
Dna Analysis : Strawberry Dna Extraction

Decent Essays

Strawberry DNA Extraction

Sara Awad 795149 Ms. Hynes October 30, 2017

Introduction: Deoxyribonucleic …show more content…

Article: ("Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)”, 2015). Many assume that DNA is infinitely small that it could only be observed through a high definition microscope, but that is in fact false. In this lab, DNA is extracted from a grocery store strawberry called Fragaria virginiana using common, household items. In addition,The native strawberry has two sets of chromosomes, called diploids. Each set of chromosomes is inherited from each parent, which then are called haploids. There are Polyploids in plants, which is a condition that occurs when there are multiple pairs of chromosomes present in the organism 's genetic component. The strawberry used in the lab is an octoploid meaning it has eight sets of chromosomes. Fragaria virginiana is one of the 20 species of Fragaria plants. In addition, Octoploids supply an abundance of DNA which produce enzymes that break down the cell walls making it simple for DNA extraction. In this procedure, chromosomal DNA is extracted from strawberries. First, the strawberry is placed in a sealable plastic bag and pressed in order to crack open the plant 's cell wall. Next, a detergent is added to dissolve the cell membrane, this process is called cell lysis. The cell contents will flow out after cell lysis. This cell lysis solution is then placed in a water bath to allow for a further breakdown. Lastly, to make the DNA evident an alcohol-based precipitation is added to the cell lysis solution, then using a splint to

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