“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill. The two selections, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler’s Shadow, are both great examples of people who are going through conflict but still display courage. The best way people can respond to conflict is by having courage and confidence. Why should you have courage in conflict? Is it really that important? Yes, in fact, it is. As one article says, “It takes courage to honestly and clearly articulate your needs, and it takes courage to sit down and listen to your adversaries”(About Conflict). Both stating your needs and listening to your opponents are important in a conflict, …show more content…
Joel Wade states, “Live with courage and integrity in your everyday life...stand up boldly and unequivocally...and set the example for others to follow.” If you are courageous during conflict, it might cause others to have courage in their conflicts as well. People tend to follow the examples of those around them, so if one person is doing something other tend to copy. And not only does this have to do with the people around someone going through a conflict, but also the person on the other side of the disagreement. As mentioned earlier, Anne Frank, in her horrible situation, still doesn’t show her fear. She keeps a cheerful disposition and doesn’t act scared, and that definitely helps the attitudes of those around her (Frank 374). She doesn’t act half as scared as she should be, with the threat of her whole family being separated and killed. Back to Sophie Scholl, the girl who stood up for what she believed in despite the consequences. An article describing her and her group says, “The leaflet caused a tremendous stir among the student body. It was the first time that internal dissent against the Nazi regime had surfaced in Germany...Students at the University of Hamburg began copying and distributing them”(Hornberger). Sophie and her group, The White Rose, were the first to publically denounce the Nazis, and their bravery and courage led other people to join in the revolt and express …show more content…
"Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler’s Shadow." Studysync: Reading & Writing Companion. Sonoma, CA: BookheadEd Learning, LLC, 2015. 398-400. Print.
Broz, Svetlana. "Courage Under Fire." Greater Good. Berkley, 1 Sept. 2006. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.
"Courage, Resiliency and USAID Support." U.S. Agency for International Development. USAID, 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.
Frank, Anne. "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl." Studysync: Reading & Writing Companion. Sonoma, CA: BookheadEd Learning, LLC, 2015. 372-74. Print.
Hornberger, Jacob G. "Holocaust Resistance." The White Rose - A Lesson in Dissent. Jewish Virtual Library, n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.
Wade, Joel. "The Social Power of Integrity." The Atlas Society. The Atlas Society, 26 July 2011. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
"Why Do We Tend to Avoid Dealing with Conflict?" About Conflict. Office of Quality Improvement & Office of Human Resource Development, n.d. Web. 29 Mar.
Almost everyone knows the right things to do. When a bully is picking on a victim, people around them know the right thing to do – stand up for the victim. However, knowing the right thing to do and doing the right thing are two very different things – the difference is courage. This is shown clearly in Ernest Gaines’ novel, A Lesson Before Dying, in Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, and a quote from the movie Hidden Figures. Courage is shown through Grant, Nora, and that “there’s no bathroom for me here” (0:31) from Hidden Figures respectively.
“Teens Against Hitler” has many different points in the story, where various people showed courage time and time again. In the text on page 8 it states, “Like many young people, Ben soon learned tricks for sneaking out of the ghetto to find food for his family. There were holes in the wall and tunnels that lead to the other side.” This example shows courage, because if caught sneaking out of the ghetto, Ben could have been killed. This shows that Ben truly wanted to step up, and provide for the family he loved. Additionally, Ben probably wanted to survive, and you need food for that. Another example in the text is,
In the moment, courage of conscience is not always recognized, but with time, people understand the value of sacrifice in the face of opposition. (5) Long after Jane Haining’s placement in a concentration camp where she later died, one of her students “realized that she had died for me, and for others.” During the Holocaust, it was especially important for people to stand up for their morals. Courage was necessary to act against the views Hitler instilled on the public during World War II. (4) Providing safety, shelter, and care for Jewish children in Budapest, Hungary, despite strong Nazi resistance, Jane Haining showed tremendous courage by risking her life for the sake of others.
People can best respond with conflict by passively resisting trying to ensure hope, survival, and jewish culture. Anne frank was a perfect example of showing that she maintained hope wherever she was. When Otto Frank came back from the concentration camps he first wanted to find his daughters. Grim, Otto soon found out that both of his daughters have died of typhus. Meip then got Anne’s Diary that she kept, before they got taken to auschwitz, and showed Otto what her daughter has been writing all this time in the Annex.
The topic courage is also involved in the storyline. To begin with, the meaning of courage is a person doing something that scares another or yourself. Specifically, during the parade of Jews, Liesel sees Max and calls out his name in front of all the other citizens. They both embraced each other until a soldier pulled them apart and whipped Max and Liesel. This example demonstrates Liesel at the moment was not thinking about the consequences of her actions or was even scared. But, she was then frightened when she got whipped by the Nazi soldier. Next, being courageful can make you feel powerful. An example of this is when the Mayor’s wife Ilsa fired Rosa and she gives a letter to Liesel. But, Liesel comes back to their mansion and yells at
In life society faces challenges and difficulties, but it is how we respond to them that shapes our values and character. Courage is not a ‘lose or win’ situation, but it is defined as doing what is conscientious instead of what is, according to one’s values, wrong. It helps to shape the world and provides insight into people’s opinions and actions. Courage is exemplified in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird as Atticus teaches his children the important lessons of life and how true courage is not gained through a gun. Real courage is the power and willingness to do something about a concern, which relates to the experience of Mrs. Dubose and her quitting the use of morphine in order to die clean. Like Atticus’s teaching, courage is also shown through the heroic actions of abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, as well as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. These powerful role models inspire the idea of courage as they took action on what they believed in. The courage of amazing historical figures has given today’s society a sense of freedom of choice, and encourages people to create new ideas for their beliefs. The courageous acts of Malala Yousafzai for human rights advocacy and also the bravery of the men and women who serve our country in the United States Armed Forces demonstrate the belief and action of our current society. Courage is an important and consistent attribute in Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mockingbird, as well as Harriet Tubman’s contribution to the abolitionist movement,
For example, Hassan is courageous and challenges the neighborhood bully Assef, when he is making fun of Amir in the streets. In the midst of the fight, Assef begins to swing at defenseless Amir, but Hassan musters up the courage and threatens Assef with his slingshot in order to save his friend from getting hurt. Clearly Hassan strongly entails bravery and courage at the very moment when it is needed the most, and stands up for what is right no matter what Assef could have done to him in the moment, or even in the future. Courage is evidently portrayed through Hassan's character, especially through the measures he takes to protect his friend. Meanwhile, Hassan's bravery manages to ward off Assef, and keeps the two out of trouble; however the bully promises to get his revenge on a larger scale in the future. Hassan and Amir brush off Assefs warnings as if they were nothing, but should have Hassan and Amir taken the future threats more seriously?
Conflict is a constant in people’s lives and has always affected humans, regardless of whether they are aware of it. Experiencing conflict impacts people by proving their character and challenging their beliefs. This is especially true in the cases of Otto Frank and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Otto Frank is the father of the famous Anne Frank, who authored the diary entries in Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl. In the movie adaptation of this book, The Diary of Anne Frank (2009), Otto Frank was a prominent figure whose experiences were prime examples of how conflict can prove a person’s character.
We’ve all faced difficulties in life and been at a point where having courage and maintaining hope was the only option available. While you may think courage simply means an act of bravery it’s much more. Courage takes a bigger picture of an act of bravery. It takes one to believe and have the ability to push through the hardest of times even when the results may not be guaranteed. It can be compared to a weapon armed in everyone's heart. You know when to take your gun out and load the bullets. A few of the main characters in the novel Between Shades of Gray ,Elena, Lina, and Andrius display courage in occasions that are easier said than done.
Courage of Conscience is shown when a person stands up for their moral beliefs even in the face of opposition or failure."We cannot appeal to the conscience of the world when our own conscience is asleep" wrote Carl Vonn Ossietzky who was a German Pacifist during the rise of Hitler. [4] Testing the conscience of the people of Germany along with the conscience of the whole world,the Holocaust forced people to choose between doing something or doing nothing. [5] If people remained silent and inactive, evil would win. To save future generations of European Jews during World War II required being morally accountable for one's actions. Janis Lipke found his voice, followed his convictions, and was ready to face the harsh brutality of the Nazis in
“Long live freedom,” cried Hans Scholl at his execution. Hans Scholl was a part of the freedom-fighting group called the White Rose, who fought against the Nazi regime and tried to shed light on the horrible things that were being done to the Jews. The White Rose fought back against the Nazis, but not with actions. They were the famous group that wrote. These young peoples and professor stood up for people that had no voice by creating articles, or leaflets, that told the public about the horrors that the Jews were experiencing. The White Rose took a stand for the Jews in the concentration camps, so we can realize that we, too, can stick up for those who cannot defend themselves (“White Rose”).
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill. In other words, although at times courage can be difficult, it is necessary for certain situations. The two selections, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler’s Shadow, are both great examples of people who are going through conflict but still display courage. The best way people can respond to conflict is by having courage and confidence.
Sometimes, all that someone needs to get through a difficult situation is hope. Having hope can lead to a positive outlook on the situation, which also might improve the situation as well. During the Second World War, Anne Frank and Sophie Scholl had very different perspectives on Hitler’s Third Reich. Anne was forced into hiding while Sophie was forced to conform to her rapidly changing society. Anne started to adjust to her new surroundings and accepted her new circumstances. Sophie began to speak out against Nazism. The best way to cope resolve problems is to stay hopeful. Both teenagers expressed hope towards a greater outcome and did everything they could to stay positive.
She became closer to her friends and family and even though she had to hide from the nazis, she tried to act like she was still living her normal life (Frank). “Conflict Management Skills” states,“A positive attitude brings back positive things to you. If people are given the benefit of the doubt a little and if people act in a negative way, then emotions get out of control and you tend to overreact” (Experts). If overreacting and exaggerating occur, then the conflict may spread to the people that are really cared about. “Conflict Resolution Skills” explains,”Conflict triggers strong emotions and can lead to hurt feelings, disappointment, and discomfort. When handled in an unhealthy manner, it can cause irreparable rifts, resentments, and breakups. But when conflict is resolved in a healthy way, it increases our understanding of one another, builds trust, and strengthens our relationship bonds (Segal/Smith). So many things can go wrong with the people that are actually cared about if the conflict that is faced is handled with a negative and resentful
There are many risks involved when a person comes in contact with courage. A person's peers or the people close to them can be highly judgmental, especially if what you are doing clashes with common beliefs or behaviors. This stands very true when looking at the life of Martin Luther King Jr. His peers were not only the African American population, but also white upper-class clergymen. In the first line of Martin Luther King Junior's letter to the clergymen he states that he is "confined here in the Birmingham City Jail."(303) Dr. King took a great risk of being judged, solely by writing a letter to his peers. He knew that the clergymen already had their own ideas about him, but he took an even bigger risk by writing them from his jail cell. Another major risk that people take while being courageous is risking their life for the lives of others. In "And the Band Played On," Randy Shilts tells the story of a young female doctor, Grethe Rask, who risked her life because she worked in a clinic that didn't even provide the " basics [such] as sterile rubber gloves or disposable needles."(330) He goes on to describe even more horrifying details about