dividual was open and responsive throughout the counseling session. Individual answered questions asked by the clinician. Individual stated he was feeling fine. Ind stated, as a joke, he hasn't had any angry outburst since his nephews went back to Florida. in a serious tone, Individual disclosed, his angry outbursts has decreased because he got use to the idea that his grandfather has dementia and that things at home are not going to be the same. Ind shared that all of them are taking care of the grandfather, and that was bothering him, but not anymore. Ind also shared that in the past, he had frequent angry outbursts with his brother Shaun, but not anymore. When questioned about what exactly he did to change this situation, Ind answered they
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the counseling profession and its ability to work on cases in multidisciplinary teams. A variety of scholarly journal articles were taken into account in order to gain insight into the field of counseling and some of its specializations. For this paper, the focus was, aside from general counseling, on marriage and family therapy as well as addiction counseling.
D-Meet the patient for a 1:1 session. The patient provided clarification on her living arrangment with this writer. According to the patient, she resides at her mother house in New Britian, CT, but sometimes stay with her daughter in Bristol. The patient then discussed the issues at her mother's residence about her sister and her children living rent free and not contributing to the household. The patient says, " I lost it.....i had enough." The patient expressed her frustration to the family and says, " The next day, everyone was acting like nothing had happen......being nice to me." This writer discussed with the patient about different ways she could have handled it without losing control of her anger; however, the patient reports she normally
The decision to take this course was rooted in a deepening interest in psychotherapy, self–development, the welfare of other people and in a desire to gain a theoretical base to enrich my current arts and health practice.
The article Counseling in Isolation by Bethany Bray interviewed counselors who worked and lived in a rural area. Tara Wilson was one of the counselors interviewed who lives in a small town in Nebraska. Wilson had a graduating class of ten people in her small rural town. I found this article interesting because it discussed dual relationships among counselors and clients from small rural towns. Bray explained, in a small town “the setting can afford counselor the chance to see young clients grow up, succeed, and start a family” (Bary, 2016).
William responded well to the intervention to the intervention. William is making progress towards his goals. William stated, dropping out of high school, drinking smoking, running away for home, and being none compliant with the house rules. William stated, not being trusted, being question by the police, losing parent trust, losing privileges, not being allowed to have friends over, and losing his job. William responded yes, anger and other emotions. William stated no, because he now knows how he has cause hurt and paint to his parent and the consequences thought him how to make better choices, in his life. William responded yes. William stated that he was encouraged by his friend to stay with them even though he knew it was wrong. William
The concept of the Stimulus – Response Theory describes an external neutral signal /event (stimulus) (to unconditionally and automatically trigger (a behaviour or reflex. (Response).
Cognitive-behavioural therapy is widely short-term and concentrates on enabling clients to deal with very particular problems. Often six weeks to six months sessions of course depending upon the problem it is pacifically goal directed and places great weight upon self-help as a long term coping tool that the client can take away with them and successfully use. Cognitive-behavioural therapy believes that clients can learn the wrong ways of developing and making sense of information during their cognitive development. This can often lead to distortions in the way they identify reality, it’s the job of the therapist to enable them to work this out.
QP reviewed with Quadir appropriate responses to anger feelings. QP asked Quadir to list some rules of the house and school that he has to follow. QP examined with Quadir, what causes him to get upset when asked to complete task from his mother, teacher, and grandparents. QP reviewed with Quadir how to respond to anger situation appropriately. QP discussed with Quadir on task and attentive behaviors in all settings. QP reviewed with Quadir mediation, self-control strategies and impulse delay strategies. QP asked Quadir to discuss a time when he has demonstrated good impulse control and engaged in fewer disruptive behaviors. QP asked Quadir, if he has decreased the frequency of disruptive, aggressive or negative attention seeking behaviors. QP asked Quadir, how he is get along with his mom. QP praised Quadir for the progress he has made with his behavior in the home and at school. QP provided Quadir with feedback on the positive progress he as mad since starting IIH services. QP suggested to Quadir to keep up the good work he has made and continue to improve on the changes he has made with his behavior and the goals he was working
Per mom William has been Compliant with the house rules lately. Per mom William has reduce the using of profanity in the home and is getting along better with his siblings, and his dad. Per mom, she would like William to quit smoking, use comping skills when he get angry more often and think about the effect of his behavior on his family. William stated that he is utilizing coping skills to get along better with his parents, the frequency of anger and aggressive out bursts has reduce significantly. Per William his is not engaging in fighting and argument with his siblings as much and stated that IIH servers is working because he has learned the reason why he needs to control his anger, and his relationship with his parent has gotten better
Behavior (B): TC, the mother, and brother presented with appropriate affect and euthymic mood. The mother was receptive, engaged, and open regarding the information that was asked by the counselor. TC played with on his videogame during the session and the brother was on his iPad. Family was well groomed, focused, alert, oriented x4. There were no signs of delusions, hallucinations or suicidal ideations. The home was clean and appeared safe.
Boundary crossing is an everyday issues counselor’s encounter. It is essential counselors are aware when boundaries are being crossed and how to resolve these issues. Whether a counselor receives gifts from a client or partakes in overlapping roles, boundaries are being crossed (Herlihy & Corey, 2015). As I continue my education in counseling, I desire to work on an army base with soldiers and their families. I will work with individuals who suffer from Anxiety Disorders and Major Depression, with a specialty in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are a variety of boundary issues when working this population, however there can be potential benefits associated with boundary crossing. It is important for counselors
I believe counseling is a collaborative partnership between client and counselor. Furthermore, this collaborative partnership is built from trust and acceptance of both client and counselor. I hope in conjunction with clients to understand the issues and concerns so to help them tap into their wisdom, creativity, and strengths to meet their current challenges. I believe in a comprehensive perspective through which clients can better comprehend themselves in the framework that our thinking about events can lead to emotional and behavioral upset. Moreover, counselors are to provide a safe environment for clients to explore their challenges and identify ways to move differently in overcoming these challenges.
With encouragement, he was also more willing/open in sharing his feelings relative to issues at home (such as feeling somewhat neglected, anxious about the holidays) and his mother confirmed that family is facing multiple stressors such as a conflict between mom and fiance seeking independent counseling, financial/housing issues and terminal illness of maternal grandmother. Despite some treatment progress, during this time, he remained very verbally impulsive and odd in his interactions which continue to be a barrier to his relationships and this also remained focus of
Individual was open and responsive throughout the counseling session. Individual answered questions asked by the clinician. Aby stated she was feeling fine but kind of tired because she wasn't sleeping well. However, Ind stated she had no depressed feeling during last week. Ind was a little hyper verbal probably because she was very excited about the theatrical activities that she has been involved lately. One of them was like a 5 minutes free topic monologue. Ind shared she felt confident while doing it. Ind disclosed the name of her presentation was "No shame". Aby disclosed she invited her father and stepmom what represents a big step and her openness toward the improvement of their relation. Ind also shared that she was really excited because
(1) A total of 276 hours needed for licensure, includes 90 hours in drug abuse specifically. An additional 90 hours of training in the area of alcohol abuse, and 90 in counseling, and six hours of ethics training.