
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night And Play Under Milk Wood

Decent Essays

Dylan Thomas’s poem “Do not go gentle into that good night” was one of his best poems created back in his time. Dylan Thomas was best known for his animated creations, but debt and drinking took over his toll and he died. This poem means that those who live their life out to the fullest, could see how better life and their futures are bright for them until they die. Dylan Thomas conveys a message that people need to know the beauty of life and the love for it. Dylan Thomas was not very well-known, but he was known for his drinking which caused his death and two poems “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” and “Play under milk wood” were his best works.

The poem conveys a powerful message that when the death approaches, people need to know what has made his or her life meaningful, and should never fear death. Everyday in life people can use it for encouragement. For example, when your mother or father is sick, then their children can give them strength by using this phrase. It serves the same function such as if someone is going to commit suicide, but is saved by a family member. The title emphasizes his rage against his father’s death and he repeats the saying after every stanza. People reach a point in their lives where they feel it is useless to fight against a force that is …show more content…

Dylan Thomas is trying to convey the message that before you die, get everything right with others and better yourself and have a better life.Dylan Thomas is basically telling his father to not easily give up to death in this poem. The speaker knows that death is basically the final end to an individual's life. The speaker believes no matter what the person is or what he/she has been through, they should fight against death. The speaker wants his father wants his father to get a second chance to living a better and healthier life so that he could fix his wrongs and correct them to

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