
Divide Between The North And The South Before The Civil War Essay

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The future of slavery changed the generation before the war due to all of the events which caused a divide between the north and the south. When the slaves first arrived they began at the basic level of farming but as cotton became more popular slaves had to adapt in order to fulfill the needs of their masters. Over time the argument of whether or not slaves should be treated as equal began. This idea caused the divide of the north and the south. Many other disagreements occurred involving slavery which further the divide between the north and the south. The Compromise of 1850, the fugitive slave act, and the Kansas Nebraska act were all documents discussing the debate of slavery. They each tried to solve problems as well as end the argument. …show more content…

Southern political leaders began thinking the north encouraged southern slaves to leave their homes. The south also believed the north was not keeping their word and had no reason for a compromise. A specific moment when southern political leaders were scared that the north was violating their rights was when they came together to discuss all of the things the north was doing to oppose them because of this they created the Declaration of Immediate. There they decided the only way to solve these differences was by going to war. The south feared Abraham Lincoln as well because he was the republican candidate for the 1861 presidential election. During his campaign Lincoln was very open in his opinion that slavery was wrong. This was unsettling for the southerners who made their entire lively hood around the use of slavery. The southerners believed that if Lincoln was elected as president that he would take away slavery from them so they avidly fought against Lincoln. When Lincoln was eventually elected as president the southerners were scared for their right to slavery and decided to take matters into their own hands and secede from the union and make their own country which allowed slavery. The Southerners made the decision to succeed from the union because they thought their basic rights as US citizens were being infringed

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