
Do People Treat Those Equally?

Decent Essays

"In order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently," says former US Supreme Court Justice, Harry Blackmun. If you are referring to treating more privileged people the way one would treat more oppressed people, this could be true; If you are referring to treating oppressed people the way you would treat privileged people, this is also true. In today's world, unless you have a the alleged "default" race, gender, religion or sexuality, you are treated differently. People choose treat someone like scum on the basis of those things, which isn't right at all. On the flip side, people can be held on pedestals because of those things, which also isn't right. The only thing anyone can choose from race, gender, religion or sexuality, is religion. That being said, there is no wrong or right thing to believe in. There is an entire religion that people call terrorists and innocent people are hurt or even sometimes killed for believing in that religion. That entire religion is called that because of something extremists did. What if people called all Christians terrorists for the extremists that …show more content…

The heart wants what the heart wants and calling people of the same gender disgusting for loving each other is not right. Gay people are making marriage less sacred? What about straight people who have married five times, doesn't marriage lose it's meaning after three times? If someone believes in love, and believes that love is the most powerful, beautiful thing on Earth, why does that same person turn away in disgust when they see two boys kissing each other? In the US, people in the gay community have it a lot easier than people in other countries, they can now adopt in all fifty states and get married, but there are still companies that will close their doors to gays because they don't "believe" in that lifestyle. If someone did that to a straight person, there would definitely be outcry. Let them love in

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