
Divorce Argumentative Essay

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Divorce is the legal end of marriage. It is saying despite what we have gone through and overcome I am choosing to give up. Not just on my marriage, but also my partner. Divorce not only rips and divides the assets, but it also splits and rips apart the whole family. It is a horrible process for anyone to go through. It can be amicable for some, but for a majority of others, it brings devastation. It is a mourning process from a loss. It is the loss of that relationship that makes it difficult. Some adults see it as a relief. To them, it is meant to heal them from all the hurt that occurred in that relationship. It has become very prominent in today's society. Divorce not only impacts the two people that partake, but it also has serious …show more content…

Some children even view it as getting double of everything, which to them, is a positive thing. Thus, this means double the presents and for some double the love. All kids want is to see their parents happy. They look up to them. Happiness is contagious, so seeing the ones you love in a good state makes you feel significantly better about yourself. For some kids, divorce gives them the skill of becoming protective. They may end up as protective of their siblings. Usually, the older one receives this role. They look after them because they feel like no one else will. Some children take problem-solving skills into their future by seeing their parents do it efficiently.
Other children do not see divorce as a positive experience. Instead, they see it as a negative experience. A negative experience is usually most common among children. Most kids do not want to see their parents split up. Their parents are all they have. They taught them, loved them, and even showed them of what family consists. In a study done by Robert E. Emery titled “How Divorce Affects Children” he states facts about how children feel due to their parent's divorce. Seventy-three percent of children said they would be a different person if it were not for their parent's divorce (Emery, 2000). They feel that the separation had a severe impact and changed how they are. On the other hand, couples who try their hardest to stay together but to no

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