To begin with, video games are something kids, teens, and even adults enjoy playing every day. Video games have provided people endless hours of entertainment to people across the globe, yet people seemingly want to get rid of video games altogether. Whenever any sort of crime occurs and a report comes out that the individual plays video games, video games take the blame rather than the person who committed the crime. Video games tend to be a very common scapegoat for causing violence. However, video games may not be the cause of the crime or issue at all.
Video games can indeed cause some form of effect on a person's behavior. It's not really a question of how, but who can be influenced by it. Mostly children and the mentally ill are susceptible to such things. Children are young and may not realize what they are doing which can result in them doing something that can be harmful without realizing the danger in the action. As far as the mentally ill, if the illness causes some serious mental instability and anything could affect the behavior of the person a lot then caution is recommended to be used when around video games. If someone was to be influenced by some form of video games, it may cause a child to try to re-enact a part from the game and as a result, cause some serious harm. This can include many things like: Assault, shootings, cursing, and even death. While such actions are a possibility, they are unlikely considering youth violence is actually declining.
It is agreeable that there are some correlation between teenagers playing video games and how it affects the youth mentally. Heavy consumption of violence video games does indeed stimulate a change reaction in the brain waves, but there is no hard evidence stating that those changes causes teenagers to act aggressively and violently. On the contrary, it is a popular beliefs that violence video games does indeed causes teenagers to displayed unpleasant behaviors and actions because that is what they learned and observed from the games. Therefore, parents should limit and regulate the amount of time their teenagers are playing violence video games so that they can protect their children from negative behaviors.
It has been proven that violent video games have been causing the recent school massacres in schools and public places. Teens should not be aloud to play these video games because it is proven that the violent video games have been causing all or most of the school shootings in the past recent years. Teens and kids should not be able to be exposed to these types of violent video games because it is mainly boys that have been causing deaths of teens and kids by school schoolings, the violent video games are causing school shootings , and the violent video games are causing mental health issues amongst this age group.
If there were no violent video games, would it just be that people turn to other entertainment mediums such as movies and still cause these brutal outbursts. They are a runaway train heading on a course of utter brutality and destruction. A study was published in the United States showing that only 12% of people in a school of misbehaved pupils causing or taking part in aggressive behaviour had an interest in violent video games while 37% “exhibited an interest in their own writings, such as poems, essays or journal entries”. In addition to this, the idea of using different media sources as a scapegoat is not new. In the 1950’s comic books were blamed for violence and that was verified not to be the case. So it is the same story just a different media getting blamed.
Violent Video games do not cause behavioral problems or increases violent behavior .To me Video games are a form of venting emotions .Statistics show the number of youth offenders decreased to 1 violent offender per 100,000 population.Video games also improve skills and abilities like hand eye coordination.On the other hand videogames can decrease emotional sensitivity in the gamers but then again recent studies have shown that long
As technology as progressed, more people, especially youth, take part in playing video games. There has been an steady increase of video game usage because of the fact that video games have become more life-like and realistic. While they have become more realistic in aesthetic ways, they have also become more violent in content as well. Games like Call of Duty
Video games in their entirety do not cause violence. When you look at the games that are out now, most depict events in life past or present. Others go on a fairy tale ride that most people can discern the difference.
Guns. Blood. Death. Three of the most prominent words or actions used to describe video games. Arum Steinbeck wakes up, goes to school, comes home and plays video games. His face glued to the television, he is exposed to gruesome acts of violence. Nonetheless, Arum Steinbeck is not a serial killer. How is this possible? Adolescents who play video games are killers. Dead wrong. 90% of children in the US play video games and 90% of those children play games that involved mature content. Yet, it is possible that not one of these children will grow up to commit serious acts of violence. For most of the children who do end up committing crimes other factors are involved in the equation nonetheless, society tends to blame what they cannot explain. It is easier to blame video games than to accept responsibility for our actions. To put a seranio to words say there is an adolescent drunk driver who gets into a car accident and kills a family. When in court the intoxicated driver will plead not guilty putting the blame on anyone besides themselves. We have fingers to point them. People get in trouble with the law and need a way out, society has made videogame companies a revolving door of allegations that a court of law should find the person rather than the fictional game responsible. In summary, violent video games do not cause real life violence, though some people seems to wish it did.
People have tried to paint video games as the cause of the horrific atrocities that occurred through the years, such as the Columbine High School massacre. Christopher J. Ferguson wrote an article arguing that there are groups of people who are anti-video games and have funded purposely-fraudulent research suggesting there are negative effects to playing video games for their own self-interest (30). To the contrary of the faulty research, statistics have shown that video game sales have risen dramatically from about 75 million units in 1996 to a peak of around 250 million units in 2004. Meanwhile, serious violent crimes committed by the youth have decreased significantly from around 175 crimes in 1996 to less than 100 crimes in 2005 (33). “As
Video games are played by over 1.2 billion people. Video games have had an impact on the culture that we live in today. There are video games that can help educate the kids, and there are games that are used for entertainment. There is a problem though, that problem is that a lot of people think video games cause kids to commit crimes. Video games do not cause kids to commit criminal behavior.
Matt Peckham supports the theory that games do not cause bad behavior. In his web document on, he uses a sarcastic tone but yet provides the reader with a study performed by Stetson University. Surprisingly, “In my recent research we found that for some teens with a pre-existing mental health issue, playing violent video games seemed to be associated with less bullying” (Peckham 2). Other people may argue that the ability of a game to cause conflict with people’s personality is more of a conflict with their mind and body. Robbins states that video games can only cause bad behavior when allowed to by the human brain, so basically, the games are not for the weak-minded. Robbins also asks the question “Would you blame sports?” and then states “I’m not contending that there is no connection between violent games and violent people, but it’s correlative instead of causative. Individuals with personalities that lead to homicide are likely more drawn than others to media that feed their fantasies” (Robbins 1). He states here that people with a pre-existing desire for violence are more likely to display violent behavior after playing these video games.
Since video games have been introduced, video games have been accused of contributing too many atrocities, and acts of violence. News outlets paint video games as being a source of which some acts of violence happen. Yes, violent video games have become more popular, meanwhile becoming controversial, but still there exist no links between aggression and video games. The University of Bologna says that “owning videogames does not in fact seem to have negative effects on aggressive human behavior” (Koffler par.7). Meanwhile, news outlets keep on missing the point on how beneficial video games are. Video games do not contribute to violence, can be educational, and they can improve us in different ways.
While it has been proven that video games and other forms of entertainment can cause a lack of attentiveness, there is not any real evidence to support the things they have been accused of. I know for a fact that several school shootings among other crimes have been associated with the use of violent video games, but there is not any solid evidence that the use of these video games caused people to perform such heinous acts against humanity. One thing that can be said in favor of video games is this: many people in the world’s population use video games and if video games truly were responsible, society would see far more crimes than are seen with drugs. While drugs do pose a threat some people who use them do so in moderation, whereas most people who use video games sometimes spends hours or even their whole day playing them which seemingly makes them a larger threat, but as was said earlier, many people spend hours of their time playing video games, yet shootings and other crimes are dwindling while video games get more popular around the
Video games software and hardware are among one of the most used consumed electronic devices. My father would tell me how he and his friends used to play arcade games such as Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Galaxian in his hometown in Guatemala. I remember I would watch him playing Super Mario 64 on our Nintendo 64 when I was a toddler. Several of my peers grew up playing video games on Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft consoles. Millions of consoles have been sold and millions of people have played at least of video game. It has become one of those common household electronics such as televisions, cell phones, and computers. However, video games have never had complete approval from every person is society. There are individuals who view video games as a nuisance, a distraction, a waste of time and money. There are some people who have used video games as a scapegoat in the aftermath of violent and tragic events. Video games with mature themes (such as violence, blood, gore, drugs, innuendo, etc.) have been blamed for making the perpetrators of crimes commit acts of violence. While I can see how video games can viewed as “influencing violence” at first sight, my issue with blaming video games is the lack of support for their argument. This raises the question, “Are video games linked to acts of crime and violence?” and “If so, what evidence suggests that they
People play video games mainly for entertainment. It’s just like a hobby such as bike riding, fishing, and swimming or playing sports. Video games are also a form of art through which you can experience a story interactively and can also challenge you mentally through using problem solving skills to work through difficult scenarios. Some video games are even designed to be a fictional representation of life, allowing the player to experience or do things they would never be able to do in real life. In a society where we are responsible for our own actions, individuals may wonder whether these video games can have an influence on our actions. One of the main reasons that attract people to certain games is the inclusion of violence. People become immersed in a world where they are able to take risks and be able to break laws without suffering and harmful consequences that reality or real life would serve. This report is about ‘Do violent video games have an impact on a person’s behaviour?’, Based on the information I collected, the following guiding questions will help in concluding an answer to my research topic. The questions that mostly relate to my topic are the age of people who play games, what do violent video games contain, gaming addiction and effects on behaviour.
Firstly, video games cannot cause violence. People cause violence. It will be a number of effects that have caused these individuals to be violent such as an upbringing