I plan to contribute many ideas, work, and support to the Leaders in Engineering Excellence and Diversity Program. The program itself is an opportunity to meet other students in the same field as me who face similar challenges. Not to mention that I find the values of creating a supportive group parallel to my own and would love to contribute. Foremost, I would contribute participation in the program. I would love the opportunity to attend the lectures to learn new skills and information. Also, I would take advantage of the leadership opportunities to set a good example and bring attention to the minorities in STEM, engineering especially. Most of all, I would contribute another supportive and educated voice to a group of educated individuals
During this time, I was a staunch advocate and facilitator for the Advancing Minorities Interest in Engineering. During this time, every summer, I would take on 2-5 engineering students that were attending HBCU. I would provide them exposure to what engineers do overseas, help them network with other engineers, as well as provide them exposure to construction activities. By being a champion for this program, I have created lasting relationships, which I have been able to leverage to create opportunities for other young aspiring
In 1989, the AICPA recognized a need for not only ethnic diversity but also gender diversity. Stemming from the Upward Mobility of Women Task Force, the AICPA’s Women’s Initiatives Executive Committee (WEIC) was formed in order to promote opportunities within the accounting profession for women. The WEIC serves to raise awareness of the gap in progress of women in becoming leaders throughout the profession by providing
In 2016, we appointed a task force to develop strategies to pursue this objective. One of the Diversity Task Force's accomplishments was a planned meeting with the three multicultural real estate organizations. As stated in our previous applications, this meeting introduced our groups to one another and helped us understand each other's missions, challenges, and goals. Recently, we had our 2017 meeting. Each group gave a detailed overview of the organization's key objectives and accomplished goals from the previous year. We announced the two Diversity Grants we received at the meeting and expressed our interest in applying for a third grant, in order to accomplish our own objective in having sponsored an event from all three multicultural
Most of the historians and papers look at the United States after the Civil War in order to trace the impetus for economic growth, people imagine the Civil War as a major force to unite and to move forward to an economic expansion. But, in reality, the important era of the economic development was prior 1790 to 1860 or the era prior to the Civil War. The western expansion provided with natural resources to stabilize and fuel the industrial growth. The strictures, which were existed in the theocracy of New England, were extinguished by 1790 ("APUSH-Wiki-Marlborough-School - Life in the North from 1790 - 1860", 2016).
The Governor’s Honors Program has been a dream of mine ever since by brother, Dammy, went there. He would talk about it constantly while I listened intensively. Dammy spoke of the classes he had for technology, his roommate, and the fun classes and activities he got to do after he finished classes. He told me about the time he went swimming and the gym class he had. Dammy also spoke about the new people he met, his PA, and how much fun they had. His words encouraged me to try and make it to GHP. He has always been my role model and I try to follow in his footsteps, especially when he talks about the activity with excitement.
Their husbands have become equals instead of being the man of the house and handling all of the decisions. Decisions are now being made by both men and women.
A diversity scholar is an academically minded student who promotes diversity and evolvement in campus and community activities. We came to Western Oregon University to further develop our education and experience a fully enriched college life. A diversity scholar exemplifies excellence in academia, shows leadership qualities through volunteering, successfully balances school and social life, supports diversity on campus, and actively participates with school sanctioned events.
Animal Farm by George Orwell can directly relate to George Santayana's quote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This quote means we are prone to repeat ourselves if we cannot remember our mistakes from the past and learn from them; and by the time we notice a repetition in history, it is already too late. The animals in Animal Farm are not able to tell if their situation is better or worse than Jones's time because they cannot remember their life in the past. "There were times when it seemed to the animals that they worked longer hours and fed no better than they had done in Jones’s day. On Sunday mornings Squealer, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving
The non-lab elements of the ARC Program would be just as important as the lab elements to me. So often I get caught up with my academic pursuits and my other activities that I forget just how important the other elements of life are. The Program would provide me with the amazing opportunity of being able to go through career focused events, which would allow me to start to envision a more clear track for my future and path after college. Having someone who is knowledgeable about STEM careers teach me about the many possibilities for my future and the steps I need to take to get there would be an invaluable resource. I like to think of myself as a leader, but one thing I have learned is that it is important to never stop cultivating these skills.
The United States prison system has undoubtedly changed over the last several decades. One of the more significant changes has been the increasing use of private prison facilities to hold American inmates. There are several problems associated with this including, misaligned incentives of the private companies, leading to poor conditions, and prison labor issues. Although there are problems with the private prison industry, they are not irreversible. There are solutions that can and should be considered to ensure that private companies are not exploiting the people they are contracted to hold. Abolition and regulation are certainly plausible options to reforming the private prison industry. At the end of the day, reforming the prison-industrial complex altogether is incredibly important, as there are human beings behind those cell walls. It may not be plausible to reform the entire system all together at once. Rather, we should start with reforms to one portion of the system, in this case the private prison industry, in order to improve the system as a whole.
I would like to attend the SEED Program because it is going to be a great opportunity to see the school and experience the Brandeis community first hand. The SEED Program is going to be shedding light on some very important topics that I find very interesting and have been involved with in the past few year. As a Latina attending a predominantly white school I know what it is like to bring awareness to topics such as diversity. I also know what it feels like to be criticized and mocked for being a “social justice warrior” and I would love to attend a program where these topics are brought up and taught instead of being mocked. At school I have worked alongside others in strive to create a community that can be inclusive and aware of all the
I hope all is well. I've been following PwC in the news and I am quite excited to learn about the part they play in the CEO Action For Diversity and Inclusion initiative. I wonder how this has impacted the associates of PwC? Are they excited about being apart of a company that is taking on such an important initiative?
As a freshman I really value this opportunity to meet new people and gain professional experience and leadership skills. However, I’m most excited about being able to be apart of creating change at UT. I wanted to attend UT my entire life, I was so sure about my decision I only applied to one school, now that I’m here it would be wonderful to help better UT during my time on the forty
WPI is the first step I am taking that will reach to what I want to achieve in my life. I believe I would be a good fit for WPI because of the learning experience I received from the STEM program. I have the exposure of what it like to work in engineering, technology, and science field and how each individual play an important role in our society. More specifically, technology had grabbed my attention and I wanted to pursue more into it. I again got the opportunity to witness what it was like to be working in those three field when I was invited to go on the Girls STEM Summit field trip in WPI. During the trip, we got a glimpse of the variety courses that we could take under those fields. I thought it was really welcoming because the
Above all, I have experienced similar programs, including SHAD and Waterloo Unlimited, which provide challenges to overcome, similarly to DEEP. With the above experiences, I learned to deal with stressful situations and to acquaint with new people that I have never met, a skill that I can pass on to others to help them adapt. Moreover, I excel academically in a variety of subjects, such as mathematics and the sciences, as well as competitions, like computing and mathematics contests from the University of Waterloo to name a few. Having a distinguished academic record, I bring my own set of knowledge, skills and learning techniques to share and improve upon with those around me, allowing others to learn from my success and mistakes. To sum up, the contributions I can make to my colleagues will no doubt be beneficial for all the participants.