
Diversity Through Multicultural Education Practices

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Education that values diversity through multicultural education practices include students who come from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, their individual ethnicity, and gender. Teachers can improve relationships, views and connotations, and academic advancements through a variety of practices and strategies. Multicultural education encompasses empowerment of students and improvements towards relationships of students between different ethnic groups and cultures, and it involves practices such as culturally relevant teaching and issues-centered education approaches. Teachers can practice community relevant education to support students who come from low socioeconomic backgrounds to stay in school and continue their education. Culturally …show more content…

However, developmentally, males and females differ greatly academically. Teachers must develop pedagogies which pertain to equitable attention towards their students; they can modify their teaching practices and integrate differential learning materials and strategies to support all student’s learning. Student’s family’s socioeconomic status is a component of multicultural education; this can determine whether a student is receiving the proper academic support and attention at home, whether they are nutritionally impaired, and whether or not the child is getting the instructional materials they need in order to succeed. According to the 2015 United States Census Bureau, Hispanic family income is on average 36% less than Asian American and Caucasian households; African American family income is on average 47% less than Asian American and Caucasian households (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015). Students from low socioeconomic backgrounds have higher dropout rates, are more exposed to drugs, alcohol, and harmful chemicals (asbestos, black mold, lead) at early ages, and have higher psychological distress (American Psychological Association, 2017). Discipline, motivation, increased parental involvement, mentoring, and hidden knowledge are all ways that teachers can support the learning for …show more content…

This is affiliated with multicultural education because students and educators develop their own schemas and stereotypes for students, and do not always practice differentiated instruction that is essential for their developmental gender similarities and differences. Schemas and stereotypes develop at a young age and continue through adulthood; it is not up to society to determine what is and is not appropriate for children to play with, who they should interact with, and how they preform academically. Teachers can eliminate or reduce these biases by providing differentiated instruction and equitable distribution of their attention towards both genders. According to the textbook, Educational Psychology – 5th Edition, girls are more compliant, while boys are rambunctious; boys excel through math and science, while girls perform better in reading and writing; also consider, girls practice rapport talk, while boys practice report talk (Santrock, 2011, pp. 166, 167, 169). Through quantitative research, Yvette Lapayese, Karen Huchting, and Olga Grimalt found in their study Gender and Bilingual Education: An Exploratory Study of the Academic Achievement for Latina and Latino English Learners: “In today’s educational context, most indicators of academic achievement (i.e., standardized test scores, grades,

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