
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Essay

Decent Essays

As complex as humans seem to be, there have been constant advancements in behavioral science that allow for the understanding of human emotions. These studies made the human mind more accessible and simpler to analyze by suggesting humans express emotions through automatic, uncontrollable, physical reactions. While many of these somatic responses appear on an imperceptible level, analyses of specific micro expressions have led to successful interpretations, proclaiming authentic, human emotions. In his novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick creates a system that allows for the identification of androids, called the Voigt-Kampff scale, applying this very concept of somatic response. Through various interactions between Rachel Rosen and Rick Deckard, Dick emphasizes the artificial being of the androids, instilling synthetic emotions in their mechanical minds. To capture the …show more content…

By order of the Rosen Association, Rachel’s assignment focused on “’reach[ing] the bounty hunters’” and getting them to stop hunting androids (199). With this specific task implemented in her design, Rachel executes her commands creating the false impression of an emotional desire. The bounty hunters, confused by the nature of their escalating emotional and sexual tension, develop new biases towards the androids. For the most part, Rachel has been successful completing her task, manipulating the emotional state of the bounty hunters to accept androids as humans. However, she is unable to understand cause of the humans’ response to her. Throughout the novel, Dick indicates various limitations of Rachel that prevent her from understand certain human reactions. Since she lacks the ability to develop genuine emotions, the need for an emotional connection seems trivial to her. Whether between android or human, Rachel only expresses the feelings built into

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