
Do They All Or The School For Lovers

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Cosi fan Tutte or translated, is: Thus Do They All, or The School for Lovers. It is a play that four characters, Fiordiligi, Dorabella, Guglielmo, and Ferrando. In a nutshell, the two men have a competition/a bet of whose fiancée was the most faithful. (As mentioned in Part I of the test,) The four of them end in a mess, with their relationships ruined forever. An alternative title for this would be How To Ruin A Relationship (Forever) For Dummies. This title, compared to Thus Do They All or The School for Lovers is obviously more humorous. The title The School for Lovers is actually what made me come to the alternative title. The four characters learn that love is not what it always seems, but in my opinion the story shows that they are too easily tempted by …show more content…

They took “love” lightly and thought as something to bet. Everything they did seemed like steps for ruining a relationship. Every scene followed by another made the situation worse and worse. If the two men wanted to break up their engagement with the women, then perhaps this was the best way to do so. Thus the title, How To Ruin A Relationship (Forever) For Dummies was born. For the short story, A Doll’s House, I would rename it as House Rules. The story is about Nora Helmer, and her role as housewife. The plot centers on Nora Helmer’s secret that she illegally borrowed money from Krogstad for the trip to Italy for her husband’s health. Even though she acted out of love, it was still illegal for Nora to borrow money. She lies to Torvald that she got the money from her father. Nora says that she will repay the debt soon, but never told Torvald because it was illegal for married women to borrow money. When Torvald finds out in the end, he yells at Nora and

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