The future of slavery changed the generation before the war due to all of the events which caused a divide between the north and the south. When the slaves first arrived they began at the basic level of farming but as cotton became more popular slaves had to adapt in order to fulfill the needs of their masters. Over time the argument of whether or not slaves should be treated as equal began. This idea caused the divide of the north and the south. Many other disagreements occurred involving slavery which further the divide between the north and the south. The Compromise of 1850, the fugitive slave act, and the Kansas Nebraska act were all documents discussing the debate of slavery. They each tried to solve problems as well as end the argument. …show more content…
Southern political leaders began thinking the north encouraged southern slaves to leave their homes. The south also believed the north was not keeping their word and had no reason for a compromise. A specific moment when southern political leaders were scared that the north was violating their rights was when they came together to discuss all of the things the north was doing to oppose them because of this they created the Declaration of Immediate. There they decided the only way to solve these differences was by going to war. The south feared Abraham Lincoln as well because he was the republican candidate for the 1861 presidential election. During his campaign Lincoln was very open in his opinion that slavery was wrong. This was unsettling for the southerners who made their entire lively hood around the use of slavery. The southerners believed that if Lincoln was elected as president that he would take away slavery from them so they avidly fought against Lincoln. When Lincoln was eventually elected as president the southerners were scared for their right to slavery and decided to take matters into their own hands and secede from the union and make their own country which allowed slavery. The Southerners made the decision to succeed from the union because they thought their basic rights as US citizens were being infringed
During the period of 1820-1861 the north and south debated on issues that dealt with slavery and unbalance power, in order to reduce sectional tension between these two states, the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act were proposed.
Eventually slavery would be brought to the forefront of American politics. Especially the election of 1860 which made the famous Abraham Lincoln President. The South saw Lincoln’s election as a threat to their way of life. This was especially seen in South Carolina which was the first state (unsurprisingly due to the fact that they have threatened this before) to announce their succession from the union. Other states soon followed South Carolina to form the Confederate States of America, the states said they are not succeeding because of slavery however
Abraham Lincoln's victory alarmed many white southerners because this meant that their future was now in the hands of a political party that was primarily against their region's personal values and interests. The people that wanted the South to secede from the Union had their reasons to do so. They were worried that Lincoln's election might lead to future Republican administrations interfering with slavery in the states. In the Deep South, southerners feared that they might become a sticking minority in a nation that was overrun by their political opposites. With this in mind, they instead seceded from the Union and saved slavery within their states.
The North and the South disagreed on some very important social and political issues at the time, which resulted in the South’s secession, This “new” South called themselves the Confederacy. The Confederacy believed in different rights for the people, they believed people could be property, and strongly believed in state’s rights. The South was a major contrast from the North, they felt the North was becoming oppressive, and taking away the South’s precious state’s rights, which led to the secession of many states. The North believed in the abolition of
From the perspective of the Northern States, secession was unnecessary. From the perspective of the Southern States, secession wasn't a choice because they wanted individual state’s rights and to preserve their way of life. President Lincoln, in defense of the constitution, states in his
They did not want to stay with America and in the end have to give up their rights to have and own slaves. The main goal for them was to preserve slavery. This proved that Abraham's election was a huge part in the southern states deciding to secede because they were perfectly fine how everything was until he was elected and started to demand that the new states that were entering were only to be free states and not allowed to have slavery. This is what started the southern states to believe that they were in danger of losing their rights’ to own
The Civil was a crucial event in history that changed the lives of many Americans and brought a sense of freedom and moving forward to the U.S. However, before the Civil war the North and South were vastly socially, politically, and economically different. Their differences were the reason why the North and South began to split and was the catalyst that began the Civil war. The North lived a different lifestyle than the southern part of the U.S. that started back in the 17th century.
ship the cotton but this meant that the South had to pay the North to
This shows that South Carolina had the right to secede because it was a sovereign state. It also shows how the South should have had the right to decide whether they would want to secede from the country or not. Another example is that when the Southern states joined the Union, it was voluntarily (Appleby 556). “Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of the union of the states being permanent.” (http:/ This shows that they should have the right to leave the Union if they choose to. They had this right because the South had no bind with the Union stating that they had to stay except for the United States constitution in which the North had already violated. Even though the United States constitution was what they looked at as a contract, the Union already desecrated its’ terms before this dispute. It also shows how the right was their own and the government could not control their choices in staying or not. These reasons and examples show how the South had to right to secede because of various reasons regarding the political state the government was in.
Throughout the 19th century, the distinctions between the North and South in the United States were controversial. Prior to the Civil War, the North consisted of business owners and middle-class men. The South consisted of mostly farmers. The North was industrial, using railroads and factories. The South was agricultural, with mostly farms and plantations. The North paid their labor workers. The South used slaves. Not only did their opposing views on slavery and the separation of the two cultures, tensions arose that eventually led to one of the most gruesome wars in history.
The North didn't care about slavery as long as it stayed in the South. South Carolina seceded, because Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was voted into office. The Republican party threatened the South's expansion and so Southerners felt that they had no other choice.
Tensions between the North and South had grown steadily since the anti slavery movement in 1830. Several compromises between the North and South regarding slavery had been passed such as the Nebraska-Kansas and the Missouri act; but this did little to relieve the strain. The election of President Lincoln in 1861 proved to be the boiling point for the South, and secession followed. This eventually sparked the civil war; which was viewed differently by the North and the South. The Northern goal was to keep the Union intact while the Southern goal was to separate from the Union. Southern leaders gave convincing arguments to justify secession. Exploring documents from South Carolina’s secession ordinance and a speech from the Georgia
During the Antebellum period, the North and South were divided into two sections. The North opposed slavery while the South believed that it ultimately benefitted society, creating conflicting views on many different issues. The issues that were brought about during the antebellum period between the North and the South were centered around what type of societies slavery created. Although the North and South had some similarities during the antebellum period, the North and South were consistently more different in many aspects.
In Lincolns second inaugural he coined a famous phrase saying "Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other." (Perret 48)Other problems would arise concerning slavery such as which states would be admitted as free or slave states. Several compromises were made in order to avoid tensions rising such as the “Missouri Compromise”. Yet again we see later on by the repeal of this act by the “Kansas Nebraska” act that things remain unstable. Tensions would rise again when we acquired the new territories from Mexico. For several years it caused tensions with the South wanting slavery and the North opposed to it. Eventually the Compromise of 1850 would quell the tensions.
States rights were one of the major causes in the Civil War. The idea of state sovereignty was a controversial topic between republicans and democrats. The republicans withheld that the country was of the people, and the democrats believed America was comprised of individual sovereign states. The South interpreted the Declaration of Independence as an obligation to leave an oppressive government. "It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government." The South believed that the North, by attempting to abolish slavery, was oppressing their rights to their own property.