How does one define violence? Is it by the amount of blood and gore shown? Is it based on how people are acting towards other people? Or is it based on the language used? These are all ways that people may describe violence in the media. According to, the word violent is described as “when someone or something is acting with or characterized by uncontrolled, strong, rough force”. When looking at that definition, what how does one define rough? Violence is one of those things that can be seen in many different ways. Although this is true, people should all be able to agree on that we see it in our everyday lives. It is seen on the news with the latest headlines. It is seen in movies and TV shows. It is also seen in our children’s games, specifically video games. Every kid wants that latest games like Call Of Duty (COD) and Grant Theft Auto (GTA), but do parent honestly looked at what kids do …show more content…
Now with these cases, there were many other factors that led these kids to bring guns to school, but a majority of the cases had shooters that were avid violent video game players. By looking into school shootings, the topic of violent video games has come into the public eye, which are causing people to believe violence is an outcome of playing these games. School shooters can be linked with playing violent video games dating back to 1997 to present day (Anderson). One of the more recent people to be involved in a school shooting is Adam Lanza. He was the 20-year-old shooter that went to Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newton, Connecticut where he shot his mom, 20 kids ages 6 to 7, 6 faculty members, and himself on December 14, 2012. Investigators say that Lanza did involve himself with playing violent shooting video games. Of course, playing those games were not the underlining reason for killing all those innocent people, but it definitely could have had some play in his
Many of the young people of today’s generation have played video games; whether it is Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, Mario, Sonic, Call of Duty, Minecraft, or Skyrim. Almost every electronic device is capable of running games. As advancement in technology increases, the video game industry will also advance. More and more of the next generations are bound to be affiliated with video games. There is a debate whether video games cause people to be violent, especially in adolescents. Do video games really cause violence? There have been many researches done to come to a conclusion to this question. Not only did Armadi Tansal write an essay to help answer this question, but there has been an online
Screams filled the air as teachers and students ran down the hallways through twists and turns to escape the horrifying noises behind them. Hearts pounding with adrenalin the teachers franticly looked for a safe place to hide their students and themselves. Adam Lanza had entered Sandy hook Elementary only moments before and was now reeking havoc throughout the school! With an AR-15, a 10mm Glock, and a Sig Sauer according to CNN (Almasy, Steve. 2012, pg1) Adam Lanza was fixated on one thing. Mass murder. As the gunman rushed through the hallways and into random rooms no one was subject to his fury and he was shooting everyone who was unfortunate enough to cross his path. After what I’m sure felt like hours 26 teachers and students laid dead before Adam Lanza took his own life. This was by far one of the worst school shootings in the US and only falls in comparison to the largest school shooting in history “Virginia Tech” according to (CNN, 2014, pg1) These story’s of horror will live on throughout the generations to come and will be discussed in great detail for what I presume will be indefinitely. Although there are a numerous amount of speculations as to what the motives of theses shootings were and the underlining reasons as to why both of these rampages where committed one of the largest and most thought of causes is video games. The Thought that video game violence could have been the main reason behind the rampage sparked interest after the first shooting was
Jiddu Krishnamurti, a famous Indian philosophical speaker and writer, once said, “Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay”. His thoughts prove to be true, for the hyperactive mind of humans has been given limits by such traditions, causing the hatred one feels when they are encountered by the obstacles of the world. As the society continues to develop, the pessimistic result of family traditions raise the unnecessary destruction of relationships, whether it be in mythology or literature.
It is agreeable that there are some correlation between teenagers playing video games and how it affects the youth mentally. Heavy consumption of violence video games does indeed stimulate a change reaction in the brain waves, but there is no hard evidence stating that those changes causes teenagers to act aggressively and violently. On the contrary, it is a popular beliefs that violence video games does indeed causes teenagers to displayed unpleasant behaviors and actions because that is what they learned and observed from the games. Therefore, parents should limit and regulate the amount of time their teenagers are playing violence video games so that they can protect their children from negative behaviors.
Over the past few years, the United States has seen violence that has come from the inside of the country. Various high schools, have had shootings inside of them from some of the high school students that go to that specific school. Some experts blame the shootings by categorizing the students as someone who has been tormented and bullied basically most of life, while other experts believe the shootings were caused by the violence in video games. There has been a lot of nation-wide discussion about if violent video games really do cause violence and aggression in young gamers ever since shootings at high schools increased. However evidence has shown differently than what most experts think. Violent video games do not cause violence and aggression in young gamers.
It has been proven that violent video games have been causing the recent school massacres in schools and public places. Teens should not be aloud to play these video games because it is proven that the violent video games have been causing all or most of the school shootings in the past recent years. Teens and kids should not be able to be exposed to these types of violent video games because it is mainly boys that have been causing deaths of teens and kids by school schoolings, the violent video games are causing school shootings , and the violent video games are causing mental health issues amongst this age group.
According to CBS News, back in 2005 in a small town of Alabama, an eighteen-year-old teenager went on a rampage and killed three men, two of them being police officers. It was found out that the gunman played Grand Theft Auto day and night for months. He was simulated to murder; he was trained to “kill”. We all remember the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, where fourteen children and six teachers were killed in December 2014. DailyMail reports that investigators discovered that the shooter, Adam Lanza, “notched up more than 83,000 'kills' on his beloved video games including 22,000 'head shots' as he trained himself for the horrific Sandy Hook massacre.” His mother recalled to a friend days before the attack that her “son had become increasingly obsessed with the military and she finding disturbing pictures of mutilated corpses and murdered children under his bed.” Studies reveal that violent games make children
Technology is an important aspect of change in our world. As time goes on, we are introduced to more and more technology every year, which includes media such as video games. The increase of technology has also increased and improved the world including ways of communicating and distribution of information. More often used outlets of media are those used for entertainment purposes, like television, internet and video games. The ones who are most likely to engage in these media outlets are millennials and the most recent generation Z, because they have been introduced to these outlets from a young age. In fact, a study found that children spend around 9 hours a week playing video games (Polman, de Castro, & van Aken, 2008). It is evident that video games are progressively becoming more violent in nature, and with children spending as much time as they do playing video games, there are questions that must be asked, is the violent nature of video games effecting today’s youth? And if so in what ways?
Violence is everywhere, in magazines in the shops, on the TV, on websites like YouTube as well as in video games. Yet, why is it that those video games are said to be the biggest media source responsible for the violent outbursts of different individuals? Is this really the case? Every eight out of ten homes in the United Kingdom own a current generation games console and video games have become a fantastic source of education when helping kids to learn, such websites like or the VTech Learning System that teach kids literacy, numeracy and the sciences through their games. However it seems an American politician called Joe Biden deemed that violent video games should be taxed just because some isolated cases that
Do violent video games cause people to act out violently? Some people argue that video games have nothing to do with real life actions of people. While opponents think that video games teach and train people to act out those actions seen on the video games. While video games may cause people to act out violently, there is no reason to ban them however; there should be regulations on the age and content of the video games.
Can violent video games cause violence in kids? Well, i found in an article online that it said, “The US military uses violent video games to train soldiers to kill. While the military may benefit from training soldiers to kill using video games, kids who are exposed to these games lack the discipline and structure of the armed forces and may become more susceptible to being violent.” Some people say that there is no evidence on how it is bad to play violent video games, that it gives aggression. However, i know that there are some more people out there that agree with me. They agree that violent video games can cause aggressive and violent behavior to teenagers and/or young adults. What this essay will be about is how it gives negative feelings and thoughts to teenagers and children, just because of these video games. This essay will make you realize how violent video games affect kids decisions later in life.
CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reports that “Adam Lanza was motivated by violent video games and a strong desire to top Norwegian mass shooter Anders Breivik's toll of 77 deaths during his July 2011 massacre, citing law enforcement sources”. Violent video games can train our children to kill, glorify violence, desensitize them to suffering, legitimize, and trivialize violence. For example, some studies done in and outside schools have found that it is aggressive children who are the most likely to be drawn to violent video games in the first place. In addition, some studies are not able to control for outside factors, like family situation or mood problems. Most schools already have school psychological assistance metal detectors in order to stop school violence. One thing which individuals should remember that there are more significant factors, such as gangs in the neighborhood, or growing up in a war zone. Teenagers take on imaginary roles as assassins, murderers, superheroes, and forces of evil and combat others in battles to the death. These imaginary roles can occasionally carry over into real life, and when faced with adversity, pupils can take what they have learned in the virtual world into actual school
A video game is “an electronic game in which players control images on a television or computer screen” (Merriam-Webster). Video games have been entertaining and challenging gamers since the Game Boy to modern console games. Despite the simplicity of the definition of video games, a video game, especially ones containing violence can have a large effect on the gamer. Because of the realism and advancements in the video game industry, video games can influence the player, and can make the gamer more aggressive, even if the game is not a violent video game. Even though video games have grown in popularity over the past decade, some have not been too popular with parents, for the reason that they are too violent. Violent video games affect
Hundreds of people all around the world play some sort of game that simulates violence, whether it is a video game or a live action game. Games the simulate violence don't necessarily cause violence in kids and teens. Simulative games can teach good problem solving skills and how to deal with tough decisions. These games can increase cognitive thinking and strengthen reflexes. Many argue that games like these only cause harm. They cause people to act violently and to lash out. Simulative games can help kids release pent up energy and vent out anger through them. The games often are a release to kids and teens who are in a bad situation in similar ways that sports do. Violent games don't lead kids and teens to violence.
supreme court ruled that violent video games do not cause youth to act aggressively. Violent video games do not cause kids to commit mass shootings this means that just because there is a lot of shooting in today’s games doesn't mean it’ll influence the youth.