diversity, or multiculturalism, is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued. The foundation of this belief is that every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. However, many people remain opposed to the idea of multiculturalism, or cultural diversity awareness, while others often support it and yet have no clear idea of how it should be taught. The diversity of the United States is truly astounding, as many different ethnic and racial groups have contributed to the social,
The discrimination-and-fairness paradigm is considered the “dominant way” of understanding diversity by most organizations. It attempts to remove discrimination and create employment equality by seeking to increase diversity among employees. Progress is measured by how well the company is able to meet its diversity number goals but avoids looking deeper at the reality behind the numbers. (Thomas & Ely p. 81)
With the changing demographics of the U.S. workforce (Ng & Burke, 2005) and the need for organizations to continually innovate their products and services to remain competitive, embracing diversity and the benefits its brings is going to be key to driving a successful organization
Diversity is what makes people different, not just culturally but in human differences. Having a multitude of differences in the workforce gives an organization the ability to use many ideas to reach a common goal. A person could say that a diverse group of people together in one room can accomplish greater achievements than a room filled with the same types of individuals. Managers understand the concept of diversity, and how important diversity is to the success of a company’s ability to implement programs that continue to develop a harmonious and diverse workplace. The recognition that diversity is a reality in the workforce has generated an enormous amount of activity over the years among leaders in business, government, and civil
When I hear the words culture and diversity there are many things that come to mind. Growing up I lived in a diverse neighborhood, went to very diverse schools', kindergarten through high school, and I went to church groups that eventually lead to me getting the opportunity to experience a whole new country and culture during my mission trip. All of these things have contributed to my knowledge and appreciation of the diversity and culture in my life. Learning about these things has helped me keep an open mind about the humans that surround me every day. It has also helped me to become more aware of human rights and the way it has affected our world and our culture.
America's past should teach America's today that success lies within diversity. In order to achieve ultimate success, diversity is a necessity. Workforce diversity is a fact of organizational life. It is also a key concern for theory and practice in organizational behavior ( van-Knippenberg, De-Dreu, Homan, 2004).