
Diversity Training Research Paper

Decent Essays

Introduction Diversity has been a hot-button topic for many of today’s companies. Diversity programming and initiatives are regularly implemented by organizations of all types and sizes. As it relates to an organization’s human resources operation, diversity will continue to be an ever-changing term as the work towards equitable treatment for all continues. Diversity issues permeate all aspects of organizational operations in the United States, which includes both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. However, this poses a unique problem for nonprofits, as they traditionally aim to reflect the people they serve. “The central tenet of the theory of representative bureaucracy is that passive representation, or the extent to which a bureaucracy employs people of diverse social backgrounds, leads to active representation or the pursuit of policies reflecting the interests and desires of those people” (Selden & Selden, 2001, p. 308). The goals of this review are to (1) define diversity training, (2) examine diversity’s evolution though the civil rights movement, and (3) explore the emergence of affirmative action and equal employment. What is Diversity Training? How is diversity training defined? “Diversity training is frequently referred to as training and education to raise awareness …show more content…

However, one of the movement’s most impactful leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is also well known for laying the groundwork for further change (Arnwine, 2007). King, in his many speeches, believed that, at some point in the future, equality would not be attained for just African-Americans, but also other populations seen as minorities. “Honoring his vision, large segments of society came together to promote legislation and initiatives designed to end discrimination and to strive for true inclusiveness. In this environment, affirmative action was born” (Arnwine, 2009, p.

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