I will be talking about,freedom and America, presidents, kansas and how its a free state, my dislikes about america. I think those topics were a great choice. I think those are a good choice because talking about kansas the presidents and America, those in my mind are great choices.
Do you like living in america? Do you like the freedom that we have? Most people dress how they like. The people that dress freely frankly don't care what other people think of them.
People can judge other people because it is a free country, but it is still rude. Do you like the food we have? Some people don't get food a lot because it is scarce in the area they live in. Do you like the people that are running for president? Do you like the president now? I
My topic of choice is the background behind the 19TH Amendment of the United States. Voting is important in the United States because its shows that we’re a part of a movement that allows us to vote for whose best for running our country. Well what if you were denied this right not because of your race, but your gender? Women were denied the right to vote for years because men felt that they weren’t an important part of decision making in America. They believed we were already busy with raising children, taking care of the home, and “serving” our husbands, that we shouldn’t have to deal with the pressure of voting.
Back in the day women couldn't even wear a skirt if it was above their ankles. If they did wear a skirt like that then they would be shamed. But women could only wear skirts, not pants, or leggings, if they had leggings back then. If they would wear anything close to pants other people would stereotype that person and not associate with them. In today's society people don’t really judge you on what you wear, but people still do judge you. They just judge you on your attitude, but if a person has a bad attitude and dresses inappropriately, then people will judge you, and not in a good
Lastly, was the topic I found most compelling, community colleges. Did you know 55 out of 100 graduating students at a university actually went to a community college? That's an amazing statistic because it gives a second chance for those of us who didn't meet university requirements. Not to mention, some of the faculty told us they graduated from Goldenwest as well. This information made me feel more secure that I was on the right track to my academic success.
My topic is the Louisiana Purchase and why people wanted Louisiana, the hardships of getting the area for the USA, and what happened after the purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was a monumental change to the United States Of America, but there were struggles that you might not have known about.
The topic that I choose is Generational Studies and Segmented assimilation, particularly first generation of children with immigrant parents. I chose this topic because it was a topic that I can relate to. Having immigrant parents, who have settled in New York City, makes my siblings and I first generation of Mexican-American. Due to this we have had to adapt to some aspects of American culture and Mexican culture, education can be affected.
The topic that I choose was Manifest Destiny. It intrigued me the most because how the dream of moving west was bitter sweet. How tensions between Mexico and America arose and effects toward the civil war. Ever since The United States declared independence in 1776, we have strived to move further west and find new land and hopes of a better way of life. Moving west would not be easy due to substantial amounts of variables. Like territory that has already been claimed and Native Americans who have been pushed west. For now the United States has reached as far as Missouri and Tennessee, but the true thought of moving westward off the idea of Manifest Destiny was not until the 1820’s where expansionist started to publicize their thoughts of moving further west. The first concept of moving westward was trading with Mexico. Of course trading was not really encouraged by Mexico but states like New Mexico encouraged it and also created the Santa Fe trail
I will be going over the discrimination of African Americans by the Ronald Reagan administration during the cold war. The effects his policies had on African Americans, what he gained from it, and the reasoning for his actions. How he used the C.I.A to target low income African American communities. Plus, the overall effects this has on the U.S. to this day.
Everyone follows the current fashion. People just want to fit in and be cool. In this generation, others make fun of the kind of shoes you have and what you wear. Therefore it makes us feel that we need to be like others and dress like others in order to be
Don’t get me wrong though; there are people out there that dress honestly for religion or just for their own personal preferences. There are some exceptions, as there is with any given rule, that you may find some individuals at Edmond Memorial still wearing Abercrombie and Fitch and some adults still rocking the short shorts and parachute pants. Styles do change, as well as clothing brands, and proves that people do dress out of vanity, with the exception of a few.
Some of the topics we will discussing covers from the beginning of America, the new world, the American revolution, the slavery and freedom, all the way to the reconstruction of our nation. It is really interesting when you do the research and are able to explain it in your own words.
First, school uniforms take away the students freedom of expression. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. This points out, that by making everyone wear the same clothes, it takes away expressing who they are. Your clothes say a lot about who you are as a person and what personality you have and when you take that away, you take away the chance to express yourself.
America is a very diverse place people come in all different shapes, sizesm religions, races, and sexual preferences and all are socially accepted and not looked at in any negative way. Woman can wear whatever they want and work where ever they want, this is not accepted in many other parts of the world. Any hobby, interest, or past time that you may have no where in the world is it more affordable or accepted then it is in America.
Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and would probably interest your audience (the class). Consider what your audience already knows about this topic and what their attitude about this topic will be. Do not inform us of something we already know tons about. You may not choose something that could be done as a demonstration speech.
The fact is that any person has the right to dress or speak or anything else in whatever way they want. This is supposed to be a free country. No human being deserves to be treated as if the way they choose to express themselves is a crime.
It took awhile to settle on a topic. I kept bouncing around a few different themes like high school, bullying, suicide, and depression. They all had a similar theme, but I chose high school. I know what you are thinking, that is a really basic topic. Sure, it is, but what if I told you we were young again asking for fifty cents by passing cars and Jack was back climbing a beanstalk? We all have had struggles with our transition from middle school to high school, so I thought I should speak the truth and highlight everything everyone else is thinking in their heads but it would be completely inappropriate to say it out loud unless it is an occasion like the poetry slam.